Can something come out of long-distance meeting?

Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 01:21 pm
Congrats on your marriage Wilso.
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Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 07:00 pm
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
Congrats on your marriage Wilso.

Thanks Slappy. The day went perfectly.
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Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 12:25 am
Hey Wilso, congrats on the weddding. I guess that kind of gives me hope on the long distance thing! Did your wife move to australia? How did you guys do it? I imagine it is difficult for one person to leave the life they know behind....their family, friends, job, everything.

It's hard for me to imagine me leaving my family forever to go to another country, we are very very close and they literally live five minutes away from my apartment. But obviously, if something serious ever happens with me and this London boy, someone is goin g to have to give in eventually and make a change.....I guess it just leaves to be seen if it will be me or him. *sigh*

On a bright note, I found out two days ago that he is coming to visit me for New Year's Eve! I feel kinda special, he went ridiculously out of his way to make this happen as he was supposed to fly to Nassau for a work related thing and got the company that is sending him to change around all his tickets and all this stuff just so he could come to NY for a few days first and have them fly him out of here instead of London.

I could really see myself falling in love with this man.....I am the last person in the world to rush into things, I normally date someone for months before even considering to call them my boyfriend, and am always very cautious with the "L" word (love, of course), i dont throw that around at all. But to tell you the truth, from the moment I met him....Ive felt at peace. Just so happy when I think about him, in a calm way that makes my heart smile

Should I let him know how I feel? When i was in London I got a little drunk one night and told him I really liked him, and was attracted to him on several levels, which was my oh-so-dorky way of saying that I love your personality and think you are fantastic in the sack as well. And he smiled and said the same thing to me. I guess he wasn't scared off as he is coming to visit me now in NY, but, should I really let him know how much I have been thinking about him? (which is alot, by the way)

You guys are great, thank you so much for reading my ramblings and even responding! Even if you dont respond, it helps to ramble it out. I spend my days listening to my patient's problems, day in and day out, and once in a while it's nice to think someone else might be listening to mine.

Hope you all have wonderful holiday season. :-)

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