Can something come out of long-distance meeting?

Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 06:38 pm
daniellejean wrote:
Wow Roxxxanne, I don't mean to be blunt, but you seem a little arrogant. I find it hard to believe that you have all those men at your beck and call. I suppose it's possible. But then, if you can get all these internet guys, why aren't you dating guys in your own area?

I am dating guys in my own area. I had five dates with five different guys two weeks ago, I started dating one guy regularly but it didn't work out becuase he never had money to spend.

I am not a little arrogant, I am very arrogant, which is a desirable trait in the sales industry.

But I am also sensous, compassionate, passionate, witty, charming, intelligent, sexy and gorgeous and I know how to please a man. Men are so easy for me, I drive them wild. The guy I have a date with tomorow says he is ready to explode in anticipation of finally meeting me. I just know how to push the right buttons. Some girls ahve it and some girls don;t.
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Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2006 06:50 pm
Linkat wrote:
To be honest - I would rather pay for myself, than have anyone pay for me. I am an independent woman who can take care of myself - I don't need any sugar daddy.

The other thing besides my pride - is safety. If so one you never met before is willing to shell out all this money that you met over the internet - he probably wants something more than just friendship and a get to know you better - to me accepting this sort of payment is pretty close to prostitution. Even in a bar, if a man I didn't know paid for a drink for me - I would return the favor. No need to confuse the issue in you owe him (even though you never do); why would I want to deal with it.

You have to be out of your mind to pick up the expense to fly to meet a man, absolutely frigging out of your mind. Providing for the transportation to meet you obligates a woman to nothing. It's the same if he flew in to see me or if he came to pick me up. Of course, if you don;t have the option of men willing to do that, it makes your choice very easy.

Yeah, I am going to cough up $2,000 to fly to see I guy I met on the internet!

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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 05:46 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
daniellejean wrote:
Wow Roxxxanne, I don't mean to be blunt, but you seem a little arrogant. I find it hard to believe that you have all those men at your beck and call. I suppose it's possible. But then, if you can get all these internet guys, why aren't you dating guys in your own area?

I am dating guys in my own area. I had five dates with five different guys two weeks ago, I started dating one guy regularly but it didn't work out becuase he never had money to spend.

I am not a little arrogant, I am very arrogant, which is a desirable trait in the sales industry.

But I am also sensous, compassionate, passionate, witty, charming, intelligent, sexy and gorgeous and I know how to please a man. Men are so easy for me, I drive them wild. The guy I have a date with tomorow says he is ready to explode in anticipation of finally meeting me. I just know how to push the right buttons. Some girls ahve it and some girls don;t.

Lol, no , Roxannnne, , you are just annoying. Guys constantly tell me I am intelligent, charming, witty, beautiful, sexy, and a plethora of other desirable traits, but I don't have to date fifty of them in different locales based soley on their ability to buy me things to prove it to myself or anyone else. With that said, can we get back to the topic at hand, which is, is a relationship possible with someone that lives far away, and not Roxanne's beligerent conceit? Thanks a bunches, bye.
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Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 05:53 pm
There are successful long term relationships of some folks on a2k who met this way, but it is not my business to tell their stories, and by now, as years have gone by, they might not be answering every thread that pops up with this question. You could do a search (see towards the top of the page) for topics similar to your own.. or just scan through the relationships and marriage forum titles...
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Reply Mon 30 Oct, 2006 01:01 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Linkat wrote:
To be honest - I would rather pay for myself, than have anyone pay for me. I am an independent woman who can take care of myself - I don't need any sugar daddy.

The other thing besides my pride - is safety. If so one you never met before is willing to shell out all this money that you met over the internet - he probably wants something more than just friendship and a get to know you better - to me accepting this sort of payment is pretty close to prostitution. Even in a bar, if a man I didn't know paid for a drink for me - I would return the favor. No need to confuse the issue in you owe him (even though you never do); why would I want to deal with it.

You have to be out of your mind to pick up the expense to fly to meet a man, absolutely frigging out of your mind. Providing for the transportation to meet you obligates a woman to nothing. It's the same if he flew in to see me or if he came to pick me up. Of course, if you don;t have the option of men willing to do that, it makes your choice very easy.

Yeah, I am going to cough up $2,000 to fly to see I guy I met on the internet!


No, I simply have self-respect for myself and do not want to sell myself. True you never have an obligation no matter what they pay, however, the reality is that many men will expect it as a result. Perhaps you are in the right, but if you lead some one and get raped - does it matter whether you or not you are in the right?

I actually did pay for my own flight to visit a man. We met on vacation and I went to visit first. I paid - I certainly can afford and can take care of myself so why wouldn't I? In reverse, when he came to visit me - he paid his way. I guess I just believe in equal rights.
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Reply Fri 3 Nov, 2006 03:41 am
[quote="Roxxxanne"] I started dating one guy regularly but it didn't work out becuase he never had money to spend. [/quote]

Do you mean to say, he did not have money to spend on YOU, or did he constantly try to borrow money off you?

If it's the first, I have to say, good for him that it did not work out, if it was the second, I can totally feel with you.
Had a boyfriend like that.
He always managed to buy himself the newest videos, but never had money to buy clothes for his daughter.

After six years he owed me over 2000 pounds (approx 3000 Dollars).
Never saw that money again!
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Reply Sat 4 Nov, 2006 11:24 pm
Dear WhatToDo,

The feelings you describe are those of someone looking for something to be real when in fact it is all superficial. There is a saying that Memory is sweeter than reality and in this case internet is sweeter than reality.
Yes internet relationships can work. I know of two people who lived in different states and ended up married but the relationship was built on every meeting being like a fun vacation. The real work began once the reality set in.

I'd be really careful whether you are going to the next town or a different country. It doesn't make sense to me that a person in this day and age with all the information out there wouldn't protect themselves by making the obvious decision to stay in a hotel. Do you walk with your head down too? Take a self defense class and learn how to not be a victim. You seem all to eager. Have fun, have an adventure, but be smarter about it.
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Reply Sat 4 Nov, 2006 11:27 pm
Whatever our opinions, we're talking to ourselves again. Eh!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 10:34 pm
Hi all!

Thank you for all the responses, I have been checking periodically to see what people are saying, and as the day comes closer I am getting nervous, but in a really excited way.

I will be leaving for London to meet him in only a few days from today and I can't wait. I have both his work address and the home address to where I am going, as well as his full name and number. Ive even gone so far as to make him fax me a copy of his driver's license, and Ive spoken to his roomates (two gay guys and a chick), and gave all this info to my family here, and he knows that and totally understands.

He has told me since day one that he will assume nothing, and will gladly sleep on the couch and let me have his room, and that he just wants to meet me because I seem so great, and honestly, so does he. Even if he was completely unnattractive (which, to my benefit, he is not :-) ) I would want to be friends with the kind of personality I've seen in him so far.

I think my nervousness is more about being worried that he won't like me in person! Ive sent a million photos hoping that there was no way there was a confusion as sometimes people look better in photos, but after seeing literally like 60 photos of me he still thinks Im beautiful , so Im trying to be confident about it, but can't help but to be nervous. My aunt told me she had a good feeling about this trip for me for some reason, and to her credit she tends to be right for some reason. Well, I hope she is right this time as well!

Anyway, any otehr advice is of course greatly appreciated, and I would just like to say that (for the most part) this has been one of the most reliable and helpful sites with respect to people really trying to give advice. There will always be those that only like to insult and etc, but the majority of you are great. Thanks again

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Reply Thu 16 Nov, 2006 11:00 pm
Good luck and godspeed. Let us know how things turn out.
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Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 12:06 pm
It sounds like you covered your bases. Now go have fun! I hope you have a happy ending like mine!
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Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 08:40 am
Hi i have a question hoping you can help?? i suspectmy boyfriend is cheating and someone told me that i can get it is called a fask calling card that send me thebill of who he has called do you know how to obtain one if so pleaselt me know!!! thanks
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Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 09:21 am
There are any number of private investigators who would probably be able to obtain this information for around $200. Why bother? If you suspect that he's cheating, the trust is already gone regardless of whether he is or not. If he is, he's a snake and you'd undoubtedly be better off without him. If he's not, then he'd be better off without such a jealous and suspicious person in his life. Dump him, get therapy and move on.
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Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 09:44 am
What to do....I'm confused

You mentioned in your first post you've gotten good advice here in the past, except for some you obnoxiously insulted you.l

I looked at your previous posts, and the only other time you've posted here was over falling in love with a man (british) who was in the midst of a divorce....he had his own apt and you've stayed there.

This was back in March of this year.

Reading though, I didn't see any insults at all, in fact, you thanked everyone for their advice.

Now you started posting again about 7 months later about another brit you haven't yet met, but feel strongly toward.

What happened to the not yet divorced guy? In between him and this one you had a relationship at work with someone, but it didn't work out?

Have you posted here under another name, and people insulted you under that name?

Just wondering.
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Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 03:33 am
Hey What to do,

I am amazed you didn't take anyone's advice and stay at a hotel. I just hope for your sake your body parts don't end up on e-bay Sad .
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Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 06:00 am
Re: help
[quote="Buttes2006"]Hi i have a question hoping you can help?? i suspectmy boyfriend is cheating and someone told me that i can get it is called a fask calling card that send me thebill of who he has called do you know how to obtain one if so pleaselt me know!!! thanks[/quote]

Your boyfriend has cheated on you before, right?
You decided to trust him again and continue this relationship.
Has something come up to change your mind about this, or did you generally realize that it is not that easy to trust again, once you have been cheated?

Maybe an open discussion of the subject would be more helpful that spying on him.
Or do you want to spend the rest of your life doing this?

If you cannot trust him any more, maybe that is something you (and he) have to accept and also accept the consequences of it!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 06:07 am
[quote="ossobuco"]Whatever our opinions, we're talking to ourselves again. Eh![/quote]

Very Happy

You know what they say about women:
They don't want advice, or for you to solve their problems.
They just need somebody to listen!

Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 09:49 am


Just thought I'd update, in case anyone cared to know...

I am currently in London , and it's my fourth day here and I couldn't imagine it going any better.

He is so amazing I don't know where to begin, and it seems that this feeling is reciprocated. From almost the first few hours of being together it was like we'd known each other forever. He's so sweet, romantic, cuddly, touching, intelligent, funny.....among other things

I dont' know, i guess I am happy that we've gotten along so well in person, but in a way now I am almost sad that I have to go home in two days. He has said he wants to come visit me in the states, which probably wont be for two months since it's hard for me to get time off of work. I guess I shouldn't be surprised , I knew there were going to be some complications in meeting someone who lives on the other side of the ocean from me......I asked him last night in a completely indirect way (though it seems at this point he can follow my indirect questioning) about what he thought would happen now....and he said he would come visit me, and I could come see him again, and that there really wasn't anything else we could assume at this point because we would be dooming it before it began. I do agree and with such a long distance thing you can't just assume it's all going to go perfectly and one of you is just going to drop everything and move to another country....Argh, why did I have to meet someone so far away? I've met tons and tons of guys since my last relationship a couple years back , and not one had ever made me feel the way I've felt the past four days.

Yes (in response to someone's post earlier) I had briefly dated another Brit (total coincidence on the british thing, I swear) who was in the midst of a divorce, and in the end we were at different points in our lives and it just wasn't going to work. He was ten years older and getting divorced, I was in my early 20's and not dealing with that sort of thing....There were things about him that were great but our emotional personalities weren't an exact match. But that was ok because as you meet different people you begin to learn really what you like in someone and what doesn't work for you, and I'm at a point where I've gathered a pretty good idea of what kind of person would make me happy....

I am obviously having a great week over here in London and that has an effect on how I am writing here, and I am sure he has his faults like anyone else, but his personality is so amazing Im not sure I would care. He is only a couple of years older than me, intelligent, brilliant, funny, same sense of humour as me, easy going, still has this cuddly and sweet side. I have to admit as well, physically speaking he is highly , ummm, talented. Bloody hell, beyond talented, he is amazing. And while not the only important thing, I think that to be compatible with someone both mentally and physically (which seems to be the case here) is truly important in the longevity of a relationship.

I feel so strongly about this right now if I got a job over here I wouldn't hesitate to come over for a year or so and see what works out. unfortunately my life isn't that flexible right now, but who the hell knows what will happen.....I certainly didn't think I'd be meeting someone a million miles away that I'd feel this way about.

Bloody hell. Anyway, I will leave this here since I really came on just to check email quick and etc, but I thought I wold pop in to update everyone.

Oh, and I know someone else asked if I've used this site before, and I used it more than once some time back under another name and I couldnt remember any of my log in info so I just made up a new one. Which is probably for the best, as Im not quite the same person I was back then anyway.

thanks all

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Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 03:09 am
The topic has been quite interesting and a number of great advice hase been given.

Now, the next step is just your decision to do what you think is best... good luck! and keep us updated.... Arrow
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Reply Sun 26 Nov, 2006 03:25 am
I got married last Saturday. I'm from Australia, and my wife is from Thailand. We met on the internet, so I'd say yes, something can come out of a long distance relationship.
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