hep, you seem to think individuals evolve. This is wrong (or even if it isn't, it has nothing to do with evolution).
Imagine there are bears of all colours walking around.
Because of gentics, brown bears mating with brown bears gives generally brown cubs......occaisionally, the genes mess up the bit that causes the brown pigment (mutation) and some albino bears are born all white.
Then, slowly, an ice age decends. The environment becomes snow and ice for thousands of years over the whole top half of the continent, food becomes scarce.
The brown bears are now at a disadvantage in the north, because their prey can see them coming much more easily. The albino bears now have a survival advantage in the ice....and more often survive to reproduce. Albino bears mating with other albino bears give birth to more albino bears. In reality, both colours, and combinations of both will exist in the middle zones, but over time, the white bears will be able to move further and further north, while the brown bears will still be better adapted to the warmer regions.
This is a very rough, simplistic demonstration of how evolution works. Evolution isn't magic, it isn't special, it isn't complicated. It's just a simple, natural explanation of how the plants and animals we see today have come to be the way they are.
THE ONLY REASON this became in ANY WAY controversial was because, for the first time ever, it was possible to seriously consider that no magic was required at any point for the world to be as it is today, and this was an intollerable concept to many religious people who saw this as a challenge to the credilibity of their church.
I see religious people who oppose evolution on the same level as I would view someone who challenged the concept of electricity because it makes a mockery of Thor, who throws lightning bolts from the heavens. Even the Catholic Church (finally) accepts evolution as a fact with which it cannot argue. Surely, they have put in the effort to find out whether it's in conflict with a faith in god, and found that it doesn't?
Hep, thanks for the apology. I appreciate it, though it isn't neccessary. I give as good as I get, yeah?