Christianity - True or Not?

Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 05:39 am
rockpie wrote:
as a born-again Christian... i would obviously argue that Christianity is definitely true, without doubt. i live my life according to my faith and i would gladly die to prove it.

I have heard about the fallout from this sort of thinking......................from Islamist suicide bombers. Reockpie- Do you realize what you are saying?
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Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 04:15 pm
Being willing to die and having the will to kill are 2 different things.

The primary purpose of the 'suicide' bomber is not to kill oneself. It is in fact to carry out mass homicide.

It is doubtful rockpie would kill his or herself but when faced with a choice to renounce one's Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and live or holdfast to the Saviour and die....

Rockpie would gladly perish for Christ. After all.......He (King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Son of God) died for Rockpie....(being without sin) first!

Allah asks the adherent who will kill and/or die for me?

Jesus Christ son of the father the true God says I will give my life and suffer for them in order to save them.

All religions are based upon what you can do for "god" to make yourselves worthy.

Christianity is based upon what he has done for us by his love and grace.

God is no respecter of persons and loves you just as much as rockpie.

This is why Jesus said to love and pray even for our 'enemies'. If God almighty loves phoenix......who am I to have hate in my heart for you?

In fact I would rather pray for you to have life everlasting with Jesus....even for the suicide bomber.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 11:14 am
i live my life according to my faith and i would gladly die to prove it.
jesus c bombing for god are we now rockshithead?

what you gonna prove?
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Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 11:37 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
i live my life according to my faith and i would gladly die to prove it.
jesus c bombing for god are we now rockshithead?

what you gonna prove?
What you've proved to this teenager is that civility is dead.
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Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 12:53 pm
neologist wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
i live my life according to my faith and i would gladly die to prove it.
jesus c bombing for god are we now rockshithead?

what you gonna prove?
What you've proved to this teenager is that civility is dead.

Steve probably could have used a better choice of words, but since just a couple of nights ago I viewed a National Geographic program about Jonestown, I can understand his disgust with the polution of young minds to extreme views.

The program is playing again tonight.

The Final Report
Jonestown Tragedy [N/A]
Saturday, October 14, 2006, at 05P

In November 1978, the Rev. Jim Jones becomes infamous for leading 913 people to their deaths. Those who died were members of the People's Temple living in a remote community in Jonestown, Guyana, in South America. When officials arrive to remove the dead, they discover tubs of grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. Was it mass murder or mass suicide? Did Jones's followers believe they would become symbolic martyrs, or were lies and intimidation used to prevent people from leaving?
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Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 01:01 pm
Rockpie, I posed a question to you on another thread here[/b].
Perhaps you missed it.
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Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 06:01 pm
I too am disgusted by the abominations of the priesthood, but it is not the flock which is to blame for the shepherd's perversion.
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Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 06:03 pm
neologist wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
i live my life according to my faith and i would gladly die to prove it.
jesus c bombing for god are we now rockshithead?

what you gonna prove?
What you've proved to this teenager is that civility is dead.

....and common sense has taken a holiday
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 02:29 am
It is funny as I have sat and read this entire blog from beginning to now, that those who cry for tolerance, choice, and the "your truth is good for you," mentality are those who are attacking the one who is standing up for their beliefs that is different than your own. Nowhere did I see "rockpie" attack or try to put any of you down for what you believe. But I have seen on numerous occasions the "intellectuals" of the group, name call, put down, and pretty much tell the starter of this gem of a conversation that they are an intellectual pion, and are too young to know the "real" truth, as all of you older, smarter people can truly tell, dear sweet rockpie what that really is.

We are all blessed by your supreme intellect to where you can know what a God is like, and is not like, to know what absolute truths are absolute, and what absolutes have been absolved. Thank you all for your vast human wisdom on the topic of the divine.

But unfortunately, most of your cases against Christianity have been items totally separate from Christianity itself. It really makes me wonder if you all have the same open mind as you are commanding rockpie to have. In fact it really makes me wonder if you know what true Christianity is. As well as my frustration with the "older, wiser, intellectuals" blasting rock pie for a circular argument. When he/she asked those to prove there wasn't a god who created the universe. the response was, "I don't have to. You have to prove to me that there is." The simple fact is you can't prove there is no God who created the universe. And in your attempt to make sense of life and direct your dislike toward religion for your "intellectual" reasons, you have made your own God, who looks and acts a lot like you, has your likes, your dislikes, your sense of right and wrong, your sense of justice. In a sense, you have made yourself God, sense you have created and shaped that God into your liking.
Quit picking on rockpie because you do not like their personal beliefs. You chastise Christians for trying to spread the Gospel to others in hope that they will believe and be saved. And in the next sentence you "witness" to rockpie about your beliefs, in hopes that he/she will change and believe your "truth".
I have seen none of you wrestle with the claims of Christianity, or who Jesus is. Christianity is based on evidence, on facts: historical, archeological, philosophical, and scientific. It is the one faith that does not say, believe because I say so.
You say that the world would be better without religion. Did you know that because of Jesus, there are schools, people can read (don't believe this, check your history), their are hospitals, there are charities throughout the world caring for the poor, the sick, the hungry, the defenseless. The number 1 charity that gave aid in the wake of hurricane Katrina was the Christian church. So anyone who says that the world would be a better place without Jesus--or the faith that comes from following Him--is more ignorant, and closeminded than they assume rockpie is. True Christ followers have changed the western civilization. No one has had more impact on this world than Jesus Christ. He is not a myth. He is not a legend. And no true historian, or scholar would argue that fact of a historical Jesus.

I could write a book on the validity of Christianity (true Christianity--following the teachings of Jesus Christ), but I have already written more than any of you combined. Instead I'll list some books, that if you are truly open minded, you will read. Rockpie, I hope you read these as well, because there is truth behind Christianity. Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the EVIDENCE of things we cannot see. Peter tells us we are to alway be ready to give an answer to those who ask us for the reason for the hope that is within us. Do not be intimidated by these so-called intellectuals. There is a reason to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. When people ask questions or are skeptical, don't concede that there is no answer, or believe what someone tells you, be like the Bereans in Acts and search for the truth to peoples claims. Including mine.

Here are some books for all you truth "seekers":

"Jesus Among Other Gods" Ravi Zacharias
"Skeptics Answered" Hank Hanagraff
"New Evidence That Demands a Verdict" Josh McDowall
"Case for Faith" Lee Strobal

All of these are highly intellectual, well educated men on philosophy, science, art, literature, and religions, who were somehow "duped" into believing that Jesus Christ is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE, AND THAT NO ONE GETS TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH HIM.

Crazy kids and their wacky beliefs...

But hey guys...way to show how much more superior you are to all of us dumb, wacky, crazy, conservative Christians are.

Please excuse the sarcasm, but when people compare a follower of Christ to a bomb wearing Muslim, or a psyco-kool-aid making mass murderer, it gets me a little wriled up. Check out what true faith in God really is. You might find out, that Jesus truly is who he said he is, "God in the flesh. Savior of the world."
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 02:53 am
Welcome to A2K, searchfortruth

You might find it illuminating to explore these boards some, get to know somewthing about some of the folks here - you'll find many of the points you brought up in fact have been dealt with here - to the point of tedium - there are tens of thousands of topics across the forums here, and well over two and a quarter million posts. A whole buncha which go right to the heart of such matters as you've said have not been addressed.

One thing you will find is that this is not notably a "Me Too" discussion site - there's gonna be dissent and counterview - whether the subject is the meaning of life or how best to nurture houseplants. Thats the way it is hereabouts. Oh, and there's gonna be a good bit of oughtright silliness, too - thats a big local feature.

Enjoy your stay - don't let anybody here intimidate you; rockpie doesn't seem to be bothered much - he's hanging in there (I'm assuming rockpie's a "He" - could be wrong, if so, sorry, rockpie)
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 03:44 am
welcome searchfortruth. I'll start by quoting you:
Christianity is based on evidence, on facts: historical, archeological, philosophical, and scientific. It is the one faith that does not say, believe because I say so.

How so? I've seen none of these facts. Would you mind showing me or something. A link perhaps?

Further, you list all the good things christianity has given the world. I agree. That is a good thing. But on the other side, so many of the problems our societies face today are created by christianity that the balance is still crooked.

Discrimination of the female sex, that's a result of christianity. And in the past there were crusades, witch hunts, the inquisition...

If you ask me christianity is a religion of blood, envy and cruelty. Why good people want to assosiate their names to it I don't know.

But Jesus is another matter. That's quite a fellow. Only, modern christianity is a perversion of everything he stood for. I'm with Jesus, and therefore against christianity.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 05:44 am
heya guys, i'm afraid i'll be away for most weekends now, so sorry it will take me some time to reply to all the comments - by the way phoenix you'll be glad to hear i have read them this time. welcome search4truth. glad you enjoyed the thread so far.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 06:39 am
by the way, steve, i don't remember saying anywhere that i was a terrorist or suicidal, i said i would gladly die for my faith, but only if the situation required it, for example if somebody held a gun to my head and told me to deny my faith or die, i would die, but as the bible says all life if precious, i would never even think about harming myself or anybody else in order to ''prove my worth'' to God, in my opinion that would be attempting to worship God through sin, which is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 07:14 am
rockpie wrote:
by the way, steve, i don't remember saying anywhere that i was a terrorist or suicidal, i said i would gladly die for my faith, but only if the situation required it, for example if somebody held a gun to my head and told me to deny my faith or die, i would die, but as the bible says all life if precious, i would never even think about harming myself or anybody else in order to ''prove my worth'' to God, in my opinion that would be attempting to worship God through sin, which is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Well I'm sorry if people found my remarks intemperate. But I have no time for religious beliefs that do harm. You should not be talking or thinking that way rp because it is doing you harm imo. You fantasise about dying for your faith...becoming a martyr...and what are you 17 years old? I know you dont wish harm to others, but what about yourself? Why not explore a little of creation around you and marvel in its grandeur? Isnt that enough, without going to extremes of religiosity? No one is going to put a gun to your head and expect you to deny (say) the divinity of Christ. But what do you think of a Muslim in the same position forced to accept Jesus as the Son of God? Its dangerous nonsense and you should be out there living life, not sheltered away imagining you know some ultimate truth...you dont...none of us do.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 07:18 am
Steve 41oo
Rockpie explained his position and that your take on it was not what he meant. Is his reasoning any different than that of a family member who would rather die protecting their child, sibling, parents etc.? They do not aspire to be martyrs.

I suppose it is hard for someone that does not have faith to understand someone who does.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 07:47 am
intrepid gets it. i do not fantasise about dying for anything, as i also do not wish to be a martyr, i know that the situation i mentioned is never going to be a reality, it was just an example of what i was trying to say. i disagree with any kind of violence, especially that of a religious nature, by the way can we no assume that i am religious. i have a personal relationship with God, i am not religious. this is one reason i cannot accept islam as a decent faith, it provokes violence, it encourages its followers to cover themselves, if God created them, why would he then say nobody can see you? steve i agree with your views on violence, suicide, etc. but i would still say that i would die for my faith.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 02:02 pm
rockpie wrote:
i have a personal relationship with God, i am not religious.
that is actually a sentence rp. would you care to expound on this non religious personal experience of God? Or indeed a religious atheist?
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 03:17 pm
rockpie wrote:
if God created them, why would he then say nobody can see you?

Do we not cover ourselves in the United States. Isn't nudity considered a sin? Isn't the entire Christian right trying to get pornography out of the mainstream?

The cover themselves in Islam to prevent the men from getting impure thoughts about the women. Christianity does the same thing in this country, our nation thankfully has a seperation between Church and State so these Christian thoughts have not been able to become law as they have in Islamic countries.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 05:50 pm
rockpie wrote:
i said i would gladly die for my faith, but only if the situation required it, for example if somebody held a gun to my head and told me to deny my faith or die, i would die

rockpie wrote:
intrepid gets it. i do not fantasise about dying for anything, as i also do not wish to be a martyr, i know that the situation i mentioned is never going to be a reality, it was just an example of what i was trying to say.

rockpie, your example above is the definition of martyr. As for it never going to happen, it happens all too often. Just very recently we had the case of the two Foxnews journalists that were forced to convert after being captured in Lebanon. What sort of god do you worship that would rather you die than say a few insincere words under duress to some deranged nutcase or fanatic?

rockpie wrote:
steve i agree with your views on violence, suicide, etc. but i would still say that i would die for my faith.

So then I take it that you would agree with this?

the dangerously deluded Lynn Hutton wrote:
I admit that when one of the Columbine shooters asked Rachel Scott if she was a Christian, then shot her when she answered, "Yes," it gave me pause. This was here, in my country, in a suburban neighborhood. She was shot not because he wanted her money or because … well, for any other reason. (One could argue that he shot her because he was crazy, but I suppose one could make the same argument against Nero, as well. I also have a friend who says Rachel was crazy for not saying "No," and saving her life.)

However, it was the account of two recently released Fox News journalists that brought me face to face with my own hard questions. The two men who were abducted in Gaza City were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint. They later said the conversion wasn't real.

So here is the hard question: Is it okay to save your life by saying whatever your persecutor wants you to say, as long as you don't mean it in your heart? I say no. If that were so, there would never have been the first martyr. All of them, from the first century to this, would have renounced their faith, while holding their fingers crossed behind their backs.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 11:02 pm

You, no doubt, forget that the Christian lives for the next world, not this one. God is always watching (judging), and he might be a bit disappointed to see one of his flock cower in their final, Earthly moments. If you're at all familiar with the Bible then you know what a big mistake it can be to disappoint the Creator!
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