flaming is flaming, reciprocated or not, it takes at least 2 to make a flame war work, and its among the surest of ways to get a thread unwanted "official attention".
I don't want to set the world on fire
I just want to start
A flame in your heart
In my heart I have but one desire
And that one is you
No other will do.
timberlandko wrote:flaming is flaming, reciprocated or not, it takes at least 2 to make a flame war work, and its among the surest of ways to get a thread unwanted "official attention".
While giving 'official attention' to this, and any other thread involving off topic banter between snood and myself, please note who initiated each of these exchanges.
You'll find the case to be the same with unfailing certainty in each instance.
dyslexia wrote:I don't want to set the world on fire
I just want to start
A flame in your heart
In my heart I have but one desire
And that one is you
No other will do.
I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim
I just want to be the one you love
And with your admission that you feel the same
I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of
Doktor S wrote:timberlandko wrote:flaming is flaming, reciprocated or not, it takes at least 2 to make a flame war work, and its among the surest of ways to get a thread unwanted "official attention".
While giving 'official attention' to this, and any other thread involving off topic banter between snood and myself, please note who initiated each of these exchanges.
You'll find the case to be the same with unfailing certainty in each instance.
Don't matter a bit who started what - rising to bait is no better than casting it. What part of that might anyone have trouble understanding?
timberlandko wrote:Doktor S wrote:timberlandko wrote:flaming is flaming, reciprocated or not, it takes at least 2 to make a flame war work, and its among the surest of ways to get a thread unwanted "official attention".
While giving 'official attention' to this, and any other thread involving off topic banter between snood and myself, please note who initiated each of these exchanges.
You'll find the case to be the same with unfailing certainty in each instance.
Don't matter a bit who started what - rising to bait is no better than casting it. What part of that might anyone have trouble understanding?
Fair enough. An 'ignore poster' option would be neat right about now.
Not hitting the submit button works wonders as well.
Quote:Don't matter a bit who started what - rising to bait is no better than casting it.
So a fish that gets caught has only itself to blame?
Phoenix32890 wrote:Cancer will sometimes go into remission...............both for the faithful and the faithless, so being cured of cancer is no proof of anything except that cancer sometime undergoes a spontaneous cure.
Well it all goes back to that old
'God lets the rain fall on both the good and the bad' thing again doesn't it?
Cyracuz wrote:Quote:Don't matter a bit who started what - rising to bait is no better than casting it.
So a fish that gets caught has only itself to blame?

Straw man. Fish and fisherman are a team; without cooperation, neither gets anywhere. To elect to play the game is to lose the game; it has no winners.
heya. um... sorry that i haven't been able to come on here in what seems like ages but i'm currently in Uganda doing some missionary work in an orphanage. so as you can imagine computers are scarce and internet access even more so. i'm glad to see that it's still going well, hope your all okay.
and please please please can we try and stay on topic? it's quite simple. if it doesn't have anything to do with the topic, don't post. so no insults or anything like that please. thank you in advance. Rockpie.
bendragonbrown wrote:Well it all goes back to that old
'God lets the rain fall on both the good and the bad' thing again doesn't it?

or as Lord Justice Bown put it
Quote:The rain it raineth on the just,
And also on the unjust fella.
But chiefly on the just, because
The unjust hath the just's umbrella.
Quote:Good grief, Charlie Brown! With the "true believers", just about ANYTHING can be turned around to suit their fantasies.
As with the true unbelievers!
Quote:Your post bendragonbrown reminds me of an old story. The person was very upset, and was talking to her friend. She said that she had prayed to god, but she still did not get her wish. She said that god did not hear her prayer. Her friend said to her,
"God heard your prayer, and he listened to you. It's just that he said, 'NO!"

And of course there could be times when he said "YES"!
Quote:Far be it from me to allow logic and reason to get involved with one's most closely held beliefs!

And far be it for me to allow someone's most closely held beliefs to get involved with reason and logic.
Guess it all depends on which side of the fence one is on - doesn't it? :wink:
baddog1 wrote:Phoenix wrote:
Good grief, Charlie Brown! With the "true believers", just about ANYTHING can be turned around to suit their fantasies.
As with the true unbelievers!
unbelievers" are unafraid of reason.
I doubt a "true believer" really knows what reason is.
i don't think i'm afraid of reason... just as i'm not afraid of any criticisms of my faith. i can understand why people don't agree with me and i try to get my point across. but truth doesn't scare me. if God doesn't exist after all... big deal! i've led a good life, done some good things and made a purpose out of it. if God does exist, then i've lived my life being obedient to him and i'll go to heaven. it's a win-win situation.
Id just like to ask a quick question,
How can a man (preist forgive your sins?)
If i was a theif, murderer, rapist etc. and I decided to do my eveil deeds Monday through until Friday, then went to confession and was forgiven, then went back and carried on doing evil, could I still go back and repent again and agin and be absolved from my crimes?