I'm not a big blogger so I hope I do this right... If this turns out it will make sense. I wanted to take some time during the wee hours of the morning to comment to Cyracuz's questions and statements:
[QUOTE] How so? I've seen none of these facts. Would you mind showing me or something. A link perhaps?
Further, you list all the good things christianity has given the world. I agree. That is a good thing. But on the other side, so many of the problems our societies face today are created by christianity that the balance is still crooked.
Discrimination of the female sex, that's a result of christianity. And in the past there were crusades, witch hunts, the inquisition...
If you ask me christianity is a religion of blood, envy and cruelty. Why good people want to associate their names to it I don't know.
But Jesus is another matter. That's quite a fellow. Only, modern christianity is a perversion of everything he stood for. I'm with Jesus, and therefore against christianity.[/I]
You bring up some valid points. There has been a lot of horrific things done in the name of God across all spectrums of faith and religion. I can not deny that. But if you read the Bible, your claim that Christianity discriminates against women is completely false. Jesus was a radical of his day. In fact the Jewish rabbis and priest would pray, thanking God that He did not make them (the priest) a dog or a woman (since to them women and dogs were equal). But Jesus went out of his way to talk to women (which he was not "supposed" to do), to bring them into his circle, to give them honor. In fact, the Old Testament is one of the first ancient writings to give rights to women.
With that aside... the whole point (I think) rp is making is that Christianity is based on Jesus, and a relationship with Him, putting your faith in Him. It is not based on anyone else. So when seeking out if Christianity is true or not, look to the person it is based on, Jesus, not the people who were in the crusades, not the wackos who are out protesting in the name of Christ using hate and condemnation as their tools. Are those people modeling Jesus? Is that how he was in the New Testament?
The thing is, you can't be "with Jesus, and against Christianity". Christianity is Jesus. By definition, a Christian is a follower of Christ. If someone is not following Christ, they are not a Christian. But here is another thing; people have been perverting and distorting Christianity since Christ came to this earth. But people have also been perverting our purpose here on Earth since creation and the fall of man. We all sin. None of us are perfect. We have all turned against God in some way or another. And neither are those who claim to be "Christian" perfect. Nor is everyone who claims to be a "Christian" truly a follower of Christ.
And it is interesting to me that you are down with Jesus. And that you think He is quite a fellow. This coming from a guy who wants proof/evidence that there is a god; that Christianity is true. Jesus said that He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life, and that NO ONE get's to the Father, but through HIM. Jesus claimed to be the only way to heaven. He claimed to be able to forgive sins. He claimed to die for the sins of the world so that we might have a relationship with Him, and the Father. He claimed to heal. And He claimed that He was going to come back again someday to bring home all those who believed in Him. So if Jesus wasn't God--than He was the craziest man to walk the face of the planet--or He pulled off the most amazing and unbelievable hoax in the history of mankind, which would make him the greatest liar of all time.
So if you are down with Jesus, if he is quite a fellow, than you must think he is God. Because how could he be quite a fellow if he was the craziest man or the greatest con-artist and liar ever to live? According to today's standards and cultural philosophies, Jesus would be the biggest closed minded, inclusivist you would ever see.
But that is the greatest question everyone must wrestle with: Who is Jesus? Lord, Liar, or Lunatic. He can't be all three. He can only be one.
Here the links you asked for: