Advocate wrote:For home protection,
I might get a handgun (but not a cheap revolver).
For millennia, the very finest, cutting edge metalurgical technology
available was applied to making swords.
Thay knew that if it broke when in use,
it cut be very embarrassing.
Some years ago, while browsing in a gun store on Long Island,
I examined a .44 Bulldog, such as used by homicidal maniac David Berkowitz.
It was very cheap, very ugly, its operating parts moved crudely.
It was disgusting; he was a
gross cheapskate.
It pays to get good guns.
Quote:I have no problem with laws banning handguns.
I have never voted in a schoolboard election.
I guess its OK if I prevent my neighbors from gettting to the polls,
since I don 't wanna vote in those elections, right Ad ?
Thank u for throwing
MY rights in the garbage, Ad.
I, and others, could have a shotgun for home use.
What about
safety in the streets ??
U ignored my earlier question
whether u feel less safe in your home than in the streets.
Will u tell me ?
Gun control would be much more effective were it not for people like Dave.
I do whatever I can to subvert gun control.
and some others on this thread. For instance, gun shows are unaffected by gun control, but should be affected.
It is silly and paranoid to say that the govt. must not keep gun records.
The chance that the govt. would somehow use this to confiscate is nil.
Like its never HAPPENED b4 ?
The police in New Orleans robbed the citizens of their guns,
which thay desperately needed to fend off marauders,
and even after losing in Federal Court on that issue thay
have not returned the stolen guns to their owners.
Krystalnacht came 2 nights after the nazis disarmed the Jews in Berlin.
The Turks used gun control on the Armenians b4 the genocide.
There is a fairly long historical list
of more examples of genocides preceded by gun control like that
that I don 't have immediately at hand.
You are such a
TRUSTING person, Ad ( notice my polite restraint in avoiding use of " naive " ).