gungasnake wrote:the disarmament of German civilians perpetrated by the nazis
Just a tiny annotation here: The Nazis didn't disarm
German civilians.
Or: yes, they did, but not the German population. Just a selected few.
The first comprehensive gun laws were enacted in Germany in 1928. The "Gesetz über Schusswaffen und Munition" required a license for everyone who wanted to produce, own, repair or even reload a gun. In other words, you had to get a permit to buy ammunition.
In 1933, the Nazis rose to power. In 1938, they enacted a new, far less restrictive gun law, the "Reichswaffengesetz". The stated goal was the "Defense-Ready German People". The requirement for a license to buy a gun was dropped. Same with ammo. Carry laws became far less restrictive, and all officials of the NSDAP and other NS organizations as well as SS officials had now automatically the right to carry handguns.
Those barred from acquiring, owning or carrying guns were: individuals perceived as dangerous to the society, and Jews - seen as synonymous by the Nazis, of course.
So if you argue with the disarmament of the Jews, you would have to argue
in favor of arming all those groups in the States which are being perceived as a danger to society. In the America of 2006, this would probably mean starting by heavily arming all young, male, Middle-Eastern foreigners - as they are most likely to suffer from a government turning abusive of the population. Then, we could talk about illegal immigrants, about underclass, homeless, gay, poor, .... people.
And you would probably be the last one to get a gun.