Reply Sun 23 Sep, 2012 02:57 pm
u prove what evil is ****, u have not least point reality to convince ur existence with, it is incredible how u cant but seek supports of lies not one point is relatively even mayb true by u or any other one

moron discussions end yes but surely in opposite to **** in all terms

that is how lovers in bed is proportionnal to how many words they exchange the less the more they ****
and how the more relative to sentence has been exchanged the faster the switch is on for exclusive friendship at the best end of it to fake since true friends by definition never mean sex

**** is to **** u that mean loving profiting from animal conditions, so consciously u gonna b fucked forever since it happens that u cant profit from animal condition anymore so it is ur brain that gonna b u fucked then by all others brains powers and influence upon urs

**** u by plenty shitty and prepare urself to love it

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Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 04:47 pm
It seems we have all had to cope with evil in our lives. Some to greater degrees than others. I liken this experience to a bonzi tree. That evil is an immovable stone that stunts our growth and even though we may still grow into a beautiful tree we will always be towered over by lanky and privileged trees who have little concern for others.

Even those who profess themselves to be normal are not. Imans says people live like animals and this is somehow sinful... Well I got news for you Imans, we are animals even though your holy books try and feed us with the disillusions of being gods. The DNA proves your holy books to not only be silly but UNTRUTHFUL.

So what is evil?

Humanity has created laws to try and define evil. Evil is angels who have fallen from grace. Evil is a man disobedient to God. Evil is a woman beguiled by a snake. Evil is warring brothers, and inhospitality and those who live by their emotions rather than their intellect. Evil is an angry mob filled with senseless rage. Evil is the crucifixion of innocence. Evil is tyrannical rule raised above personal liberty.

These constructs are designed to persuade the masses to find a path through life that is commonly acceptable to all. Yet when it gets down to the nitty gritty, people find they argue over the details. Evil is tying your camel on the Sabbath. Evil is proselytizing something deemed by others to need no defense. Evil is drawing a political cartoon or enacting a truthful depiction of someone thought to be perfect.

Those who think they have not been touched by evil fool themselves and their own evil is shown by intolerance toward others.

Evil is the deception of one person's truth over another person's truth.

So we have created constructs to expose evil. We call this construct wisdom.

An example, it is forgivable to kill but it is not forgivable to murder. Humanity kills lesser beings and feeds upon their flesh and generally find no evil in such behavior. We close our eyes till we become blind to our own evil while we expect others to tow the line of our own hatreds.

Some heterosexuals claim that gay sex is evil but deep down they consider their own sexual acts as evil too. So they hide their heterosexual sex in bedrooms behind closed doors and under the cover of secrecy. They learn to have sex without making a sound so as not to be crossing that line of, God forbid, "lust". They apologize day in and day out to their God for being weak and actually enjoying sex. Something as sacred as procreation is still seen as evil even when it is between two married consensual heterosexual adults... We call these evils taboos as if we are capable of some perfect existence. It seems that nature in itself is a convolution of behaviors that do not follow in the neat patterns of what we exalt as wisdom and truth.

So then what is evil? What is the very essence of evil? Does evil have an evolutionary purpose? Could we exist without evil? Does evil exist or is it just an overblown construct born out of fear and hatred of things we refuse to accept as part of the natural order of life?

Well how do we define the undefined? How do we define darkness? How do we define light without darkness? Too much light is darkness in itself or rather another form of darkness. Blinded by the light and blind in the dark.

One might say evil is the absence of love or that "love thinketh no evil"... Yet too much love smothers and becomes obsession. One person's love becomes another person's evil. And to impose one's own personal set of moral standards upon another person can also be evil... To forgive evil can be fool hearty where to persecute evil can make us equal to it.

So by what rule do we draw the line in the sand? We create golden rules, an eye for an eye that leaves us, again, blind...

We immortalize happiness as if it is the gauge for common good while we neglect to address greed and corruption. Happiness becomes a vehicle for greed.

Can love be defined? The ancient Greeks had a different word for every perceivable kind of love while in the west have lumped all forms of love into the single world "love" and obsessive love into the word lust. Yet, are we any closer to the essence of love. We add adverbs to love like "true" love or "brotherly" love, maternal love, paternal love, unnatural love... Do these bring us any closer to defining evil? Do we expect some creature to raise its hand and admit to being the source of all evil? Is evil the boogie man in the closet or the beast under the bed?

It seems there is a middle path that has been turned into a multi lane highway. Perhaps because our original ideas of evil turned out to be too narrow and disenfranchised entire sectors of human population. We can only pity those who were persecuted by truth that turned out to be complete lies over time. Fables used to hate and justify murder in the name of God. Where greater evil triumphed over lesser evils or things that were not really evil at all.

Like people being murdered over silly cartoons and depictions of prophets who were probably evil themselves. Threats of violence to protect evil...

Shame over our own nakedness. This nakedness once considered beauty becomes grotesque and the symbol of our animalistic nature.

And how big is evil? Well, one person's evil is murder of another human being while another persons evil is inadvertently stepping on an ant. Yet internally these evils seem the same in size to the bearers who believe in the evil's powers to corrupt their souls. The human mind has a propensity to over-blow evil to such a degree that even the slightest infraction becomes a life drain. We create the construct of "sin"... A litany of sins. These sins are not merely broken laws against humanity or the self but sins against God which makes their penalty even more excessive.

So do we go through life counting the sins of others or do we count their acts of good? Is God a sin magnet who has nothing else to do but keep tabs on our sins or does God only look to the heart and the goodness we have?

Then there is the knowledge of evil... A child is born without such knowledge other than the innocence of what is passed down through our DNA. We shelter children from evil for as long as possible because the world is evil enough and once they become adults then the innocence ends and we all come face to face with the barbarity of our common ways.

Even to simply discuss evil somehow has an incriminating character.

To obsess over evil is just as bad as obsessing over good. Then there are the preachers and the pious who point fingers at you while they have three pointing back at themselves. They call you evil in the absence of their own love, compassion and even pity... And will God spare the world for the sake of one righteous person? And what of the questionable nature of this God who allowed evil to come into this world? Was God powerless to stop evil or is God ultimately responsible?

Shall all these questions lead to an answer? Which way do we go? How do we love and be loved without hypocrisy?

By defining evil do we not bring it into existence?
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 05:00 pm
Love and evil; are they compatible?
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 05:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Love and evil; are they compatible?

That would depend on how narrowly one defines them, love and evil are subject to personal interpretation. Just like standards, are they the standards of human animals or the standards of faultless gods?
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 05:31 pm
Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 06:29 pm
And personal interpretation is subject to cultural interpretation.

And to think once upon a time, a deer and obsession with sexual "objects" and "symbols" was the cause of mothers to breaking and manipulating their daughters feet out of love, and "forces the little girl to relearn language, a language more preverbal, transmitted from mother to daughter and shared among women" (Ping 9).

"Loving mothers suddenly turn into monsters that beat their sobbing girls with sticks or brooms, forcing them to hop around to speed up the rotting of flesh and make sure the bones are broken properly" (Ping 3).
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 08:06 pm
Social constructs.... sometime observing people of different culture, relative to our standards, it seems like love is the most convoluted, twisted thing imaginable, same applies to what one calls evil (for example female circumcision in African and some other eastern cultures)...I wonder if foot binding was more painful than a pregnancy.... anyway, just wanted to let you know that you've made me lost my appetite in the middle of my dinner.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 24 Sep, 2012 09:00 pm
What? Reading a2k while having a meal? LOL Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 02:10 am
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 03:48 pm
It's gonna take a miracle to convince people to stop believing in their sky gods...
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 07:20 pm
More inane musings from the brainy Beatle.

Who is hiding when they make love?

Was Lennon promoting public copulation?

The overwhelming majority of people believe it is a private experience, and unless they are unhinged exhibitionists would not think twice about having sex in a public place with broad daylight and the leering gaze of hundred of voyeurs washing over them.

Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 08:12 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

More inane musings from the brainy Beatle.

Who is hiding when they make love?

Was Lennon promoting public copulation?

The overwhelming majority of people believe it is a private experience, and unless they are unhinged exhibitionists would not think twice about having sex in a public place with broad daylight and the leering gaze of hundred of voyeurs washing over them.

I think you missed the point. Besides, the porn industry might like to prove you wrong with the many billions they make every year doing exactly that.... Quote: "having sex in a public place [the internet] with broad daylight and the leering gaze of hundred of voyeurs washing over them."

Once again, it is your taboo that blinds you... Public copulation is a booming business. Perhaps I am missing something here too or I myself pretend to not see, simply to make a point. Or is it just the ugly people we don't want copulating in public... There are web sites with people right now as we speak with millions of members doing exactly that copulating on webcam publicly. And err, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

Today I walked through the rose garden in the city park on my way home from the dentist. First I saw a man with his dick out peeing on a tree... No I didn't stop to watch... Then I saw to young heterosexual lovers laying together behind a bush making out gratuitously. No I did not stop and watch... I had the choice to simply walk on by... The young lovers were both extremely beautiful people. When I walked upon them they were about three feet away and not in the shade at all.

You sort of make my point of you being ashamed of heterosexual sex. Ooooo it is so sinful!!! (cynical)

I don't claim to have the answers either but John Lennon was not that far off base...

Hollywood beams gratuitous and unbridled violence by satellite ever night into billions (with a b) of people's homes as entertainment. If you think violence on tv can't get any worse well think again... I suppose somewhere in the world it is broad daylight. Some places the sun rarely sets. Then people go to church every Sunday to ask for forgiveness and repentance from their repressive and sexless male god deity (with his band of gender neutral angels) so they can simply do it all over again the next week.

Ignorance is bliss and denial is one shade away from telling a lie...

I am not advocating public sex. The high school I went to growing up, the school halls between classrooms were packed with heterosexual teens sucking face like a badge of courage and public rite of passage. While two guys holding hands were enough to get you expelled.. And if you get bored reading this long response you can go down to the street corner to the local "Hooters" and watch strippers dance around a pole wearing only a string bikini.

Is hypocrisy better than honesty? Is secrecy better than simply being who we are? If so, well Santa Claus has a big ol' gift for you.

I hope I did not break any balloons here, yes. Santa Claus is real (sort of)...

It is just note worthy to pick out the hypocrisy of society who is in denial of who and what we really are... That is all John is saying.

Love is all you need...
Reply Tue 25 Sep, 2012 10:27 pm
It's all a matter of nature, I'd like to think in a way. Violence, greed, and all the imbalance in this world is part of nature's way of limiting populating growth. For example, say that through efforts of global efforts of peace, we save millions from the hands of oppressors, this only means we have millions more mouths to consider. Especially in third world countries, the jaded economy will likely work against them, and these people will either die by starvation or disease. They wouldn't care if you or a large number of people loved them, all they'd care is to have some form of sustenance put in their empty stomach, and basic vaccination against general diseases that ravages such parts. I know that is a pretty cynical way to look at it, but population growth factors are generally well maintained by mother nature's natural course of work, although to us it is upsetting.
Now that doesn't mean we shouldn't give help to our fellow brothers across the waters, or in our own back yard. But it's more complicated than that because we don't get all that we need nor can we claim or fulfill all the needs of others. Suggesting "love is all you need" is just beautiful drivel.
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2012 01:39 am
wat u r callin love is slavery to the least sense of getting to b by else making u totally
u r preachin the benefits of sex in comparaison to wars only from the sense that such slavery limit u to b out of powers, when wars is about powerful free stands wills in everythings limits

but it shows how u r that power interests inventin those preachings about sex or other offers to promote slavery out of everything possible deformations
to urs so benefits of deformations could b all to u

people that love each others the most are the ones that will tell u how love is never to feelings n surely never sexual
sex is the weakness to else superiority upon u, it is the drive of existence that mean to get well with superior existence upon u in order to exist u as the short cut to true existence so against true existence ways, which is to b well with objective superiority freedom by first making it real alone then u get the free ticket to exist
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2012 01:49 am
aspvenom wrote:

It's all a matter of nature, I'd like to think in a way. Violence, greed, and all the imbalance in this world is part of nature's way of limiting populating growth. For example, say that through efforts of global efforts of peace, we save millions from the hands of oppressors, this only means we have millions more mouths to consider. Especially in third world countries, the jaded economy will likely work against them, and these people will either die by starvation or disease. They wouldn't care if you or a large number of people loved them, all they'd care is to have some form of sustenance put in their empty stomach, and basic vaccination against general diseases that ravages such parts. I know that is a pretty cynical way to look at it, but population growth factors are generally well maintained by mother nature's natural course of work, although to us it is upsetting.
Now that doesn't mean we shouldn't give help to our fellow brothers across the waters, or in our own back yard. But it's more complicated than that because we don't get all that we need nor can we claim or fulfill all the needs of others. Suggesting "love is all you need" is just beautiful drivel.

I think you are in essence, wrong... There is an entire universe of resources that need only intellect guided by human charity to pick from the tree, so to speak...

Thin the herd and we possibly lose the diversity needed to devise a way to get off this rock... This does not mean the herd needs to be much bigger though at this stage of our journey... We need the power of the collective efforts of all... Together we stand divided we fall. It takes all kinds... Besides your view is selfishly thoughtless of others... I will personally stick with the idea that love will show us how. At best I think I will live a better existence for it and not be remembered as a genocidal maniac...
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2012 02:00 am
absos wrote:

wat u r callin love is slavery to the least sense of getting to b by else making u totally
u r preachin the benefits of sex in comparaison to wars only from the sense that such slavery limit u to b out of powers, when wars is about powerful free stands wills in everythings limits

but it shows how u r that power interests inventin those preachings about sex or other offers to promote slavery out of everything possible deformations
to urs so benefits of deformations could b all to u

people that love each others the most are the ones that will tell u how love is never to feelings n surely never sexual
sex is the weakness to else superiority upon u, it is the drive of existence that mean to get well with superior existence upon u in order to exist u as the short cut to true existence so against true existence ways, which is to b well with objective superiority freedom by first making it real alone then u get the free ticket to exist

You speak of sex as if it is a curse... Well sexual attraction kept life forms interested enough in their mates and social infrastructures intact well enough to prolong evolution for many millions of years till humanity evolved. Sex does not seem like such a weak and inferior force when seen from that perspective.
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2012 02:15 am
Ouch, the least thing I want to be is a genocidal maniac. My only point was that our existence is a nature vs man scenario. I think it is a naive thought to have a fundamental belief that humans are, or were, originally good for the earth or for each other. A lion's nature towards an antelope are destructive, in a similar fashion, it could be that human nature towards wild nature and earth is destructive in essence. It's a matter of striking equilibrium.
Anyway, my original influence on the reply to your comment on love was Torii's idea of "yin and yang" or equilibrium in nature. Based on current observations, it's not that far fetched.
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2012 02:25 am
aspvenom wrote:

Ouch, the least thing I want to be is a genocidal maniac. My only point was that our existence is a nature vs man scenario. I think it is a naive thought to have a fundamental belief that humans are, or were, originally good for the earth or for each other. A lion's nature towards an antelope are destructive, in a similar fashion, it could be that human nature towards wild nature and earth is destructive in essence.
I hope I did not totally misread your meaning. If so, sorry... This thread has no real clear cut answers. Everything seems tinged with a touch of gray... Truth can come from the most unexpected of places as the wise are often humbled by the so called fools. My own humility is something that requires constant upkeep. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2012 09:03 am
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Reply Wed 26 Sep, 2012 02:37 pm
it is ur judgment there not fact, sexual attraction is not urs like a condition that when u get aware of is clearly not of u, that is how it ends by becomin to sell and to buy like showin how it is never right nor true

when u like someone why dont u talk to it as a start and mean to make things together instead of sex, like good friends or brotherhood or watever u come up with being in constant terms the same

sex is clearly that pleasure of getting smthg from the most down making the least effort in bein so the certainty end of getting really, it reveals the opportunism character of evil livings how it could b the essential reason and principle of liars existence powers and force bases of new invasions n expansions

but it became a condition that all must endure and any animal and human, while clearly belongin to else liars forin it on slaves to their wills and ways of killin rights in abusing their time of agony

it is hard for me to say that but it happen that i said too much of things that logics lead to that, so it is true not of my will
for me i would never admit that existence of a liar is in anyway superior to existence of an innocent and honest present conscious

n how any was interested in the mate u say??? u mean wat animals were interested in their mates the ones they made sex with???

who or what prolonged life clearly other then **** since any **** smthg that things become existing


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