o, thanks for the information. as a reply to it i would say igorance is evil in a certain form, negligence in evil in another form. and on the mystical thing, if gods and demons were true, should we serve them? and even if they threaten us still should we serve them? and even if it were true that we could be throw into torment still should we serve them? and even still if they offer us the most pleasant, we ask should we serve them?, they never reveal themselfs fully? what whould be their objective? and if they were to reveal their knowelge still should we serve them? ha ha.
as an angonstic be capable of perceving all mental perceptions, assume for a momment if you will the views of others either highly vauled and lowly vauled, inbetween these two values or beyound these two values, value also is or can be seen as a mental perception. the implacations are a extrem thing and also negligence is a extreme thing, depending on the mind of the viewer ofcource, the mind depending on the subtle mind, the subtle mind depending on the will or the driveing force, the drive force depending on the nessectiy for physical function or functioning as a means to the gratification of desire whether base or pure. but base and pure is also a value system, and this value system represented in god and demon, prehaps? value as in the form of good and evil, moral and immoral are they prehaps tools of control and power? what is binding you the most? is it prehaps god and demon? ha ha god and demon in any form ofcource.
is that of ant help?
i tried...