Re: Some girl's in "love" with my happily married
msolga wrote:Chai Tea wrote:I'm going to bitch slap her to the moon if she gets within a mile of him.
I will take her face and grind it into a pile of fresh dog ****.
Some fun, huh?
Very funny, Chai!
.... & it's about bloody time the invisible little woman at home got some bloody attention around around the bloody relationships forum!
More revenge fantasies, please!
oh's like there's just this inconvenient wife hanging around in the background.
like she's so farging stupid she just doesn't suspect a thing.
oh....a while back there was some chickie babe that was even suggesting she would "talk" to the to let the little woman off easy or something.
I can just see it....
chickie babe: Well, I know this will be hard for you to understand, but see, I know SO much more about love than you, since I'm 22, and I know the deepest thoughts of Earl. I'm sure you'll see that the time you've been together really couldn't mean anything, since you're not me. Earl has told me all about how you just don't have the "time" that a "real man" like he needs.....see, I'm a "real woman" and will be able to give him what he needs....I know everything about him...
wife: snnnxxzxx (sound being made when trying not to laugh.....sssnnnxxzzzxxxxz.....pppffttttt....BWAAA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! oh my....(wiping laughter tear from corner of eye)