McTag wrote:Foxfyre wrote:okie wrote:Good advice. I will try to be more disciplined, but I admit my weakness. I know it isn't good for the trolls either, because the park rangers in Yellowstone had to make us quit giving the bears potato chips. They became spoiled and just made a habit of living out of the trash dumpsters. Thats probably what could happen here!
But I still can't resist pointing out again we've accomplished much of cicerone's 4 points: No WMD programs in Iraq, Hussein is gone, and there have been democratic elections in Iraq. Not bad so far.
When temptation hits--like when they leave an opening big enough to drive a freight train through--I find it helpful to recite several times: "I will not feed the trolls or argue with idiots or engage in exercises in futility". I have not yet achieved 100% success but I am better.
Mr Bush (the subject of the thread) gives us plenty of opportunity to comment, sadly.
Idiots? Surely these are the people who remain apologists for him, even after he has let his office and his country down in such a comprehensive way.
No not idiots. In my opinion. . .
Many of us hoped that he would be a Reagan Conservative with the toughness and vision and understanding of modern Conservatism that would provide the people a sense of security that the country is on the right track.
And yes, the President has let us down and has disappointed some of us on some issues and we have not withheld our criticism when he has. And he has not disappointed us on some issues and has been deserving of having that acknowledged.
Most Conservatives will not hatefully damn a man because he is not perfect. That is one subtle but I think accurately noted distinction between most modern Conservatives and many modern Liberals.
Then too, it is difficult to know how successful even Reagan would have been dealing with the current crop of liberals in both politics and the media. Both are more maliciously intellectually dishonest and self serving than those of the 80's and more willing to sabotage the short term good of the country to achieve power and further their own agenda.
And I think it is only the idiots who are incapable of seeing that.