Ticomaya wrote:Oh, and then there's this:
Rick Moran at the Right Wing Nut House wrote:ANN COULTER: CONSERVATIVE LOUT
CATEGORY: Politics, Ethics
I have pretty much ignored Ann Coulter for the last year or so. As her celebrity has grown [..] she has had to make ever more outrageous and off the wall statements in order to maintain her position as a "controversial" commentator. This has often placed her at odds with many of us who, while generally in agreement with much of her critique of American liberalism, nevertheless recoil in horror and disgust at her rhetoric.
She has descended into a black hole of necessity from which there is no escape; where she is forced to please her rabid base of red meat conservatives usually by going beyond the bounds of decency and proper public discourse in order to make a point that could have been made without resorting to the kind of hurtful, hateful, personal attacks that have become a hallmark of her war with liberals.
Make no mistake. Ann Coulter is a brutish lout, a conservative ogre who should be denied a public platform to spout what any conservative with an ounce of integrity and intellectual honesty should be able to see as unacceptable. [..]
I have been told not to take what she says so seriously, that this is her "shtick." I, like the Queen of England, am not amused. [..] the networks who use Coulter as some kind of "Spokesman" for the right should be told in no uncertain terms by as many of us as possible that she doesn't speak for any conservatives that we want to be associated with. [..]
Thank you very much, Ticomaya, for posting this. It goes some way in (re)persuading me that even in today's Rovian world of conservatism, there are still holdouts of conscientious independents - people who are willing to measue their own against the same yardstick they apply to the other side.
Quote:But my commenter SSheil put it nicely:
I think this post (and several others relating to the same topic) is illustrative of what I see is generally the largest difference between blogs on the right and left. As with Rick's blog, most blogs on the right are not shy of taking our leaders, writers and speakers who represent the Right to task when they individually or collectively "step on their d*cks."
When was the last time you saw one of Ted Kennedy's incoherent rants brought to task by Kos kids or readers over at DU? Or Pelosi? Or Dean? Or Durbin?
Well, I cant judge this claim because Ive never been at DU, and only a literal once or twice at the Daily Kos. But here on A2K, my impression has certainly (unsurprisingly) been a virtual mirror image of this observation.
Look at what people like Ebrown, I or, less expansively, a host of other liberals/leftists have said about Hillary. She's positively despised among a significant share of A2K leftleaners. Look at the thread I started in '04 about "the lies and foibles of John Kerry". Most liberals here made clear that they liked Kerry about as much as they do their dentist: gotta vote or even campaign for him because its the only way to avoid worse harm (the continued Bush presidency that materialised), but
liking it? No way. No lack of open, critical discussion of one's own candidates there.
On the other hand, I've seen enough
claims by the like of Fox that they are critical of Bush, too - but all I come across appears to be in the vein of, "he may have made some mistakes (but anything he may have done wrong the other side has done too or worse)". The only exceptions I can think of, from the top of my head, are swing voters rather than outright conservatives, like O'Bill and Phoenix, and the occasional principled stand by the independent, libertarian current - say, Woiyo. But you Tico, or Fox or McG or LSM or Finn or Brandon or JustWonders or Timber or...?