Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 08:09 am
Advocate wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
So far I have seen criticism of the Republicans, but I maintain you don't win by bashing Republicans.

What will Pelosi, Durban, Kennedy, Biden et al do differently if the Democrats regain power?

They will get us out of Iraq much quicker. At this point, Bush is staying to save face. The Iraqis hate us, and a little under half want us dead.

Exactly HOW will they get us out of Iraq?
Will they just leave without doing anything to ensure the safety of US troops during the pullout?
Will they ask the UN to help us get out?

Its easy to say lets get out of Iraq,but I have yet to see a reasonable plan put forth to accomplish that.
All they have done is say that they can do it "better",but they havent said how.

The Dems will quickly reduce the deficits, and probably bring back surpluses. John Spratt will head Budget, and his number one goal is deficit elimination.

There are only two ways to reduce deficits,reduce spending or raise taxes.
Are you in favor of tax increases for everyone?
Remember,The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes
The Top 1% Pay More Than a Third: 34.27%

Those figures come from the IRS and the CBO,by the way.
So,you will have to pay more in taxes,or the dems will have to cut spending.
Now,since the dems have NEVER cut spending,except for defense spending,that makes tax increases more likely to happen.
Personally,I prefer to keep my own money.

The Dems will move toward universal health-care coverage, and more protection of pension assets. They will bring in a stronger SEC, FCC, EPA, etc., to protect the public from the scammers. The EPA's watchdog just said that ethics at the agency is essentially MIA. (The head of EPA is, of course, a former lobbyist.)

So you say the dems want to reduce the deficit,then you turn around and say they want to spend more money.
That doesnt make sense.

The Dems will stop the tax expenditures for the super rich.

What specific tax expenditures are you talking about,especially in view of the IRS numbers aboout who pays most of the taxes?

Under Bush, alternative fuels means looking in new places for oil. The Dems will mandate more hybrid vehicles, etc., and, certainly, better mpg for our autos.

Except that the dems have constantly opposed new nuke power plants and they have opposed wind farms in their areas.
Also,are you saying that the dems will actually try and mandate what kind of vehicles we can drive?
Why havent they led by example by getting rid of their private jets,their fleets of private vehicles,their multiple homes in several states,etc.
Why havent they all installed solar cells and wind turbines on their own property?
If they are going to tell me how I have to live,then they need to lead by example.

Now,even conceding the need for alternative fuels,we still need to find sources of domestic oil to wean us off of foreign oil.
The switch to alternative sources of energy wont happen overnight,so we still need to have our own oil supplies.

Etc., etc.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 09:04 am
I see MM is here with his strawmen

My area is filled with wind farms. We have so many wind turbines that half of them are turned off. The power companies haven't built the power lines required to transfer the electricity yet.

I don't have a private jet or 2 homes or a fleet of vehicles. I don't know too many liberals that do have that. We might as well hit you back with a strawman. Why aren't you out drilling for oil in your backyard? Your failure to drill an oil well 5 feet from your house proves that conservatives don't want oil wells in their backyard. Until you personally drill your own oil well by hand MM you are nothing but a whiner.

It can take 3-5 years to bring a new oil field on line. I think I saw it would take 7-10 years for a new field in Alaska. New sources of oil won't help us in the short term. In 7 years we could change over the majority of the US fleet to other energy sources.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 09:33 am
There are only two ways to reduce deficits,reduce spending or raise taxes.
Are you in favor of tax increases for everyone?
Remember,The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes
The Top 1% Pay More Than a Third: 34.27%

Those figures come from the IRS and the CBO,by the way.
So,you will have to pay more in taxes,or the dems will have to cut spending.
Now,since the dems have NEVER cut spending,except for defense spending,that makes tax increases more likely to happen.
Personally,I prefer to keep my own money.

Oh the BS just keeps rolling out of you doesn't it MM? Crap directly from Rush Limbaugh's website. You didn't bother to check the REAL source did you?

Income taxes will make up 44% of Federal revenues this year according to the Treasury dept.
Do you think it is fair to use a figure that only includes 44% of what people pay in taxes? I don't.

The rich make 16.8% of the income but their income taxes make up only 15% of the Federal revenues. Interesting argument there MM. The rich pay less in income taxes as a share of total Federal revenues than they make in income.

The dems have never cut spending except Defense? Are you calling GWBush a liar?
Historical tables for the 2007 Bush budget can be found here with yearly spending.
In 1993-1994 the followiing catagories were CUT under Clinton and democratic Congress budget
Agriculture, EPA, Labor, Justice, Education
In 1994-1995 budget (also democratic control, budget for 1995 is written before 1994 elections) the following agencies were cut Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Labor, State, Office of the President, NASA, International Assistance.

Too bad you can't get simple facts right MM. It might make us believe your made up numbers more.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 11:17 am
parados wrote:
I see MM is here with his strawmen

My area is filled with wind farms. We have so many wind turbines that half of them are turned off. The power companies haven't built the power lines required to transfer the electricity yet.

Then why has Teddy Kennedy continuously opposed putting up a windfarm of the coast near the Kennedy compound?
He says because it will "block his view" of the bay.
But he "supports alternative energy sources?

I know that the area around Palm Springs,the area around Tehachapi,and thehills between the SF bay area and Stockton have multiple wind turbines set up,I dont deny that.

I don't have a private jet or 2 homes or a fleet of vehicles. I don't know too many liberals that do have that. We might as well hit you back with a strawman. Why aren't you out drilling for oil in your backyard? Your failure to drill an oil well 5 feet from your house proves that conservatives don't want oil wells in their backyard. Until you personally drill your own oil well by hand MM you are nothing but a whiner.

How many homes does John Kerry have?
How many cars does he have?
How much oil does it take to run his cars and heat or cool his homes?

BTW,I have a natural gas well on my property.
It is about 35 feet from my back door.
So,your ridiculous argument wont work.
If you believe in alternative fuels,how much do you use solar power?
Where is your own private wind gererator?
The plans to build your own are available on line.
Do you use solar energy to power your house,to run your vehicle,to heat your water,etc?

It can take 3-5 years to bring a new oil field on line. I think I saw it would take 7-10 years for a new field in Alaska. New sources of oil won't help us in the short term. In 7 years we could change over the majority of the US fleet to other energy sources.

So,are you saying we shouldnt look for more domestic sources because it might take to long?
That is just plain stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 11:22 am
parados wrote:
There are only two ways to reduce deficits,reduce spending or raise taxes.
Are you in favor of tax increases for everyone?
Remember,The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes
The Top 1% Pay More Than a Third: 34.27%

Those figures come from the IRS and the CBO,by the way.
So,you will have to pay more in taxes,or the dems will have to cut spending.
Now,since the dems have NEVER cut spending,except for defense spending,that makes tax increases more likely to happen.
Personally,I prefer to keep my own money.

Oh the BS just keeps rolling out of you doesn't it MM? Crap directly from Rush Limbaugh's website. You didn't bother to check the REAL source did you?

Income taxes will make up 44% of Federal revenues this year according to the Treasury dept.
Do you think it is fair to use a figure that only includes 44% of what people pay in taxes? I don't.

The rich make 16.8% of the income but their income taxes make up only 15% of the Federal revenues. Interesting argument there MM. The rich pay less in income taxes as a share of total Federal revenues than they make in income.

I notice you dont dispute the validity of the numbers regarding income tax.
Why is that?
Maybe because you know they are correct,and you cant stand that.

The dems have never cut spending except Defense? Are you calling GWBush a liar?
Historical tables for the 2007 Bush budget can be found here with yearly spending.
In 1993-1994 the followiing catagories were CUT under Clinton and democratic Congress budget
Agriculture, EPA, Labor, Justice, Education
In 1994-1995 budget (also democratic control, budget for 1995 is written before 1994 elections) the following agencies were cut Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Labor, State, Office of the President, NASA, International Assistance.

IF your links are correct,then its a first.
Dems seem to have never met a welfare giveaway or spending increase that they opposed,except for the military,as a rule.
They seem to always want to cut defense first,and you even admit that yourself.
Why is that?
Why do the dems want to cut defense before anything else?

Too bad you can't get simple facts right MM. It might make us believe your made up numbers more.

You call the numbers made up,but you dont dispute them??
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2006 11:10 pm
Why does no one ever mention the fact that the Bushies have put the USA into what can be said to be perpetual debt for us and for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren? The National Debt, an all time high, is at an enormous 8,600,000,000,000 and it keeps growing every day. The Democrats. some of whom have no spines unfortunately, would take our troops out of Iraq and stop the massive war spending.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 12:38 am
From the comment What's the matter with voting Republican if you're poor?

The strongest correlation between income and voting is not whom you vote for but if you vote at all. The more you earn, the more likely you are to turn out. According to the census, 81.3% of those who earned $100,000 or more turned out in 2004; the figure for those who earned less than $20,000 was 48%.

That's because the rich have something to vote for. They have two parties; the poor here have none. Ultimately, the question of what's the matter with Kansas or any other state must in no small part be answered by yet another one: what's the matter with Democrats?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 10:04 am
Article below is sure to strike fear into the hearts of the liberal masses...I think 3% is probably well within the margin of error to call this election a virtual dead heat today...and Repubs gaining...


Republicans appear to be gaining on the Democrats in the 2006 midterm campaign because of growing confidence in the economy, falling gas prices and President Bush's sustained political offensive on the terrorist threat, according to pollsters and campaign strategists.
The most significant political movement in the past week or two has been in the battle for control of Congress. National preference polls on the so-called "generic ballot" question -- which party's candidate voters say they would choose -- show Republicans have narrowed the once-substantial lead Democrats held and are now trailing them by three percentage points, independent pollster John Zogby said Friday.
Mr. Zogby credited the Republican Party's sudden political turnaround to "the president's focus on the war on terrorism, a rebound among his own base," and the Democrats' failure to lay out a clear plan of their own on "how are we're going to get out of Iraq and what they would do about terrorism that's better than the Republicans."
Democrats "are not giving their Democratic base what it needs to hear on those issues," Mr. Zogby said. "Republicans are severely wounded. The Democrats should be crushing them, and they are not."
Top election forecasters have pointed to an anti-Bush and anti-Republican "wave" that they predict will return the Democrats to majority power in the House, but Mr. Zogby said, "I don't see the landslide that others are seeing. That doesn't mean it can't materialize, but as of today, it's not happening and this is mid-September."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 10:11 am
slkshock7 wrote:
Article below is sure to strike fear into the hearts of the liberal masses...I think 3% is probably well within the margin of error to call this election a virtual dead heat today...and Repubs gaining...


Republicans appear to be gaining on the Democrats in the 2006 midterm campaign because of growing confidence in the economy, falling gas prices and President Bush's sustained political offensive on the terrorist threat, according to pollsters and campaign strategists.
The most significant political movement in the past week or two has been in the battle for control of Congress. National preference polls on the so-called "generic ballot" question -- which party's candidate voters say they would choose -- show Republicans have narrowed the once-substantial lead Democrats held and are now trailing them by three percentage points, independent pollster John Zogby said Friday.
Mr. Zogby credited the Republican Party's sudden political turnaround to "the president's focus on the war on terrorism, a rebound among his own base," and the Democrats' failure to lay out a clear plan of their own on "how are we're going to get out of Iraq and what they would do about terrorism that's better than the Republicans."
Democrats "are not giving their Democratic base what it needs to hear on those issues," Mr. Zogby said. "Republicans are severely wounded. The Democrats should be crushing them, and they are not."
Top election forecasters have pointed to an anti-Bush and anti-Republican "wave" that they predict will return the Democrats to majority power in the House, but Mr. Zogby said, "I don't see the landslide that others are seeing. That doesn't mean it can't materialize, but as of today, it's not happening and this is mid-September."

Yes, the polls have definitely shown an improvement on the GOP side of the ledger in the last couple of weeks, but we're still too far out from the heaviest campaigning to trust the polls much.

The best thing the GOP has going for it though is that they aren't the current crop of Democrat leadership. The thought of a Speaker Pelosi might be just enough to get folks pull the lever for the GOP candidates.

And it's the sad state of American politics that our choices are to pick the least dangerous of two ineffective groups.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 10:15 am
Of one thing we can be certain, and that is that the net losers in November will be the American public, and especially the working class--no matter who "wins."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 10:34 am
Re: Some people feel that Republicans mudsling
SBrowning wrote:
On the official site for Liberals

I'm quite curious about this.

Are you talking about these fellas?


cuz your two mainstream parties, well, they're not liberal.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 11:05 am
Setanta wrote:
Of one thing we can be certain, and that is that the net losers in November will be the American public, and especially the working class--no matter who "wins."

This doesn't make any sense.

Either the Democratic party will control the House and Sanate, or the Republican party will. The American public will decide which really means that the American public will be the net winners.

It is clear to me that the Democrats will be much better for the working class. They support unions, the minimum wage, better working conditions and progressive tax structure.

This is an important election that will determine the people with the ability to make laws. There are several pressing issues that will be decided by the winners of this election that will have a direct impact on millions of Americans.

Which party is in control of the House and Senate will impact the war on Iraq, the treatment of prisoners and immigration.

The only way to ensure the American public doesn't win is to discourage them from voting. If Americans get involved, both by voting and by working for candidates, they will win.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 02:54 pm
There's a problem-eBrown and the Democrats had better wise up. There are some of them I do not trust. They are compromisers with the right wing Neanderthals. At this time, Karl Rove is busy gearing up the operations to get every single fundamentalist vote in the South and West by bribing the preachers. The Republican hate machine has already started besmirching the reputations of leaders in the House who have fought for years for the rights of the common man--specifically, Representatives Pelosi, Rangel and Conyers. These people have fought for the common man for years and now the filthy Republicans are playing the race card and trying to arouse racial hatred against these people.
They fear that they would control critical committees in the House. It would be about time that the US Congress would examine its stance against racism and consider some long overdue repartations to black people who have suffered while companies that profited from slavery have prospered. Justice must eventually triumph.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 03:59 pm

It's all about winning.

The first step (and right now the most important thing) is to get the Democrats to control the House and Senate (and in 2008 the White House).

This is the time for you and I to work to make that happen. Register and vote. Get your friends and family to register and vote. Get your message out to friends and family why it is so important for Democrats to win.

Better yet, volunteer with a Democratic campaign... there are many who could use your help. Any campaign you support will gladly take your help, or contact a progressive organization. The progressive websites DailyKos, or MoveOn will gladly steer you to candidates who need you.

This is not the time to bemoan the chances of Democrats to predict their defeat or to complain about specifics. We are two months from a crucial election where the Democrats have a great chance to take the House and a fair chance to take the Senate.

This is the time to fight, encourage and cheer.

After we win the elections there will be time to work for progressive values-- including issues of racial justice-- into the Democratic party.

But you can be damn sure that the Republicans don't care about racial equality or many of the issues that real Americans care about. This is why right now we should work to get the Democrats elected.

The Republicans fight to win-- but no one said politics was pretty or easy. If Americans stand up to the hate they can work to win elections.

Justice will only triumph if you and I are willing to do what it takes to win.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 04:20 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
If Americans stand up to the hate they can work to win elections.

I agree, but based on Marion's typical hate-filled tirade, that would require one to vote republican.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2006 11:03 pm
One can never match the hate of the "born again" fundamentalists for the common people of the USA. They hate minorities, gays, moderates, and lovers of liberty.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2006 12:31 am
parados wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
SBrowning wrote:
By the way, itsn't it a little bit ironic to have a picture of a baby for your icon when you're a Democrat?

Yes quite true, it takes an adult to be a democrat.

It always amazes me how so many conservatives don't seem to understand the English language.

And you do?

Whether or not you agree with his politics, SBrowning used the term appropriately. As he explained, if one believes the Democratic Party is the party of Abortion, it is ironic for a professed Democrat to use a baby's image as an A2K icon. Admittedly, his is not a particularly clever observation, but in the context he has set forth, his use of ironic is proper. What is it that you believe the word to mean?

"Ironic" could be considered the opposite of "redundant" which I think is what SBrowning was trying to say.

Ironic and redundant do not define similar states, but they are hardly opposites. I'm not sure how you have come to the conclusion that SBrowning was attempting to point out redundancy, but it might be interesting to learn of your explanation.

I was going to let your usual wit rest on its own merits dys but sometimes the kids need things explained to them.

Do your kids and those with whom you come into contact a favor, and don't try to explain things to them.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2006 12:34 am
ebrown_p wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Of one thing we can be certain, and that is that the net losers in November will be the American public, and especially the working class--no matter who "wins."

This doesn't make any sense.

It does if you have no faith in either party.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2006 05:55 am
MarionT wrote:
One can never match the hate of the "born again" fundamentalists for the common people of the USA. They hate minorities, gays, moderates, and lovers of liberty.


I'm a "born again" fundamentalist but I don't hate common people, minorities, gays, moderates or lovers of liberty. I may disagree (even vigorously disagree) with their beliefs, as you do with mine, but I should think you'd agree that, for both of us, that's a far cry from hate.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2006 05:56 am
If I worked very hard to ensure that Christians were unable to get marriage licenses or to adopt kids... wouldn't you say this would be an example of hatred?
0 Replies

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