There are only two ways to reduce deficits,reduce spending or raise taxes.
Are you in favor of tax increases for everyone?
Remember,The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes
The Top 1% Pay More Than a Third: 34.27%
Those figures come from the IRS and the CBO,by the way.
So,you will have to pay more in taxes,or the dems will have to cut spending.
Now,since the dems have NEVER cut spending,except for defense spending,that makes tax increases more likely to happen.
Personally,I prefer to keep my own money.
Oh the BS just keeps rolling out of you doesn't it MM? Crap directly from Rush Limbaugh's website. You didn't bother to check the REAL source did you?
Income taxes will make up 44% of Federal revenues this year according to the Treasury dept.
Do you think it is fair to use a figure that only includes 44% of what people pay in taxes? I don't.
The rich make 16.8% of the income but their income taxes make up only 15% of the Federal revenues. Interesting argument there MM. The rich pay less in income taxes as a share of total Federal revenues than they make in income.
The dems have never cut spending except Defense? Are you calling GWBush a liar?
Historical tables for the 2007 Bush budget can be found here with yearly spending.
In 1993-1994 the followiing catagories were CUT under Clinton and democratic Congress budget
Agriculture, EPA, Labor, Justice, Education
In 1994-1995 budget (also democratic control, budget for 1995 is written before 1994 elections) the following agencies were cut Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Labor, State, Office of the President, NASA, International Assistance.
Too bad you can't get simple facts right MM. It might make us believe your made up numbers more.