Does Parados know how to spell the word GRIDLOCK?
In the Senate, a MINORITY, headed by Dingy Harry, Ted- The Chappaquiddick Kid, and Joe( The Plagiarist) Biden, have been able to block most of the legislation even though they were in the minority.
But, we shall see. Some people say that Gridlock is the best of all possible worlds. Then nothing can be done.
How long will those troops remain in Iraq??
MarionT wrote:I don't keep a list for myself. I do, however, keep a list for others. You, Dyslexia, who have asked many times whether someone urinates in the sink, I have classified as _Dyslexia- Urinates on himself so he is jealous of those who do not.
Perhaps you should keep a list, you might not seem so confused.
I don't keep a list for myself. I do, however, keep a list for others. You, Dyslexia, who have asked many times whether someone urinates in the sink, I have classified as _Dyslexia- Urinates on himself so he is jealous of those who do not.
Seems to be an idea - but I do wonder, if and how it will finally work out:
how Republicans hope to stay in power:
Don't mention the president
Will the German Prime Minister remain in power if she can't get those lazy Germans to work? There is a 9% Unemployment rate in Germany because the country is taken care of from cradle to grave by their Socialistic system. Germany used to be such a great country but they have lost their way since 1933. What a shame!
Mr. Walter Hinteler does not know his US History. He should be aware that when a President screws up royally, he loses both the House and the Senate by huge margins as Scumbag Clinton did in 1994.
Read up- Walter Hinteler.
We don't have a Prime Minister in Germany, in the federal government. (Only in the states.)
I've read that report. (I always read what I post, here even from the printed paper.)
What do you have? a president? A Fuehrer? A Schutzstaffel?
We've some persons in psychiatric hospitals. They've got internet there, too.
You obviously did not understand the question. You said that you did not have a prime minister and I asked you-
What do you have? a president? A Fuehrer? A Schutzstaffel?
Can you answer the question??
Possom and Podhoretz....
Can Posner be far behind?
The alliteration is amazing
Regardless which set of thieves"captures" congress one thing is certain the American public will not be the winner.
THANKS! Good to be back. Looking for something to sink my teeth into.
au1929 wrote:THANKS! Good to be back. Looking for something to sink my teeth into.
I'd be glad to be of help. But since you and I are in such perfect harmony all the time, I don't see how I could possibly present a target.
There is a President in Germany, but he is the head of state, and doesn't control the government's executive as does the American President, or the Prime Minister in a Westminister-style of government.
Bismarck, Bettmann-Holweg, Adolf Hiter--they all occupied the office of __________ . . . come on, Italgato/Massagato/Chiczaria/Morkat/BernardR/MarionT . . . surely when you boast so much on how thouroughly informed you are, you know the answer to that one . . .
Adolf Hiter? you copied that wrong from your crib sheet-ignornmus. They said you had eye trouble. It has obviously affected your brain.
Seems, it's you who has some more difficulties than usually. (January 30, 1933, if you look that up.)
Oh come on,. Walter Hinteler. You are the one who jumps on people if they get something wrong. The mental decay of Sentata shows up clearly. He thinks he is a teacher and the moron cna't even spell the names in the question accurately.