ABC Team spreads 9/11 misinformation to students

Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 09:17 am
Scholastic and ABC Team Up To Spread Misinformation About 9/11 To Students Nationwide
by Eric Boehlert

The cat calls surrounding ABC's "The Path to 9/11" continue to grow louder. Not only is the network under fire for legitimate questions about the veracity of the primetime mini-series, which apparently goes to significant lengths to pin the blame of 9/11 on the Clinton administration, but ABC itself has failed to answer questions about the dubious way it has arranged for conservative partisans to view the program prior to air date (which has allowed them to cheerlead the movie online and on talk radio), yet Democratic activists have been stiff-armed. My own numerous calls to ABC's publicist requesting a screening copy of "The Path to 9/11" have been ignored. Even former President Bill Clinton's request for a DVD has gone unheeded by ABC.

But now comes the revelation that ABC has teamed up with education publishing giant Scholastic to spread misinformation about Iraq and Bush's War on Terrorism to millions of American high school students; students who might take part in ABC's sponsored teach-in surrounding "The Path to 9/11," which airs Sept. 10-11. Looking at the clear anti-Clinton factual errors included in the mini-series as well as the clear pro-Bush factual errors included in the classroom text, it's hard to pass the pair off as a coincidence.

As Media Matters for America first reported, the ABC and Scholastic-produced "Discussion Guide for the Classroom" that provides background information to students about 9/11 and the Middle East, is "rife with conservative misinformation." For instance, there's this reference to the invasion of Iraq:

The dictatorial government of Saddam Hussein was overthrown in 2003, following an invasion led by the United States.The U.S. government believed that Hussein had been developing weapons of mass destruction that he planned to use against American and other targets.
That's it, period. No mention of the glaringly obvious point that no WMD's were ever found in Iraq and that the Bush administration entire rationale for war turned out to be a fallacy. Yet this slick classroom guide is supposed to help 16, 17, and 18-year-olds better understand American history?

And there's this:

Bush has led the United States into Afghanistan and Iraq and reorganized the national government in an attempt to combat terrorist activity.
The classroom guide for "The Path to 9/11" clearly ties the attacks of Sept. 11, the Taliban and Iraq all together. In fact, the Scholastic text states at the very beginning:

The information below will help you become familiar with the people, places, and organizations that played a role in the events of 9/11 and those that led up to that tragic day.
But what does Iraq have to do with the events "that led up to that tragic day"? The answer, of course, is nothing. But that doesn't stop Scholastics from informing students:

Following are short descriptions of some of the countries [i.e. Iraq] and groups that were involved in some way with the terrorist attacks. [Emphasis added.] Read more at Media Matters.

Say this about ABC, it is ambitious. Its efforts to mislead people about 9/11 extend beyond American households and reaches into high school classrooms nationwide.

UPDATE: Scholastic has, for now, yanked its online teaching guideline for "The Path to 9/11." But Think Progress reports Scholastic will have the material back up online this afternoon. No word if significant changes will be made to the text.
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Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 09:24 am
House Democrats Demand Accuracy in ABC 9/11 Film
September 6, 2006
House Democrats Demand Accuracy in ABC 9/11 Film

Representatives John Conyers, Jr., John Dingell, Jane Harman, and Louise Slaughter today called on ABC to fix the inaccuracies in its mini-series The Path to 9/11, before its scheduled airing on September 10th and 11th. Read the letter:

Mr. Robert A. Iger
President and CEO
The Walt Disney Company

Dear Mr. Iger:

We are advised that ABC is scheduled to air a two-part mini-series entitled "The Path to 9/11" on September 10 and September 11. While we have not yet seen this program, news reports raise serious questions about its accuracy. Therefore, we request that the inaccuracies described herein be addressed immediately and that the program be thoroughly reviewed and revised for accuracy before it airs.

Among our concerns about the program are the following: first, it reportedly contains a scene in which Sandy Berger, the National Security Adviser to President Bill Clinton, declines to give Central Intelligence Agency operatives the authority to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden, and in which those operatives are outside a house where Bin Laden is located. This account has been expressly contradicted by Richard Clarke, a high-ranking counterterrorism official in both the Clinton and Bush Administrations.

Second, the film reportedly contains a scene in which the Central Intelligence Agency declines to share information about the 9/11 hijackers with the FBI and ascribes that failure to the so-called "wall," limiting information sharing by the Department of Justice in certain circumstances, and established by the Department of Justice in an internal memorandum.

This scene is puzzling at best, and inaccurate at worst. According to a Republican Member of the 9/11 Commission, former Senator Slade Gorton, the "Department of Justice guidelines at issue were internal to the Justice Department and were not even sent to any other agency. The guidelines had no effect on the Department of Defense and certainly did not prohibit it from communicating with the FBI, the CIA or anyone else."

These two examples alone create substantial doubt about the overall accuracy of this program. September 11th is a day of mourning and remembrance for every American. We do not believe that it is appropriate for it to be tainted by false assertions of blame or partisan spin.

To avoid that occurrence, we urge you to review this film and correct these and other inaccuracies. We appreciate your prompt attention and reply to this time sensitive matter.


Representatives John Conyers, Jr., John Dingell, Jane Harman, Louise Slaughter
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 10:40 am
"These two examples alone create substantial doubt about the overall accuracy of this program. September 11th is a day of mourning and remembrance for every American. We do not believe that it is appropriate for it to be tainted by false assertions of blame or partisan spin. "

What a load of CRAP!

While I am sure parts are fictitious, only a FOOL will believe that the Clinton Administration did not fail in certain areas.

These morons in govt have been using Bush as a partisen wipping boy for years. Now, when certain FACTS go against their party, they cry.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 10:46 am
People are raising such a fit, Woiyo, because when it comes to a subject such as 9/11, we don't need to have 'fictional' accounts on television. It is misleading in the extreme. Even with disclaimers, many people are going to believe that what they are seeing is the truth. And it's something of a sensitive subject.

While it is true that the Clinton admin did fail in certain areas, attempting to blame them for 9/11, for not stopping Bin Laden, is ridiculous given the facts of the matter in question, namely, that Bush et al were warned of exactly what Bin Laden wanted to do months in advance, and did nothing; they were told that AQ was our biggest threat by the outgoing administration, and did nothing.

Here is the text of a letter sent to ABC by the Clinton bunch:


I also find it somewhat telling that the movie was sent for early review to a whole bunch of right-wing bloggers... but no left-wing ones... why?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 10:46 am
Funny how I didn't see anybody pestering Mr. Moore to fix the inaccuracies of his recent movie. I wonder why? Oh, wait, I think I know.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 10:51 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

While it is true that the Clinton admin did fail in certain areas, attempting to blame them for 9/11, for not stopping Bin Laden, is ridiculous given the facts of the matter in question, namely, that Bush et al were warned of exactly what Bin Laden wanted to do months in advance, and did nothing; they were told that AQ was our biggest threat by the outgoing administration, and did nothing.

And nothing is exactly what the Clinton admin did also. But let us not go finger pointing. I believe there is plenty of blame for both administrations. I'm kinda all for waiting to see the movie before condemning it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 10:52 am
I love seeing the shoe on the other foot for once. Heeheehee...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 10:56 am
"when certain facts go against their party?"

Facts? A fictional account that directly contradicts the findings of the fact finding commission are not facts.

Even you can't confuse fiction with fact, can you woiyo?

Which innaccuracies coastal? Moore exagerated at times but I don't recall any direct contradictions to the commissions findings.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 10:58 am
kickycan wrote:
I love seeing the shoe on the other foot for once. Heeheehee...

Leave your foot fetish out of this kicky...

(Is it a pastel pump?)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 11:00 am
"While ABC is promoting "The Path to 9/11" as a dramatization of historical fact, in truth it is a fictitious rewriting of history that will be misinterpreted by millions of Americans. Given your stated obligation to "get it right," we urge you to do so by not airing this drama until the egregious factual errors are corrected, an endeavor we could easily assist you with given the opportunity to view the film.


Bruce R. Lindsey

Chief Executive Officer

William J. Clinton Foundation

Douglas J. Band

Counselor to President Clinton

Office of William Jefferson Clinton

Cc: Ms. Madeleine K. Albright

Mr. Samuel R. Berger

Mr. Richard A. Clarke

Mr. Stephen McPherson

Mr. George J. Mitchell

Mr. John D. Podesta

Mr. David Westin

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States"

I believe that when people "PROTEST TOO MUCH", something is wrong about their position.

They now paint the entire 5 hours as FICTITIOUS? They now think the majority of American are too stupid to see through some of the dramatizations?

The more they protest, the more I think they are guilty of inaction.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 11:03 am
Gee.. I wonder what woiyo thinks about all the protesting about Fitzgerald's investigation.......

Nah.. he couldn't possibly think they protest too much and are guilty....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 11:04 am

They now paint the entire 5 hours as FICTITIOUS? They now think the majority of American are too stupid to see through some of the dramatizations?

ABC itself has claimed that the entire thing is a work of fiction, not to be confused with a documentary. So it isn't entirely the fault of the Clintonistas that they might make such a statement.

And, are you telling me that you don't think the American people are easily mislead by what they see on TV?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 11:08 am
parados wrote:
Gee.. I wonder what woiyo thinks about all the protesting about Fitzgerald's investigation.......

Nah.. he couldn't possibly think they protest too much and are guilty....

What I think is that you are an idiot.

Unlike you, I am not a partisen hack and as a result can objectively look at the entire "middle east" situation and determine that the policies and actions of the US dating back 50 years were not effective. Additionally the actions (or inactions) over the past 12 years by both the Clinton and Bush administration have made matters worse.

Idiots like you who can not think independantly, and look to either the Republicans or Democrats as their "LEADERS" add to the problems we have as a nation.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 12:44 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
People are raising such a fit, Woiyo, because when it comes to a subject such as 9/11, we don't need to have 'fictional' accounts on television. It is misleading in the extreme. Even with disclaimers, many people are going to believe that what they are seeing is the truth. And it's something of a sensitive subject.

Did you have similar concerns when Fahrenheit 911 came out?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 12:48 pm
Sure. I didn't think the movie was either well made nor completely accurate.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 01:21 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

They now paint the entire 5 hours as FICTITIOUS? They now think the majority of American are too stupid to see through some of the dramatizations?

ABC itself has claimed that the entire thing is a work of fiction, not to be confused with a documentary. So it isn't entirely the fault of the Clintonistas that they might make such a statement.

And, are you telling me that you don't think the American people are easily mislead by what they see on TV?


No they did not.

ABC Partial statement.

"ABC responded to the brewing controversy Tuesday only by saying that its miniseries is "a dramatization, not a documentary, drawn from a variety of sources, including the 9/11 Commission report, other published materials and from personal interviews."

Quite different from your statement.

"And, are you telling me that you don't think the American people are easily mislead by what they see on TV?"

No. The majority will NOT be misled. I know I won't and I know YOU won't. Some may.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 01:48 pm
A problem I have with any docudrama is the fact that even though as one watches it and for a while thereafter, one realizes that some of what one views is fiction and knows the difference between fact and fiction. In time the "facts" depicted (true and false) get thrown into the brain along with all other facts on the subject and in the future when one is looking for facts, they all come to the surface in an undifferentiated manner, and we no longer know what is fact and what is fiction.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 02:07 pm
It's called 'conflation of ideas.' Bushco has been using it for a long time to mix the concepts of AQ, 9/11 and Iraq.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 07:16 pm
Ah yes, that old first amendment can be a heavy burden. Especially when it's being used against you, huh?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2006 07:27 pm
If these people have nothing to hide, they wouldn't be calling for this show to be canceled. Their hysterical reaction is telling. It's one thing to go on record, denying that certain things happened, but to call for a program to be cancelled?? Sounds a little dictatorish to me.

ABC itself has claimed that the entire thing is a work of fiction,

When exactly did they say this? They admitted that it is a dramatization. That in no way means that it is void of fact. They might have taken the liberty of filling in a few gaps (which they have every right to do) but I'm sure that much of it is taken from well-documented sources. The fact is that Clinton did fail in regards to Bin Laden. So did Bush, as the film documents. What the f^%k is so hard to admit about that?
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