Quote:This "war," in both cases was unprovoked and one-sided, and is not so far proving a strong point for the agressor nation.
I would have to disagree with you here. I believe that both wars were very provoked.
Afghanistan made the mistake of harboring terrorists. The US made it very clear after 9-11 that their would be no difference between the terrorists and the country harboring terrorists. War was declared on terrorism. The Taliban had the option of detaining Bin Laden, and arresting the terrorist that called Afghanistan home, instead, they thumbed their noses at us not believeing that we would act in the fashion we did. If you do not consider 9-11 provocation, then I don't know what would be.
One thing to keep in mind about Afghanistan is that the UN security council was responsible for the action taken there. Read the security council resolutions found
here regarding Afghanistan.
Iraq also in the same vein as Afghanistan. As I have a different opinion on the Iraqi war, we will continue to try to stay on the topic of the prisoners in Gitmo, as that is what this thread is about.