Noddy24 wrote:SheWolf--
Have you ditched the guilt yet?
I cant say that I truly had that much.
A bit, yeah. Though, as soon as I thought about the guilt, it was gone and followed with a chuckle.
These therapists from EIC usually work with abused and neglected children. Her 'issues' ( as I percieved it, because there may not have been issues at all.. just my paranoia) may have been a simple astonishment of what I taught Jillian. Or, could have , in her mind, just gave her a new dimension to begin from. And very well could have been the reason for the faces she made.
I do know that I did not push spoken words alot with Jillian.
In fact I encouraged her to only use sign language.
That , in itself, is not an issue.. I just think I should have done both instead of focusing on one.
No matter.
I still have a happy child .
I like your ideas.
I also thought of marshmellow races.
Placing them on the side of the table, and only using your lips, see who can blow them to the other side first.
Heaven help me when she tastes one..
they will never make it to the other side of the table. HA!
Pin wheels are a great idea.
In fact, I just came from a second hand store that had a bunch of them for .30 cents each.
I will go get her a few tomorrow.