Well... update
Jillian went to my friends house while I worked on finding her a daycare.
And I DID get her into the one I wanted in the first place.
I am absolutely in love with the director/owner Andrew.
Him and I talk every morning.
I told him everything that was going on.
At my friends house, much to my dismay, Bean was bitting there as well.
She didn't tell me though. Not until 2 weeks later.
She said at first she thought it was just frustration and embarrassment from being yanked from UT and she might have, on some level, thought she did something wrong.
Not to mention that her day times just completely changed on her.
New home, new day care, new everything.
But it didn't stop.
I FINALLY got to see this 'biting' she does and...... well...
holy ****.
nuff said.
she looked like a WWF wrestler . Brutal, angry , forceful..
I cried myself sick that day.
What happened was that she was on a 2 seater rocking horse. Another kid hopped onto it as well.
He didn't have to touch her, push her, nothing to get on. And he didn't.
But she just turned around, one hand in his hair, another grabbing his ear and threw him on the ground . Laying on top of him so he could not get away, she tried to bite his face.
It looked like what you would see on a high school play ground. Two kids going at it with little control over their anger.
I don't get it.
She is only 2. Why is she so angry? Why is she having such a fierce reaction to simple things like that? Do they all do that?
So, I tell Andrew everything I saw, and tell him everything that happened at UT.
His response was quite simple .
Shes 2. And from the sounds of it, has never been given the option of words, just physical redirection. We will give her other options and allow her to be angry and not try to tell her it is wrong to be mad.
( insert the biggest sigh of relief a mother could feel right here... )
Her third day, she bit herself and someone else.
The worker who saw her do this, stopped me to tell me when I came to pick her up and was sort of surprised that she was biting herself.
He says out of 10 years of day care work, he has never seen a child turn on their own bodies.
Usually they bite the kids who make them mad, throw the toy that makes them mad, scream at the ( insert perp here) what ever it is that makes them mad. Not bite themselves.
He too said that it may be that she doesn't 'feel' pain the way we do and it is just a good place to bite to let out anger.
Oh god.
So, going against all I believe, and all I am comfortable with... she met with a child play therapist on Friday.
This woman has so many titles , that the letters behind her name should allow her to be her own alphabet.
Hourly cost? yeah.......I don't make that a month I bet.
Thank goodness for some rockin health insurance from Ian's job.
Our co-pay is 25.00
I told her everything. Gave her permission to go to Beans day care , and I even talked with Andrew about her so he consented to speak with her as well.
Her first , almost immediate "diagnosis" - Speech Impediment.
She says that Beans L's show the signs of a lack of muscle control in the tongue. And it isn't just normal 2 year old babble..
We have ECI..... or EIC what ever the abbreviation is... Coming on Monday to evaluate her speech and begin working with her.
Speech can make a kid this angry?
That seems a bit too simple to me.
But I am so surprised at what I saw Jillian do that I guess I am actually hoping for something more tragic to be wrong with her, because what I saw was not my little girl.
Even my friend was almost in tears because she knows Jillian too and was just.. shocked...at the anger she has.
Jillian is the type of child who hugs everyone, offers kisses to people when they cry, and is all around very attentive to your feelings.
She is a low-key girl. Even for being 2 and almost like a terrier puppy, doesn't get too excited about anything unless YOU amp up her reaction.
For the length of her life, she has had stress.
Now that there is no stress ( being in our own home where the rules are the same, and she can live as a regular part of the family not gated away in a small room for fear of 'touching anything') I hope what ever anger she has disappears.
I can see where it is valid. Completely. I still have anger issues , but I am an adult and know how to put them away . She doesn't.
I just hope that I can help her find an end to this , since I cant really pin point a beginning beyond birth..