Warning - this is a long, angry, weepy, scared, frustrated, possibly
judgemental, bitchy, tired, terrified post.
So yeah.
It is official.
UT has kicked Jillian out.
And you want to know the core reason? She throws tantrums " too
Uh.. earth to UT, she is
2. Thats right...
You want her to write an essay about her feelings instead?
Being two is hard people. At 2 everything you feel is intense and
immediate. There is no soft spot for a kid to land when they are
angry at two years old.
The really fucked up part is that I got this call AT work.. at
10 AM
saying I needed to come
GET jillian , and that my check will be
handed back to me.
what did you say?
I spent the rest of the morning in tears. I thought, at first that it
was yet another " come get jillian and take her home" call.. No.
This was the call I was dreading.
They caught me with my pants down, and gave me
no notice.
The really bad part is that the lady who called me said quite
specifically that she had been wrestling with this solution for a
Uh hello?!
Hows about telling
ME that?
I got
NO NOTICE[/b], and in the span of 2 minutes, I learn that I have
no day care.
And then.. this is the kicker... she said that they would
wave the 30
day notice.
What the ****?
I have to give
YOU notice for
YOU to tell me
you dont want my daughter in your school?
It isnt so much that they are not going to give anymore assistance,
it is that they gave NO notice.
I have peeked in many times in her classroom and I always see Jillian
being entertained in a corner.
Or, I hear her being yelled at
She has come home with finger bruises on her arms every day for the
last 2 weeks.
They dont allow her into regular activities.. and then they wonder
why she is frustrated?
She is
BITING HER SELF because she is so uncomfortable.. and yet...
THEY tell ME that I have to do something about this.
What gives?
They ( utcdc) pumped themselves up as being able to handle any
obsticle a child could have in their lives because they were staffed
with only child development majors, minors, and child psychologists..
yet they cant handle a child with tantrums?
They offerd little solutions to the problem other then yelling NO
I have seen some of the video, and I can tell from my peeping times
that she is being yelled at in the video, yet, it doesnt capture
sound. Just images.
I have had a sick feeling in my stomach for a while.
ANd I remember, the DAY we went in to visit UT, I thought.. so , what
do the kids do for fun ?
They are not allowd to dump toys on the ground.
They are not allowed to yell
They are not allowed to horseplay, run, or tumble in the classroom.
Yet again, I am coming to the wierd statement.. - but , they are
They are not allowed to eat with thier fingers. Ever.
It feels very 50-ish in their rules and regulations.
And I am truly dissappointed.
I have been dissappointed for a long time with them. This just takes
the cake.
I mean, how can anyone as a day care provider, try to give a parent
one hour to get thier child because they will no longer accept them???
Tell me thats not bullshit.
So, I snuck a peak at another, highly reccomended day care today.
Kiddos were painted with stripes, and animals, and 1/2 dressed
because it was hot outside, and the walls are drawn all over with
kiddo art. There are tons of adults outside actually
the kids. Where as, at UT, the teachers are standing off to the sides
in their business like suits and clean pants not playing.. just
Ok, this place will get me on thier front porch Monday.