Here's a link to the C-Span telecast of the BookExpo luncheon featuring Molly Ivins, Bill O'Reilly, and Al Franken.
C-Span telecast 1:26
The link goes straight to the video, opening in your media device (Real One Player for me). It's almost an hour and a half long, and you should watch it with a broadband connection.
It's an outstanding discussion first of all, with Molly Ivins playing more the counterbalance to the right-left catfight between the guys.
If you want to skip to the action, then I didn't write down the precise times, but Al Franken's remarks begin at the 30-minute mark (approx.) and you can observe O'Reilly's anger just beginning to boil.
A coupla highlights:
"Asking if there's bias in the media is sort of like asking if al-Qaeda puts too much oil on their hummus. It's not the most pressing question..."
And a direct quote from one of the 2000 debates:
"By far the vast majority of my tax cut goes to those at the bottom."--GWB
So while Gore was skewered for mistakenly saying he went to a disaster site with James Witt, there has been nothing said about this whopper by Bush. Al Franken's take is not there's media bias, but that the media responds, "He just doesn't know...leave him alone..."
If you want the best in ten minutes, go to the end--about the 1:16 mark--and pick up the question from the audience about how the dialogue exhibited at the luncheon is representative of that which separates us, and what (asking of the three panelists) would they do to advance dialogue that would move us all back together.