Aw, the troll don't wanna play no more . . .
Too bad, so sad . . .
Really, folks, for all the entertainment to be had from poking trolls with pointy sticks, we ought not feed them, they may decide to stick around . . .
Thanks, boys, for ridding us of that awful little thing - whew!
looks like a few of the nasty people from Abuzz may be filtering in under different know the ones.....
it doesn't really take all kinds but we get them anyway
Modern political debate...a blood-spattering sport it is. Our CBC, recently celebrating an anniversary, ran a huge number of old programs and many were truly delightful. One particularly special show involved a long discussion/debate between Malcolm Muggerige, Marshall McLuhan, and Norman Mailer. It was entirely wonderful.
When did things start to get so nasty? Why did things get so nasty?
1982 -- the sore losers came crawlin' outta the woodwork . . . why? Invective is the resort of the twarted debater . . .
Marshall McLuhan, what are you doing?
Did anyone else read Tom Wolfe's short piece on going to a restaurant with McLuhan? I'll see if I can find it.