I've just been reading about Satanism, snood, and I see you've made a horrible misconception.
As the Satanist has a different definition of being a Satanist compared to the Christian, he/she also has a different defintion of being a god compared to the Christian.
Let me quote from the Satanic Bible concerning the concept of god in Satanism.
Quote:Man has always created his gods, rather than his gods creating him. To the Satanist "God"...is seen as the balancing force in nature, and not as being concerned with suffering.
LaVey, Anton The Satanic Bible, pg 40
Therefore when the Satanist says, "I am my own god", he/she is not saying, "I am a deity to which I pray to".
However, I must admit that Satanism is kinda asking for these misconceptions. After all, the belief is named after Satan, it insists on using the concept of god in a completely different way than the way other people usually use it and I'm still all confused on the Satanic definition of worship.