Neologist wrote:
Quote: Most Witnesses I know of draw the line at storing their own blood for later use but have no objection to using recovered blood or blood that travels through a machine, as in dialysis. There exists a grey area which I am contemplating myself because of the surgery I expect to undergo in a few weeks.
You insist that transfusing blood into the veins is the same as eating it. Recovered blood is transfused into the veins, thus by your logic it is the same as eating it. Where is the grey area?
Neologist wrote:
Quote:Your reasoning that transfused blood has no caloric value and cannot be compared to the intravenous infusion of alcohol is both non sequitur and red herring.
I never said anything about caloric value. Sure, blood has caloric value when taken by mouth. What I said was that transfused blood is not treated by the body as food. If you dispute this then cite any evidence that proves me wrong. You won't find any doctor, scientist, or medical researcher that equates a blood transfusion with intravenous feeding. Intravenous feeding never includes blood. Why? Because the body doesn't recognize blood as food. A person given nothing but blood transfusions would soon die of starvation. Don't you realize that if your body treated the blood in your veins as food that you would soon be depleted of blood and be dead? This isn't rocket science. This is simple basic stuff.
Neologist wrote:
Quote:The only use for blood approved by God is sacrificial.
Then that would rule out all medical uses of blood including recovering blood lost during an operation and transfusing it back into a person. It would also rule out the use of all those products derived from blood that JW's use. Do you know what is left from a pint of blood after JW's get though taking all the approved fractions from it? Nothing! JW's can use ever bit from a volume of blood as long as it is fractionated first.
Do you know how many pints of blood it takes to make one Watchtower approved treatment for a JW hemophiliac? It takes 2,500 pints of blood! Is this a sacrificial use of blood?
Another Watchtower approve blood fraction is albumin. Albumins are primarily used in connection with burns and severe bleeding. A person with third degree burns over 30 to 50 percent of his body would need about 600 grams of albumin. How much blood would be needed to extract this quantity? It would take from 40 to 60 pints of blood to produce that quantity of albumin. This is not a small amount. It is also obvious that the blood from which the albumin is derived was stored, not "poured out."
Is this a sacrificial use of blood?
Similarly with immunoglobulins (gamma globulins). To produce sufficient gamma globulin for one injection by syringe (a vaccination Jehovah's Witnesses traveling to certain southern countries may take as protection against cholera) close to 12 pints of blood are needed as the source of supply. This is more blood than is generally employed for a common blood transfusion. And again, the gamma globulin is drawn from blood that is stored, not "poured out." Is this a sacrificial use of blood?
Although JW's can take from the donated blood supply they are forbidden from contributing to it.