For Neologist, and anyone else affiliated with watchtower.

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 09:56 pm
EpiNirvana wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Good grief! In my opinion you are either completely in denial or you really think you are God and have done nothing wrong. Either way, I'm praying for you.

Ughhh...spare me.

And maybe he is god, to test your faith, you never know!

Trust me on this one Epinirvana, Doktor S is NOT God!
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 10:05 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
EpiNirvana wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Good grief! In my opinion you are either completely in denial or you really think you are God and have done nothing wrong. Either way, I'm praying for you.

Ughhh...spare me.

And maybe he is god, to test your faith, you never know!

Trust me on this one Epinirvana, Doktor S is NOT God!

Correct. One distinction is the evidence for my existence. Of course, I will assume you take this as a matter of faith Wink

For the record,real lifes contention that 'I think I am god' is, as is the case with most of what real life says, complete bunk. Look here to see what I /really/ said.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 10:08 pm
What you really said is that if you believed in God you would believe that you are God because it fits your description and your self serving agenda.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 10:09 pm
Ok, so you don't say you are God, you say you are A god? Do I have that right?
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 10:17 pm
Why even waste time following him around in his little world, Arella? He definitely thinks he's something he ain't.
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Doktor S
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 10:26 pm
I think I explained myself and feilded enough relevant questions in that other thread that any reasonable person should 'get it'. If you do not, that surely falls well short of sufficient motivation for me to bother rehashing it out for you in bright colorful playschool block letters.
Let's leave it at that.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 11:02 pm
You're right Snood. He has to resort to demeaning remarks when asked a simple question so someone can be positive of what he is saying. But, oh, he would never resort to ad hominems. Rolling Eyes Go figure.
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Doktor S
Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2006 11:22 pm
Correction, my tone may become condencending, but only after the point I have been thoroughly convinced I am dealing with a knucklehead. Before this point, I make a point of being polite. Polite is a good default state, don't you think?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 01:21 am
ossobuco wrote:
Gads, I'd like to get J_B in on this, if she'd like.

Neo, I suppose by now you know I respect you, I am also someone with clear points of view. I dropped my state lab license after 35 years, having not done clinical or research lab for twenty years on, and gone into another field. To practice again, I have to go through near retraining. But back in the day, I worked in a kick-it research lab, and helped start a kick-it now major clinical lab. But I am not conversant on all the matters about transfusion. Someone like J_B can address this if she tunes in and is interested. You may basically disagree but find points to talk about.

I still think you fly wide but argue wonderfully.

Arelia, you could be helped to make your arguments - whatever they are on whatever subject - by reviewing a basic syllogistic logic site. I don't mean that to be condescending, I could use a look myself. I'll try to come back with some links on that.

But in summary (and I've had this stance in an argument with a psychologist friend), emotion doesn't win any points.*

* except...
Input welcome
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 01:24 am
Doktor S wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
EpiNirvana wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Good grief! In my opinion you are either completely in denial or you really think you are God and have done nothing wrong. Either way, I'm praying for you.

Ughhh...spare me.

And maybe he is god, to test your faith, you never know!

Trust me on this one Epinirvana, Doktor S is NOT God!

Correct. One distinction is the evidence for my existence. Of course, I will assume you take this as a matter of faith Wink

For the record,real lifes contention that 'I think I am god' is, as is the case with most of what real life says, complete bunk. Look here to see what I /really/ said.
One of the gifts God gave to us is free will, which essentially means we have been given dominion over our own lives. In that sense we are like God
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 05:07 am

This is cool. It's exciting to hear such grounded and clear responses to questions about blood transfusion and the Watchtower Soceity.

Sounds like you truly searched inside on this issue. I'm curious to know if you were an adult, around what age, when you decided to become baptisized?
Did you grow up in a family that were JWs (and is it offensive to use that term, honestly?)? If not, how did you learn about Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Soceity?

There are two friends (well, one is more of an acquaintaince) in my life who I have had the opportunity to ask questions re:blood transfusion, this religion, who have taken the time to really talk about it with me. The more-of-an-acquaintance is still a Witness, the friend left and was ex-communicated.
However, both grew up in the religion.

To me, I can understand how it would be easy to accept the no blood transfusions as a person who grew up within the belief system. All the ideas supporting each other, it being 'just the logical option'. Do you know what I mean?

But I've never had the opportunity to truly speak to someone who chose it as an adult, already fully aware and educated to the other sides of looking at it. That would be a whole different thought I process, I would think, and could cause some serious moral questioning.

I have absolutely no desire to argue with you, or another else on this thread, because it's too exciting to have the opportunity to hear about it in an understandable way.
I do wonder though: from much of what I have read about the Watchtower Soceity, has not the 'rules' about blood transfusion changed over the years?
I'd love to hear if you agree that the WT has shifted its position over time, and if/how that affects your day-to-day sort of decisions regarding medical care? Or not at all.

Personally, I can understand the choice for oneself as an adult (it is your body to choose as you wish), but given a situation where it is a child in my care - I don't know if I could rule out [/I]any option that could possibly save their life/quality of life.
Not to mention, I have personal stakes in it all, as blood transfusions and excellent medical care saved the life of someone very close to me. Smile

Anyways, hope you had something tasty. (you posted you were hungry)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 10:05 am
I was born and raised Roman Catholic. I left the church when I was 14, not from moral indignation, but from a desire for moral license. However I did have a certain benevolent humanistic philosophy which brought me to research or experiment with:
Ethical Culture (Yes, it is a religion)
Several sects of nominal christianity
Nothing-ism (My own brand of apatheism)

Or as Johnny Cash sang: I've been everywhere, man. . .

During those years, when JWs occasionally made visits to my door, I would dismiss them politely, sometimes taking their literature but never reading it. I had always considered them somewhat, you know, weird.

Perhaps I was just not ready. Then I was 29.

What caught my interest at first was the disparity between what the Bible actually says and what is almost universally preached. When I started to meet the folks, it was not long before I understood they really were in keeping with Jesus words at John 13:35: "By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves."

At that point, I was faced with a true dilemma. What about these foolish things like no blood transfusion, not saluting the flag, etc.? How could these people possibly have the truth? I adopted the attitude that I would hang around until I figured it all out one way or the other. It took many months.

Now, as far as blood transfusions are concerned, it is not for me to judge anyone in this respect. No doubt many lives have been saved by this medical procedure. Whether they could have been saved in any other way is not a fair assumption. I have anecdotal evidence that this might be so; but, in the grand scheme of things, it is not relevant. The perspective I try to keep is what are Jehovah's thoughts on the matter.

Surely, we all must die. We are under the sentence of death until such time as death is brought to nothing. (1Corinthians 15:26) The hope we look forward to lies in the promise first given to Adam and Eve that we were meant to live forever on earth. If we truly subscribe to that idea, then we must live in harmony with it.

Of course, this would be made considerably more difficult in its application to one's children and is not a course to be taken lightly. And, since we view baptism as a covenant with God, those considering this dedication are admonished to make a determination in their hearts beforehand.

I can say truly that JWs are most certainly not perfect. You mentioned someone you knew who was excommunicated (disfellowshipped). I have had that experience and worked hard to be reinstated. Forgiveness and mercy are important qualities of Jehovah.
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real life
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:08 pm
Doktor S wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
EpiNirvana wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Good grief! In my opinion you are either completely in denial or you really think you are God and have done nothing wrong. Either way, I'm praying for you.

Ughhh...spare me.

And maybe he is god, to test your faith, you never know!

Trust me on this one Epinirvana, Doktor S is NOT God!

Correct. One distinction is the evidence for my existence. Of course, I will assume you take this as a matter of faith Wink

For the record,real lifes contention that 'I think I am god' is, as is the case with most of what real life says, complete bunk. Look here to see what I /really/ said.

hi DS,

What you said in that very post was:

We have a good deal of atheists, a lesser amount of theists, some agnostics( read:weak theists) and a smattering of other external deity religious folks here.
As far as I can see, I am the only autotheist.

Bob the skeptic says:
"Autotheist?? So you think YOU are GOD??"

Yes, I sure do. But this hinges on the definition of 'god'. The word is pretty flexible in meaning but I define it differently than most, in regards to myself.........

and you proceed to redefine the word so that it can mean: YOU

It's like if I said, 'hey everybody I'm an Olympic champion', and then proceeded to tell you that I held an event in my backyard where I was the only participant. I called that event the Olympics. It consisted of a test to see who could guzzle a soda and then produce the loudest burp. And guess what? Even though competition was fierce.........I won!'

If you must have special definitions for words so that you might derive some comfort for your ego, go ahead.

Just don't be surprised if most folks think it's pretty funny. Laughing
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:23 pm

Just don't be surprised if most folks think it's pretty funny. Laughing

That you. real life, think that any volume of members might share your misinformed and disingenuous opinions, is ridiculously solopsistic considering the almost universal mockery you recieve here on a daily basis.
Keep up the good work, every circus needs a clown Smile
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:39 pm
Doktor S wrote:

Just don't be surprised if most folks think it's pretty funny. Laughing

That you. real life, think that any volume of members might share your misinformed and disingenuous opinions, is ridiculously solopsistic considering the almost universal mockery you recieve here on a daily basis.
Keep up the good work, every circus needs a clown Smile

Tell some of your friends, neighbors and relatives that you think you are god.

Then we'll see who they are laughing about. Laughing
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:46 pm
real life wrote:
Doktor S wrote:

Just don't be surprised if most folks think it's pretty funny. Laughing

That you. real life, think that any volume of members might share your misinformed and disingenuous opinions, is ridiculously solipsistic considering the almost universal mockery you receive here on a daily basis.
Keep up the good work, every circus needs a clown Smile

Tell some of your friends, neighbors and relatives that you think you are god.

Then we'll see who they are laughing about. Laughing

My position is completely congruent and makes no calls to faith or textual eisegesis to stand on it's own. Everything I say is grounded in sound logic and reason. That you skip all this and assume the only possible conception god your silly anthropomorphisization, and as such I must be claiming to be this comic book character, is really par for the course given your disingenuous and dishonest history.
Here's a clue, sherlock. God is a 'concept', not a being.
I've never claimed to be 'god', simply my own god.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:49 pm

Then we'll see who they are laughing about.

Probably the fact that there are actually people that believe dinosaurs and men existed at the same time, or that the universe is only a matter of thousands of years old.
You sir, are in no position to be questioning anyones credulity.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:53 pm
Doktor S wrote:
real life wrote:
Doktor S wrote:

Just don't be surprised if most folks think it's pretty funny. Laughing

That you. real life, think that any volume of members might share your misinformed and disingenuous opinions, is ridiculously solipsistic considering the almost universal mockery you receive here on a daily basis.
Keep up the good work, every circus needs a clown Smile

Tell some of your friends, neighbors and relatives that you think you are god.

Then we'll see who they are laughing about. Laughing

My position is completely congruent and makes no calls to faith or textual eisegesis to stand on it's own. Everything I say is grounded in sound logic and reason. That you skip all this and assume the only possible conception god your silly anthropomorphisization, and as such I must be claiming to be this comic book character, is really par for the course given your disingenuous and dishonest history.
Here's a clue, sherlock. God is a 'concept', not a being.
I've never claimed to be 'god', simply my own god.

A distinction without a difference.

Go ahead, tell your friends and neighbors. It'll be a hoot. Laughing

And btw if god is not a being, and you are your own god, exactly how does that work?
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2006 11:57 pm

And btw if god is not a being, and you are your own god, exactly how does that work?

Given it's been a matter of years and you still seem to think (or disingenuously are trying to get others to think, which is more your style) I believe I am some sort of supernatural biblical creature, further explaining the intricacies of autotheism to you seems an excersize in futility. Id rather teach my cat to ride a bike, and I'd undoubtedly get further.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2006 12:19 am
Doktor S wrote:

And btw if god is not a being, and you are your own god, exactly how does that work?

Given it's been a matter of years and you still seem to think (or disingenuously are trying to get others to think, which is more your style) I believe I am some sort of supernatural biblical creature, further explaining the intricacies of autotheism to you seems an excersize in futility. Id rather teach my cat to ride a bike, and I'd undoubtedly get further.

hi DS,

Well, now, time does seem to fly when you're having fun.........

..........but since you only joined A2K less than 9 months ago, hmmmmmm.............

...............has your job as god seemed to have aged you prematurely?


I think it's a perfect contradiction on your part to state that god is a concept, not a being; and then to assert that you are your own god. Are you not a human being?

I'd be willing to wager on this. I'd say you fit the definition of a being.

But ooops, there's that propensity you have for redefining words.

Guess I better not wager after all.


Now you ought to know that I have had great fun with your 'special' definitions for words.

If you wanna keep making up new meanings for words as you go along, have fun. It's fun to watch.

Is that wrong of me?

And how can you accuse me of disingenuousness if there is no right or wrong?
0 Replies

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