Waltzing down the daisy lane. I'll say that I'm nonplussed by the transfusion thing, but can see holding to it if I was of that belief. For myself, that is. For others, I can see doing that as a duty if I believed but see it as crossing a line of application of my own construct on others... those younger haven't grown up to make a choice. Murder? It is a letting go without intervention. I don't feel it is the parent's moral/ethical right to choose that, myself.
A case like that is going on now, as many of you probably know, with the teen getting power to not have chemo for, I think, Hodgkins, and looking to a highly suspect herbal remedy by someone named Hoxsie, long ago discredited, and some acquiescence to apparently mild spurts of radiation therapy. A death sentence let be writ, to me. The boy is what, sixteen?, and involved in the fight for power over his care.
Tricky, re, power over care, and being sixteen.
Arella Mae wrote:Dear Dyslexia,
I happen to have a grip just fine thank you. I'm just sick and tired of you and WHAT'S HIS NAME AGAIN? continually using MOAN when you have been asked not to. And I have asked nice many times. How predictable that you would turn it around to me having a problem so you don't have to look at your own behavior. Yep, I wanna be an atheist just like you when I grow up. NOT!!!!!!!!!!
Now, if y'all excuse me, I have some Christian friends I am going to invite to join me on A2K. They just love to take on you big strong atheist men!
I have a few friends from a2k in real life, some of them constantly refer to me as "dys" it's understood that once an identity is established it's pretty much permanent my dear friend frank Apisia can't refrain from adressing me as "Dys" even though he knows my name is Bob. I suppose your christain friends know you by your true name.
Arella Mae wrote:Nah Neo, your topics are just fine. It just appears they like to attack women who stand up to their crap.
And Doktor S, it is Arella Mae, AM not MA, thank you.
If you had changed your name to Mae Arella, I could still call you MA.
Simply astounding.
Arella Mae wrote:
You implied that I have no intellect, (intellectual abstinence)
No, I did no such thing. My post was a direct response to your post above it, which stated in no uncertain terms that evidence is meaningless and faith is all you need. That
is, patently, a position of intellectual abstinence. I said nothing of your intellectual capacity itself, as to do so would certainly be construed as an insult.
I doubt that you know what an hominem is (implying I'm stupid). Stop being a coward Dok.
Now see,
that is an ad hominem. An ad-hominem is when you direct a criticism towards a poster, rather than an argument. That I have done no such thing while you do it with great regularity makes me even more doubtful that you understand what it means. That you continue to insist I have used ad-homs while refusing to say where or how is absurd.
You know you said those things with let's say, not pure intent? Apologize to you? Nope, but I'll forgive you for your implications.
This one honestly made me laugh out loud. You wear your hollow smugness quite well.
Fine Doktor S, fine. Keep trying to justify what you said. I'm sure I can go back and find more but I'm not going to. If you can't accept responsibility for what you do in this life, in my book that makes you a coward.
I wasn't being smug. I was being honest.
Arella Mae wrote:Fine Doktor S, fine. Keep trying to justify what you said. I'm sure I can go back and find more but I'm not going to. If you can't accept responsibility for what you do in this life, in my book that makes you a coward.
I wasn't being smug. I was being honest.
How unusual, perhaps It's a new day.
ossobuco wrote:Waltzing down the daisy lane. I'll say that I'm nonplussed by the transfusion thing, but can see holding to it if I was of that belief. For myself, that is. For others, I can see doing that as a duty if I believed but see it as crossing a line of application of my own construct on others... those younger haven't grown up to make a choice. Murder? It is a letting go without intervention. I don't feel it is the parent's moral/ethical right to choose that, myself.
A case like that is going on now, as many of you probably know, with the teen getting power to not have chemo for, I think, Hodgkins, and looking to a highly suspect herbal remedy by someone named Hoxsie, long ago discredited, and some acquiescence to apparently mild spurts of radiation therapy. A death sentence let be writ, to me. The boy is what, sixteen?, and involved in the fight for power over his care.
Tricky, re, power over care, and being sixteen.
Finally, someone on topic.
Yes, I will admit it is a course of much soul searching when such a decision involves a young one. It is certainly not to be taken lightly. As for me, I would not have presented myself for baptism without having considered it deeply.
Arella Mae wrote:Fine Doktor S, fine. Keep trying to justify what you said. I'm sure I can go back and find more but I'm not going to. If you can't accept responsibility for what you do in this life, in my book that makes you a coward.
What? More? You have yet to demonstrate either a single usage of ad-hominem on my part nor an understanding of what an ad-hom actually is, even after I explained it to you.
I find that you would try to scold me on not accepting reponsibility for something I didn't do, while doing it yourself, and refusing to back down from a lie you can't support which amounts to a personal attack, to be comedy worthy of the likes of monte python. You're a hoot
Neo wrote:
Finally, someone on topic.
Guilty as charged. I usually don't like to get dragged off topic but when I am accused of something the accuser better damn sure be able to present some evidence of the supposed misdeed, or I will make them look like an idiot.
Case in point.
Actually, I am enjoying myself immensely. I only hope that somehow I am getting a few points across.
Arella Mae wrote:That's it Dok, deny, deny, deny. Don't admit it. If that makes you feel like a big man, hey have at it. I'm done with you. I'm sick of you and your justifying your behavior. I can at least I blow up and spout off and call Setanta the names he doesn't like me using to give him a dose of his own medicine. I did it, but it doesn't make it right. You big brave Satanist you
Do you honestly see nothing wrong with making accusations and not backing them up? As you have produced not a single example of me using an ad-hominem argument against any member, I have nothing as of yet to deny, now do I?
neologist wrote:Actually, I am enjoying myself immensely. I only hope that somehow I am getting a few points across.
I have read all of your posts in the thread, neo. I have to keep going back to check your position because there is so much stuff in between the posts. I may not agree with your stand, but I respect your right to hold it.
Good grief! In my opinion you are either completely in denial or you really think you are God and have done nothing wrong. Either way, I'm praying for you.
Arella Mae wrote:Good grief! In my opinion you are either completely in denial or you really think you are God and have done nothing wrong. Either way, I'm praying for you.
What is it you are ranting about anyway? Just what is this suposed ad-hominem argument I supposedly made? Seriously, either produce it and back up your allegations, or shut the hell up.
I'm hungry.
See ya later.
Gads, I'd like to get J_B in on this, if she'd like.
Neo, I suppose by now you know I respect you, I am also someone with clear points of view. I dropped my state lab license after 35 years, having not done clinical or research lab for twenty years on, and gone into another field. To practice again, I have to go through near retraining. But back in the day, I worked in a kick-it research lab, and helped start a kick-it now major clinical lab. But I am not conversant on all the matters about transfusion. Someone like J_B can address this if she tunes in and is interested. You may basically disagree but find points to talk about.
I still think you fly wide but argue wonderfully.
Arelia, you could be helped to make your arguments - whatever they are on whatever subject - by reviewing a basic syllogistic logic site. I don't mean that to be condescending, I could use a look myself. I'll try to come back with some links on that.
But in summary (and I've had this stance in an argument with a psychologist friend), emotion doesn't win any points.*
* except...
Arella Mae wrote:Good grief! In my opinion you are either completely in denial or you really think you are God and have done nothing wrong. Either way, I'm praying for you.
Ughhh...spare me.
And maybe he is god, to test your faith, you never know!