Neo wrote:
Quote:Blood is sacred, even to the point of its being used in sacrifice.
Neo, do you mean that Jehovah is violating his own law by being responsible for creating, the Mosquito, the Bat and the Leech, where all sustain life on sacred blood?
Quote:They were instructed that the soul of the animal is in the blood.
Exactly Neo, that was the reason for that a killed animal blood, with is life, should be poured out as water, as a symbolic act respecting the life, as a metaphor, so to speak, give the life back to Jehovah!
Quote:When slaughtering animals, it should be poured out.
Leviticus 17:13 and the Watchtower Society are violating Gods law by cooperating with Companies, that kills and store thousands and other thousands tons of killed cows blood and now allows loyal JW's to get it injected in their veins without sanctions!
Quote:It should not be purposely eaten.
Neo I really hope that you have learned that taking a blood transfusion is not equal to eating the blood!
Quote:No doubt the early Christians would have avoided using blood as fertilizer.
Then they must have stored it in big containers, otherwise it would have had the effect of being as fertilizer! But the Watchtower Society cooperate and allow JW's to use it today as described in Awake from August 2006!
Quote:Modern medicine has challenged us to define/refine our attitude toward blood. Is it simply the DNA that represents 'the soul' in the blood? Does saving one's blood for later use violate the command to 'pour out' blood that has been removed from the body? To me, the transfusion of whole blood from one person to another is clearly prohibited. The rest can be the subject of insufferable argument, as has been shown for over 400 posts.
I've already explained my reasons for affiliation with the Watchtower Society. The cord is held firmly in my hand, but has not tied my hands together.
Yes Neo and you confirm only what I earlier tried to show, that it is impossible to discuss feelings and I'm sure, that it is a coult like behaviour and also would have been fruitless to argue with the fellow men of Jim Jones, in hope to get them to abstain from poison and to not blindly follow his doctrines, like you and others are following the Watchtowers blood doctrine actually are and will be doing, offen with a premature death, like all those small children that have been denied having a vaccination against smallpox or tetanus/lockjaw, when the Society ban vaccinations as the act of Satan!
NB. Neo do you think that the DNA of a persons blood will change if the persons own blood will be stored for a later use in connection to a planned operation, whether 1 day or more has passed by, before it will be transferred back into the same person 1:1, called autologous blood transfusion? Which the Society also forbide, but store tons of cows blod is Ok!
By your statement Neo, do you really think that your fellow men in the Kingdom Hall, which conscience allow the use of 97% of the haemaglobine cow blood, to be injected in their veins, will go around a low like the cows, simple because they got the animals soul or personality?
This guide my attention to the Watchtowers explanations, why organ transplantations was banned in former time, they stated it as canibalism, learned out, that taking an organ from another person, mostly if it was the heart, then the receiver would get the persons personality, be a maniak, drinker or evil, simply because the feeling was inside the physical heart of a person and not as it is in the real world, the sentence of hearts in the Bible, as a metaphor for a persons personality, emotions and thoughts!
It must have been you Neo they saw at Homer's place and your friend Setanta that they furthermore saw together with homer at the shooting field, with his M14.
Have you ever thought of and can imagine, back to the good old "Communist hunter" times, from the John McNamara period, that they comes back, now in a new dress, hunting God's chosen people, as described in Revelation and your friend Setanta was called in duty, to the Military infirmary, and you was wounded because of torture or other reasons, for your bleeding wounds, then suppose Setanta is commanded to sustain your life, because you have information they need and it therefore will be absolutely necessary, for him to parry orders, otherwise he will be placed in front of a firing squad. He will then give you a real shoot of blood, whether it has it's origin from humans or animals, even that you will not be responsible, simply because you have no power to stop it.
It is only a conceivable situation, but not unrealistic in principle and the same is valid for your parry of "orders" doctrines and you are willing to sacrifice your own, your wife and your children's life and others, by distribuating Watchtower's non scriptural doctrines, with no anchorage in the Bible, modern or up to date biology and scientific profs!