Neo wrote:
Quote:You completely missed Setanta's publication of the Straw man fallacy.
Did I, maybe it's because of I'm happy, not to belong, to his "God" and tribe and have anything in common, with his tripe!
Quote:Your arguments are full of fallacious lines of reasoning and conclusions. Perhaps more practice is needed.
This is repeated postulate from your side, take it to a proof!
Do you still mean, that it was false that it was you Neo who stated, taking a blood transfusion was equal to eat blood? If so, you are amazing Neo!
Quote:Then your English readers will have only to figure out which word you may have intended rather than simply assume you have a disorganized mental state.
There was one here, who asked me, if you really has a bad memory Neo, since you start at nearly zero every time, I could only show him the fact that you have forgotten who have started the topic, based on a Watchtower article? The only comment I got was a HM...You are wasting you time. Same conclusion Tele brought up for long time ago!
Neo may I ask you a personal question, not trying to insult you, you are neutral here, but better to understand how it comes? Seriously, do you have or had problems with the "Brewskis" or is it simply because you are scatterbrained, due to the match?
You have been so professional and effective educated, in question of historical events and procedures of the watchtower Society and in question of the Blood and derivates, that you should be ashamed, or maybe better to say, shame on you Neo, may Jehovah rebuke you!
Neo...the gong gong has sound and the match is over, even that you try to stand up after a clean knock out from Tele, or isn't it for your part? Your answer seems to be: yes, no, yes, no yes, no, yes ..........!
I do now better understand the reason for and why, you are so unfamiliarly with the Watchtower Society's historical background, flashing new light and rapidly changing doctrines. You do simply not understand and have the capacity to follow the speed in changes and since the blood doctrine isn't anchored in the Bible, you twist around, as by and after several punches and start to mentioning that Lawyers was involved at the Society, to determine whether Jehovah allow blood components or not???
It seems that you are really down, not only down but deep in the mud, as a matter of fact, like many others with you, totally confused about the Watchtowers manipulating and flickering light, due to a deathly blood doctrine. You don't even understand, how dangerous you are for yourself, by following the doctrines, you are even willing to distribute them to others, even you admit you don't understand, but find only another, that also blindly or maybe not either understand the issue to assist you, You are dangerous for yourself neo and others, When a blind leads a blind they fall in the same pit said Jesus, it seems unfortunately to be at all levels, as a cult like behaviour, between mostly of the members inside the Society. I must admit that I'm really happy, at your and your family behalf, that you not get cathed by Jim Jones or his fellow men!
So if your Doctor(s) diagnosis is, that you are going to die Neo and the only usable medical treatment, is blood or derivates hereof, you simply refuse everything and are willing to sacrifice your life, Have you ever thought of that committing suicide, when help is at hands, it maybe will be negative in the eyes of Jehovah? It seems for me, that you Neo are going to, and likes to test him, not me, based at doctrines you don't or refuse to understand and still act as you do here in this forum. Better be at the safe side, even I leave my family and they, hopefully also, will miss you, better abstain, and let the Watchtower's non Scriptural doctrine rule! I'm really sorry Neo........
I believe Neo, but I really don't hope, that your attend to the meetings, simply is a question of a social get - together, a positive one for you, rather than to make sure of everything and take awareness of what it's all about, you simply must have slept, in more than 30 years, during the sessions and mostly, if you have been Awake for a second or two, the Watchtower, rock you to sleep again and are dooing the thinking for you!
There was a frind he told me about a third person, who didn't understand, even simple things in life, and destroy everthing he touch. He said to me that he of course would forgive him time after time as long as he only would try to do things right. But he said hereafter, the problem was not that the person hasn't been granted with so many brain cells, in his life, but that he, at the same time, time after time was shameless, then he said to me, when it comes to this point, then everything stopped...The combination Neo, if you should wonder!
You denied the fact that thousands youngsters and minor aged persons has died due to the watchtowers blood doctrine. What a shame, it is for me the same to say, that holocoust is a fake, what a disrespect you show Neo, aginst all them who have been offered and mostly against their still living rellatives, when you got the article from Awake, where the Society admit that thousands have died a premature death because of the blod doctrine!!! Shame on you Neo, again may Jehova rebuke strongly!
The match is over Neo the Gong Gong maybe saved you this time...(your life at the hospital, in connection with your knee operation, really do hope so and it went well without blood or derivates?) but next time it maybe counts, but
Not because of what you forward agains me Neo, but your denial leaves the impression that nobody have died and are going to die because of the Watchtower SSsociety's confusing blood doctrine, even you know it's the truth!! It is for me excatly the same, as and when, the new Nazis deny Holocaust, it's faked!. Not to compare but the backgrund, why????