Quote:quote="Talkactive"]No, that statement has to be at your own account, but anyway welcome at the stage, you are doing well "number two"!
Setanta you was so kind to instruct me how to use the quote key, can I do a little return payment?
Quote:No actually, you miss again the Christian behaviour and path, Jesus command us to follow!
More typical incoherence. I have absolutely no reason to believe that your boy Jesus ever existed, so you can be assured that i acknowledge no "commands" from your goof-ball imaginary friend.
How can you express anything about Christian Behaviour with such a statement?
Were, religious doctrines were first introduced . . . of course, don't be idiotic. I'm pointing out that there is no logical basis for conflating the actions and principles of the Roman Catholic Church with the actions and principles of the Watchtower. I'm not surprised that you don't understand the distinction, though, you haven't shown much subtlety of comprehension so far.
Do I understand you correct that you mean that the Chatolic Churc and the Watchtower Society didn't have anything in common, when their doctrines are responsible for that people die and are going to die?
Quote:Do you mean that a difference in the contents of the doctrines and the way people die, makes them different, whwn it still is due to the doctrines?
No--and your inability to understand properly constructed sentences in the English language is not a valid basis for making false claims about what i have written
Then it seems that we are equals, the one way or the other!
Quote:In fact, i rather suspect that the Catholic Church is responsible for far more than 40,000 deaths--it is simply that the Inquisition is not responsible for anything like that number of deaths. And other Christian sects have hands as bloody as those of the Catholics. Other religions have hands as bloody as those of the Christians. Political fanatics have hands as bloody as the religious fanatics. So far, you have made no coherent point in your references to who may or may not be responsible for any number of deaths.
I fully agreed with you that false or what we call religion has be been and still are responsible for people get killed, but I thought it was enough for you to understand how seriously result doctrines have created in a period of approximate 2000 years, and hereto comes the persons who have died due to the Watchtower Societys blood doctrine, which shall be seen in the light that they have only existed in about 100 years. The death casualties continues due to their wicked and evil doctrine.
Quote:What idiocy. My remarks about the French Revolution were a comparison to the Inquisition in Spain--the point was that the Terror during the French Revolution killed more than twice as many people in four years as the Spanish Inquisition killed in 350 years. It's a matter of developing a sense of proportion. You have no sense of proportion in your fanatical, obsessive hatred of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I know that a murder in the United States, maybe not valid for all states, can be convicted to lifetime in prison. If the same person has commited more than one murder, the penalty accumulate.
It seems, maybe because of above, that it make a great difference in your opinion, whether religious leaders doctrines have been responsible for a few thousands of death casualties, compared with 10 thausands or even more.
Does it make any difference, in my eyes, a murder is a murder and whatewher you are responsible for one thousand or 10 thausands death casualties, isn't it still murder, in your eyes? It is at least in accordsance to the laws generally in the whole world, it seems that you differ from that opinion?
Does the proportion make any difference as long as people get killed, die or a situation end up in death casualties, due to religious leaders doctrines, when their lives could have been spared?
Quote:Actually, even if Jesus did exist, something of which i am not convinced, there is no good reason to assume he was executed by the Romans, and a great deal of reason to believe he was not.
Here we are again, if you do not believe in Jesus Christ, how does it come that you refer to Christian principles and more than 1,5 bilions people call themselves for Christians and believe that he has existed as described in the Bible. Do you e.g. celebrate Christmas? or have you ever thought of what the Churches teach in connection to it and whom they suppose to celebrate?
Quote:I am not your friend, so do me the courtesy of not insulting me with the suggestion that i am or would ever want to be. What you have here is a value judgment. It is not necessarily one with which i would disagree, but there is a value which i personally cherish which i consider more important than that, and that is that people are free agents, and have the right to believe what they like, and act upon that belief, so long as they do no harm to others. If you want to contend that the JWs are willfully harming others, i suggest you seek indictments from competent authority, and stop attempting to make up bullshit claims that i have failed to stop others from doing what i have no power to stop them from doing.
You are still my friend an I hope you commit yourselves to your statement that people are free agents and have the right to believe what they like, and act upon that belief, so as long as they do not harm others.
Neo which you at least call your friend, what do you think about his statement, in the beginning of the forum, where it comes forth that he was willing to sacrifie his own life and his children, apart from that they now are in a mature age.
Do you mean that he isn't harming himself and eventually his kids, when he is willing to refuse blood or blood components, based at religious leaders doctrines, where he inthis forum can't admit that he dissagre with the Watchtower Societys doctrines, if he was in a situation that request medical treatment with blood products and was the absolutely last way out and chance for sustaining the life?
How do you explain this, is it that kind of freedom you think of, when you state:
As long as they do not harm others!" Don't you think that the watchtowers doctrines based at mind control and indoctrinations, with sanctions and threat against a God fearing person, that they will loose the chance for an everlasting life, if they are not obedient and if they go against the doctrines they will automatically be cut of from all their beloved ones, children, relatives and friends,. How do you look at this? Isn't it a situation where religious leaders are responsible and people are forced to choose the death, like Jim Jones followers in Guyanas Jungle.
Do you also mean that Jim Jones was a fine person, like the people at Watchtower, because he "only" was responsible for approximate 940 persons death, compared with the Christian Science, the Catholic Church and other religious organisations who carry at more bloodguilt than Jim Jones.
If a person try to commit suicide, will your conclusion also be, that the person has a free will and do not hurt others? Or will you try to talk or cal the fire squad to save the person?
The Watchtower Society are responsible for thousands of death casualties and that is statistically every ear, in their life time which is only and approximate 100 year.
This is a complicated situation because the Watchtower Society and other accepted religious organisations or movements are free to spread their doctrines and as long it's a question of adults, opposite children, the authoryties don't even make a notice, because they are protected in the chapter from 1948 concerning religious freedom, and the Authoryties don't understand that people can't resist and make a proper choice in question of the watchtowers blood doctrine.
Quote:I haven't the least expectation of getting a reasonable dialogue of any
descrpition from you, not simply because of your lack of the ability to express yourself coherently in English, but because of your lack of the ability to think coherently. Don't make snotty recommendations to me about the use of my mental capacities--you have no authority over me, and my experience of your drivel in this thread suggests to me that the dog who sits beside me now has more understanding of the world than you do.
I have heard that dogs do not have possibilities to think in abstract terms and that is maybe therefore you are not able to understand my English, even that I was well aware of it could be much better, before you guide my attention to it. Is that also the background for you are not able to understand me, when Im trying to guide your and others attention to the problem that the Watchtowers blood doctrine create approximate 1000 death casualties every year and that is one person to much, even that other religious organisations are carrying at more bloodguilt.
You have a note at the bottom line of your communication filed, which I read:
"Human kind cannot bear very much reality"
Is that the background for you aren't able to se and refuse to se all the tragedies Watchtowers doctrine has created and can be a possibility for, in the future, that you maybe will loose your friend Neo?