For Neologist, and anyone else affiliated with watchtower.

Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 08:59 am
Talkactive wrote:
I've already succeeded to a marvelous degree. No one injected anyone in basic training. At the Medical Training Center, we practiced injections on one another. At the Medical Field Service School, no one injected anyone else.

Its my pleasure to amuse you!

Will you pls. answer, have you never been trained to use a weapen when you attend the United States military forces?

Since this is the first time you have acheived sufficient corherence to make it plain that you were asking that questino, yes, i was trained to use the M14 rifle. If you assert that the Christian Scientists are responsible for this weapon, or benefit from its production, i intend to call you a liar unless and until you provide plausible evidence.

(Hint: a long, drawn-out copy and paste rant from one of your "i hate everyone who doesn't think like me" web sites will not constitute evidence.)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:17 am
Neo wrote:
I am still waiting for one of them to assume the lectern and instruct us in the way of the truth.

Neo I really hope you have access to your Bible and read it for yourself without guidance of the Watchtower magazine. The Society tells you that they are chosen and we can only understand what comes forth if they are explaining it to all of us, like and when the Catholic Church was the only one who could read it in Latin! Is there in principle any difference?

Satanta wrote:
It seems to me now that you assume that i am a Jehovah's Witness. That is a false assumption on your part.

You mentioned that you are a Native American, how does it come that you are not aware of that "I" is written with a capital letter?

Only by your language, you have more than ever and already from the beginning shown that you are not a Jehovah's Witnesses.

That's why I recommend Neo several times to educate you in what he really knows about members of The Watchtower Society and maybe more also, what it means to be a real Jehovah's witnesses, like Abel, Abraham, Noah and their like!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:29 am
I'm aware that many speakers of the English language capitalize the first person pronoun--but i do not, unless it is the first word of a sentence. That's a choice on my part, which differs from your idiocy in that you apparently are incapable of consistently expressing yourself coherently in English.

I've known Neo at this site for several years--he and i have no need of your witless interference in our discussions. As he has pointed out, neither of us suffer fools gladly . . . fool.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:32 am
Setanta wrote:
Since this is the first time you have acheived sufficient corherence to make it plain that you were asking that questino, yes, i was trained to use the M14 rifle. If you assert that the Christian Scientists are responsible for this weapon, or benefit from its production, i intend to call you a liar unless and until you provide plausible evidence.

I assumed that you weren't lying to me when you quote:

Setanta writes again:
What is most striking about your "contribution," though, is your perfervid desire to smear someone whom you do not know, simply on the basis of your rabid hatred of those with whom you disagree. If you're so hot to excoriate those whom you allege are responsible for the deaths of people from a lack of competent medical care, why aren't you out crusading against the Christian Scientists, who eschew a lot more than simply blood transfusion?

Will you pls. forward documentation for your statement, which I thought was true!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:40 am
Talkactive wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Since this is the first time you have acheived sufficient corherence to make it plain that you were asking that questino, yes, i was trained to use the M14 rifle. If you assert that the Christian Scientists are responsible for this weapon, or benefit from its production, i intend to call you a liar unless and until you provide plausible evidence.

I assumed that you weren't lying to me when you quote:

Setanta writes again:
What is most striking about your "contribution," though, is your perfervid desire to smear someone whom you do not know, simply on the basis of your rabid hatred of those with whom you disagree. If you're so hot to excoriate those whom you allege are responsible for the deaths of people from a lack of competent medical care, why aren't you out crusading against the Christian Scientists, who eschew a lot more than simply blood transfusion?

Will you pls. forward documentation for your statement, which I thought was true!

It is true. The Church of Christ, Scientist, does not believe in conventional medicine.

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Science][b]The Wikipedia Article[/b][/url] wrote:
Christian Science is a teaching that does not rely on conventional medicine but holds that the ills of the flesh, including death itself, can be healed through prayer and faith in God. This belief extends to the possibility of healing any kind of wrong-doing, not just illness. Christian Scientists see sin, disease, and death as derived from a 'false sense' of separation from God. Healing is accomplished when one realizes one's perfection and unity with God.

Just how in Hell you think that relates to firearms or weapons systems is beyond me. You really are incompetent in English. The sentence you have highlighted in quoting my earlier post does not even remotely suggest that Christian Science has anything to do with firearms, weapons systems or warfare. You are incredibly incompetent in English.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:40 am
I've known Neo at this site for several years--he and i have no need of your witless interference in our discussions. As he has pointed out, neither of us suffer fools gladly . . . fool.

I think there is something you or I have missunderstand, that this forum is specially designed for you Setanta and Neologist!

It seems also that you have missed "Index of this Forum: " Spirituatlity and Religion""!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:44 am
Talkactive wrote:
I've known Neo at this site for several years--he and i have no need of your witless interference in our discussions. As he has pointed out, neither of us suffer fools gladly . . . fool.

I think there is something you or I have missunderstand, that this forum is specially designed for you Setanta and Neologist!

It seems also that you have missed "Index of this Forum: " Spirituatlity and Religion""!

More puerile sarcasm. What an idiot. You suggested that i ask Neo about Watchtower, so i pointed out that we've known one another here for years, and don't need you to attempt to guide our discussions. If you don't like this response, then don't give me unsoliticited advice.

Every post you make just shows more clearly how incompetent you are to carry on a conversation in English.

What do you allege that "spirituatlity" means? You beggar your own feeble attempt at sarcasm when you can't even spell correctly a word which appears again and again in these pages.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:49 am
It is true. The Church of Christ, Scientist, does not believe in conventional medicine.

The Wikipedia Article wrote:
Christian Science is a teaching that does not rely on conventional medicine but holds that the ills of the flesh, including death itself, can be
healed through prayer and faith in God. This belief extends to the possibility of healing any kind of wrong-doing, not just illness. Christian Scientists see sin, disease, and death as derived from a 'false sense' of separation from God. Healing is accomplished when one realizes one's perfection and unity with God.

Just how in Hell you think that relates to firearms or weapons systems is beyond me. You really are incompetent in English. The sentence you have highlighted in quoting my earlier post does not even remotely suggest that Christian Science has anything to do with firearms, weapons systems or warfare. You are incredibly incompetent in English.

It seems that even you have difficulties to express yourself, since you wrote "Christian Scientists" without any address, but in general!

Don't you think or believe that there are persons who call themselves "Christians" working as Scientists in the weapon industry?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:51 am
Talkactive wrote:
It is true. The Church of Christ, Scientist, does not believe in conventional medicine.

The Wikipedia Article wrote:
Christian Science is a teaching that does not rely on conventional medicine but holds that the ills of the flesh, including death itself, can be
healed through prayer and faith in God. This belief extends to the possibility of healing any kind of wrong-doing, not just illness. Christian Scientists see sin, disease, and death as derived from a 'false sense' of separation from God. Healing is accomplished when one realizes one's perfection and unity with God.

Just how in Hell you think that relates to firearms or weapons systems is beyond me. You really are incompetent in English. The sentence you have highlighted in quoting my earlier post does not even remotely suggest that Christian Science has anything to do with firearms, weapons systems or warfare. You are incredibly incompetent in English.

It seems that even you have difficulties to express yourself, since you wrote "Christian Scientists" without any address, but in general!

Don't you think or believe that there are persons who call themselves "Christians" working as Scientists in the weapon industry?

Now i know you're a dim wit. I capitalized Christian Scientists. In English, that means it is a compound proper noun, and refers to people who describe themselves as Christian Scientists. It refers to a christian sect founded by Mary Baker Eddy in the 19th century.

What a dim bulb.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:56 am
Here, i'll go really slowly for you:

If i had meant scientists who also happen to be christian, i'd have written "christian scientists."

However, i wrote "Christian Scientists." Native speakers of English who are not completely ignorant, know that this refers to adherents of the Christian Science sect, and not scientists who happen to be christians.

As i've pointed out, as you continue, you demonstrate more and more that English is not your native language and you demonstrate your ignorance of the world in which we live. Imagine someone on a crusade to attack Jehovah's Witnesses who doesn't know who the Christian Scientists are. You take the cake.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 10:15 am
What do you allege that "spirituatlity" means? You beggar your own feeble attempt at sarcasm when you can't even spell correctly a word which appears again and again in these pages.

I have never alleged that I was a Native in the English language and as I have said before, if you don't like the smell in the Bakery, I am sure of that nobody likes to force you to be here, either do I....!

For your kind information I really like my Bible and by a coincidence, I fall over what comes forth in Proverbs23:9 Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.

It seem that we are rather equal!

With respect of what comes forth and your statements, I don't understand why you continue to write and why you don't understand, but hook yourselves up on words, only because it isn't spelled correctly, but rather and better, only look at the sentence!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 10:35 am
Talkactive wrote:
What do you allege that "spirituatlity" means? You beggar your own feeble attempt at sarcasm when you can't even spell correctly a word which appears again and again in these pages.

I have never alleged that I was a Native in the English language and as I have said before, if you don't like the smell in the Bakery, I am sure of that nobody likes to force you to be here, either do I....!

You have never alleged that you are a native speaker of English? Then what was this quote supposed to mean?

Talkactive wrote:
Beside repeating your witless copy and paste jobs, you once again demonstrate your appalling lack of an ability to coherently express yourself in the English language.

Setanta. It seems that we are back to zero, since it seems more to be a question for you how I spell than the content!

I will appreciate very much if you will tell me, in my mother's tongue, what you do or don't understand, and then I maybe have the possibility to find the exact word you are unable to understand.

If you are borrowed by the information I provide, I don't think anybody force you to remain and make any comments!

Regarding the other topic you brought up here, you are quite right and since you brought it up, I can recommend and hope that you are free to concentrate and use your energy here. (emphasis added)

If you didn't mean to suggest that English was your mother's tongue, you certainly did not make it clear in your butchery of the language in that quote, and when i challenged you on that, you made no clarifying statement.

For your kind information I really like my Bible and by a coincidence, I fall over what comes forth in Proverbs23:9 Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.

It seem that we are rather equal!

Yes, i suppose one should not speak to fools--but as i am not a bible-thumper, your citations of scriptural passages mean nothing to me. As i've already pointed out, i enjoy the entertainment value of your slaughter of the English language.

With respect of what comes forth and your statements, I don't understand why you continue to write and why you don't understand, but hook yourselves up on words, only because it isn't spelled correctly, but rather and better, only look at the sentence!

Your sentences are butchered even more than your spellings of words, there's no enlightment to be found in attempting to decipher your sentences.

Yes, i'm certain that you would prefer that i went away and did not bother you any longer. However, as long as you're here attacking others because their religious beliefs differ from your own, and especially as long as you're attacking my friend Neo, i'll be right here, ridiculing your for your incompetence of expression, your hatefulness and your bigotry. Get over it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 12:28 pm
Yes, i suppose one should not speak to fools--but as i am not a bible-thumper, your citations of scriptural passages mean nothing to me. As i've already pointed out, i enjoy the entertainment value of your slaughter of the English language.

Thats why!!!
Not to repeat myself, but and as I told you earlier, it is with pleasure, I am offering you, free of charge!

Yes, i'm certain that you would prefer that i went away and did not bother you any longer. However, as long as you're here attacking others because their religious beliefs differ from your own, and especially as long as you're attacking my friend Neo, i'll be right here, ridiculing your for your incompetence of expression, your hatefulness and your bigotry. Get over it.

People can have whatever belifs they like to have, but and when it comes to a situation where people die, due to religious doctrines, it is my responsibility, and should also be yours, as a good citezener, even that you do not belive in the Bible, opposite your friend Neo and maybe he can recall what Jesus said and ment in John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends, Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law, seen in the light of what comes forth in Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

I will continue to follow this recommendations and will reprove the Society and their blood doctrine, as long as it hurts my naighbour, has and continue to create thousands of death casulaties every year as long as they are in force with sanctions.

You have totally missed the post, it is not the individuals I reprove, they are all victims, like Tully, a young australien girl of eighteen, who only has been in contact with the Societys teachings for approximate one year.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 12:45 pm
November 29, 1998

The President of the Constitutional Court of Colombia affirms that denying a blood transfusion constitutes First Degree Murder
The prestigious Colombian investigative television program "SÉPTIMO DÍA" - channel CARACOL - analyzed the problem with the Jehovah's Witnesses blood policy. We present the highlights of the program with specific comments from the participants.

Journalist Luz Adriana Betancourth, commented about the deaths among the 100,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in Colombia. Outstanding is the case of the minor Alfonso Cáceres Villamizar, who died in the city of Bucaramanga. His father also appeared in the program (doing some carpentry labor), and blames the Witnesses for the death of his son, affirming that his son would be alive today (Alfonso died in 1996), and could have continued living for some 5 to 10 years if the Witnesses had not been so meddlesome. It was mentioned that this case led to a decision by the Constitutional Court that that "The State should do everything possible, including ordering the administration of blood transfusions, to save a minor of this age."

The Journalist Luz Adriana Betancourth posed the question: "Is it possible that the (Witnesses Biblical) interpretation is erroneous?" Brother Vicente Pulido, from the local branch and in charge of the Hospital Liason Committees, appears saying: "In Acts 15:28, 29 it is established that one should not consume blood in any way," later he is quoted as saying that: "without a doubt many persons have died due to lack of adequate treatment...."

Following there is an interview with Dr. Cornelio Salcedo, who has saved three Jehovah's Witness children, and been established as one of the principal collaborators for the Hospital Liaison Committee. The doctor affirms: "Blood has no substitute, gone is the myth that one cannot operate without blood, but there is no technique that can replace blood."

To continue some images were presented from the prestigious clinic "Fundación Valle de Lili", located in the city of Cali, and it was explained that several Jehovah's Witnesses had died not because of lack of technology or medication, but because they did not receive needed blood transfusions according to Dr. Martín Wartemberg, Director of the Institution. He also added: "In the last 4 months we have had 2 patients that died as a consequence of not accepting a timely transfusion of blood."

At this point the journalist explains that many doctors refuse to treat Jehovah's Witnesses because of fear of legal actions.

Before the commercial break, the director of the program, Manuel Teodoro, appears and affirms that for Jehovah's Witnesses "obedience is the first commandment they follow literally, because if they consume blood they lose the hope of a resurrection, God is the one who decides when they must die."

Next a case is presented where a little girl, the daughter of the Witness Hermelina Valencia, was diagnosed with leukemia. Through the intervention of the Municipal Attorney of the city of Cali, and acting under the Law of Minors, a blood transfusion was ordered one and a half year ago, although the mother stated "because of religious problems, I denied it." Later Sister Valencia appears saying: "Thank God my little girl is doing fine, I am glad, happy!".

The Journalist continues by affirming that there "exist patients and cases that cannot wait and be prolonged by court decisions." At this moment the camera shows various Witnesses, congregated in the home of a family, and Sister Stella de Bermeo, a Jehovah's Witness for 24 years, takes the lead in the conversation saying: "Many small children, lots of them, have died because of not being treated with blood transfusions, and in obedience to God."

Later, the Journalist is shown walking in a park reflecting on the matter, "is this is in reality a case of religious freedom, or a case of unjust tolerance of a crime. If I was a Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, or part of any other religion, and I denied a transfusion for my child, I could be charged with murder."

He continues by saying that "doctors and judges know that children have died and admit that in Colombia there has never been a case and trial for this kind of murder."

Next appears the President of the Constitutional Court of Colombia, Dr. Vladimiro Naranjo who states: "This is a form of murder, moreover, First Degree Murder." The Journalist comments that it could be a way of opening the doors for fanatical religious groups with suicidal ideas, and the President of the Court concludes: "Religious freedom is not absolute, there are limitations, a religion that attempts to claim the life of a person cannot be legally permitted."

Next some horrifying scenes and images are presented regarding what occurred in "Guyana under the authority of Reverend Jim Jones, who was able to convince more than 950 persons, that the best way to please God was by killing themselves."

The journalist concludes: "Although the Jehovah's Witnesses are not as radical as they (Jim Jones followers) were, their religious beliefs have left children and adults dead, and if they had received a blood transfusion, surely, they would be among us giving testimony of life."

Finally the Moderator of the program concludes: "Although Jehovah's Witness are considered as one of the most radical religions in the world, this year there was registered before the European Commission of Human Rights an agreement where it was guaranteed that there will not be any control or sanction against members who accept a blood transfusion for themselves or their children, however, here in Colombia it is acknowledged that disfellowshipping occurs for the same reason."

0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 01:24 pm
Just a little Ps.

Setanta wrote
Fanatical Christians disgust me.

I think you agree with me that your friend Neo do not fit into your statement, but he is a victim of the Watchtower Societies doctrines, the same doctrines who was responsible for approximate 40.000 people get tortured and killed by the inquisitors and why the Crusaders went to Palestine and killed Jews and Palestine's, the history repeat it selves!

And, regardless of the medical experts, I would answer yes to refusing a blood transfusion for myself or any of my dependents (who are now well past the age of majority
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 01:39 pm
I was at a laundromat with a lady friend a few years ago and picked up a copy of the Watchtower that was sitting there. One of the stories had a picture of a young man wearing a toga outfit walking away from a very attractive, scanitlly clad woman who was sitting on his bed. He had his hands over his eyes and was refusing her advances.

If that had been me, I'd have been on top of her in a heart beat. That article really made me laugh!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 02:48 pm
Talkactive wrote:
Just a little Ps.

Setanta wrote
Fanatical Christians disgust me.

Yes indeed, people like you disgust me.

I think you agree with me that your friend Neo do not fit into your statement . . .

Yes, that does not include Neo . . .

. . . but he is a victim of the Watchtower Societies doctrines, the same doctrines who was responsible for approximate 40.000 people get tortured and killed by the inquisitors and why the Crusaders went to Palestine and killed Jews and Palestine's, the history repeat it selves!

Ah, butchering history now along with English. The Watchtower Society and the Jehovah's Witnesses did not exist at the time of the Inquisition, nor at the time of crusades. The Crusaders were bent on reaching Palestine, but there were precious few Jews living there, and it took quite a while for the Crusaders to get to Jerusalem. In fact, they mostly killed Turks, Kurds and Arabs while they were there.

The Inquisition actually never killed anyone. If someone were condemned by the Inquisition, they were turned over to civilian authorities, with a recommendation that they be executed. Even if one contends that the Inquisitors were responsible for the deaths, the historical records (quite good ones) in Spain show warrants for the execution of just more than 3000 people in a period of more than 350 years. In the French Revolution, more than twice that number were publicly executed in under four years. In the first year of the madhouse of Iranian Revolution alone, the loving Shi'ites killed more than that.

Face facts, boy, you don't know what the Hell you're talking about. Nothing about the Watchtower is in any way responsible for the deaths which are attributed to the Crusades or the Inquisition.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 06:30 pm
Yes indeed, people like you disgust me.

No, that statement has to be at your own account, but anyway welcome at the stage, you are doing well "number two"!

No actually, you miss again the Christian behaviour and path, Jesus command us to follow!

Ah, butchering history now along with English. The Watchtower Society and the Jehovah's Witnesses did not exist at the time of the Inquisition, nor at the time of crusades. The Crusaders were bent on reaching Palestine, but there were precious few Jews living there, and it took quite a while for the Crusaders to get to Jerusalem. In fact, they mostly killed Turks, Kurds and Arabs while they were there.

Do you mean that religious doctrines was first introduced and born with the Watchtower Society?

Do you also mean that it wasn't religious leaders behind the crusaders, because they among other bent on reaching Jerusalem and because there was less Jews killed, compared with other ethnic groups?

The Inquisition actually never killed anyone. If someone were condemned by the Inquisition, they were turned over to civilian authorities, with a recommendation that they be executed. Even if one contends that the Inquisitors were responsible for the deaths, the historical records (quite good ones) in Spain show warrants for the execution of just more than 3000 people in a period of more than 350 years. In the French Revolution, more than twice that number were publicly executed in under four years. In the first year of the madhouse of Iranian Revolution alone, the loving Shi'ites killed more than that.

Do you really mean that manslaughter wasn't performed by the Crusaders and the Inquisitors wasn't responsible for approximate 40.000 individuals was killed in the black history of the Catholic Church, religious leaders, since mostly of the killings was administrated and performed by others?

Do you mean that all the death casualties, due to the Watchtower Society's doctrines in question of ban against vaccinations, organ transplants and the blood, doesn't mean anything, because the Governing Body wasn't present at the hospitals when adults and children died and are going to die, in leak of treatment at hands and as you state:" In the French Revolution, more than twice that number were publicly executed in under four years. In the first year of the madhouse of Iranian Revolution alone, the loving Shi'ites killed more than that?"

Isn't one or thousands of persons death, due to the Watchtowers unbiblical and medically wrong doctrines nothing to count at, because 6.000.000 Jews was killed in world war II, and even has been killed during the whole world history?

At last do you mean that it wasn't the religious leaders who were responsible for the death of Jesus, but the Romans because they physically executed him at a cross?

No my friend, it seems that you totally missed the point! that one death person is one to much, if there is a possibility to save the persons life!

I do hereby recommend you to use your brain capacity to understand, rather than for controlling of my spellings and miss types! Then there was a fair change or possibility to get a sober dialog in this forum!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 08:46 pm
Talkactive wrote:
. . . to get a sober dialog in this forum!
The sober dialogue will commence when you take up the challenge to instruct us in your ways instead of simply naysaying others.

Pleas don't forget to include information on how you and your fellow believers are obeying Paul's admonition to be". . .not forsaking the gathering of [y]ourselves together . . ." (Hebrews 10:25)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2006 08:55 pm
Talkactive wrote:
No, that statement has to be at your own account, but anyway welcome at the stage, you are doing well "number two"!

No actually, you miss again the Christian behaviour and path, Jesus command us to follow!

More typical incoherence. I have absolutely no reason to believe that your boy Jesus ever existed, so you can be assured that i acknowledge no "commands" from your goof-ball imaginary friend.

Do you mean that religious doctrines was first introduced and born with the Watchtower Society?

Were, religious doctrines were first introduced . . . of course, don't be idiotic. I'm pointing out that there is no logical basis for conflating the actions and principles of the Roman Catholic Church with the actions and principles of the Watchtower. I'm not surprised that you don't understand the distinction, though, you haven't shown much subtlety of comprehension so far.

Do you also mean that it wasn't religious leaders behind the crusaders, because they among other bent on reaching Jerusalem and because there was less Jews killed, compared with other ethnic groups?

No--and your inability to understand properly constructed sentences in the English language is not a valid basis for making false claims about what i have written.

Do you really mean that manslaughter wasn't performed by the Crusaders and the Inquisitors wasn't responsible for approximate 40.000 individuals was killed in the black history of the Catholic Church, religious leaders, since mostly of the killings was administrated and performed by others?

Manslaugter is a specific legal term, which you misuse here, as you consistently misuse all of the English language. What i was pointing out to you is that the Inquisition cannot be said to have killed 40,000 people, even if one does claim that they are responsible, a claim with which i have no quibble. My objection is that you obviously are as ill-informed about history as you are incapable of correctly expressing yourself in English. In fact, i rather suspect that the Catholic Church is responsible for far more than 40,000 deaths--it is simply that the Inquisition is not responsible for anything like that number of deaths. And other Christian sects have hands as bloody as those of the Catholics. Other religions have hands as bloody as those of the Christians. Political fanatics have hands as bloody as the religious fanatics. So far, you have made no coherent point in your references to who may or may not be responsible for any number of deaths.

Do you mean that all the death casualties, due to the Watchtower Society's doctrines in question of ban against vaccinations, organ transplants and the blood, doesn't mean anything, because the Governing Body wasn't present at the hospitals when adults and children died and are going to die, in leak of treatment at hands and as you state:" In the French Revolution, more than twice that number were publicly executed in under four years. In the first year of the madhouse of Iranian Revolution alone, the loving Shi'ites killed more than that?"

What idiocy. My remarks about the French Revolution were a comparison to the Inquisition in Spain--the point was that the Terror during the French Revolution killed more than twice as many people in four years as the Spanish Inquisition killed in 350 years. It's a matter of developing a sense of proportion. You have no sense of proportion in your fanatical, obsessive hatred of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Isn't one or thousands of persons death, due to the Watchtowers unbiblical and medically wrong doctrines nothing to count at, because 6.000.000 Jews was killed in world war II, and even has been killed during the whole world history?

That's a pretty stupid assumption to make--but, then, all of the assumptions you have been making here are stupid.

At last do you mean that it wasn't the religious leaders who were responsible for the death of Jesus, but the Romans because they physically executed him at a cross?

Actually, even if Jesus did exist, something of which i am not convinced, there is no good reason to assume he was executed by the Romans, and a great deal of reason to believe he was not.

No my friend, it seems that you totally missed the point! that one death person is one to much, if there is a possibility to save the persons life!

I am not your friend, so do me the courtesy of not insulting me with the suggestion that i am or would ever want to be. What you have here is a value judgment. It is not necessarily one with which i would disagree, but there is a value which i personally cherish which i consider more important than that, and that is that people are free agents, and have the right to believe what they like, and act upon that belief, so long as they do no harm to others. If you want to contend that the JWs are willfully harming others, i suggest you seek indictments from competent authority, and stop attempting to make up bullshit claims that i have failed to stop others from doing what i have no power to stop them from doing.

I do hereby recommend you to use your brain capacity to understand, rather than for controlling of my spellings and miss types! Then there was a fair change or possibility to get a sober dialog in this forum!

I haven't the least expectation of getting a reasonable dialogue of any descrpition from you, not simply because of your lack of the ability to express yourself coherently in English, but because of your lack of the ability to think coherently. Don't make snotty recommendations to me about the use of my mental capacities--you have no authority over me, and my experience of your drivel in this thread suggests to me that the dog who sits beside me now has more understanding of the world than you do.
0 Replies

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