Yeah, I used to enjoy the chats. Will the new site I've been hearing about have a chat room?
Wilso wrote:Nee's pregnant!
Aaah! the pitter patter of small feet and the smell of fresh poo in the mornings.
May your home be filled with joy!
Sorry I'm so late. Haven't been around much and I missed it.
I'm so happy for you both, Wilso! I'm thrilled that you finally found that special someone and you're already starting a family :-D
Congrats :-D
congrats dude. Welcome to the fraternity of becoming a dad. Having kids is a great way to learn about what you really should have been paying attention to all along.
A kids job is to get in all kinds of mischief, your job is to make sure that theyre not successful at their jobs, but in a way that they can channel all that energy into something grand.
You will, on occassion, consider sending your kids away to a convent. Not good. Theyll just come back seeking vengeance.
Lern early that spending 50% of your personal product will not yield a happier (or smarter) kid. Ive found that my kids had always found really creative things to do with the boxes that all that **** comes in.
Hugs are the cheapest and greatest thing to a kid (and their not too bad for the parents either). They should be given freely and often.If you cant come up with any other solution always default to a hug.
I said I didn't do it, Beth! Weren't you listening?
When are you two going to get married, Wilso?
Congratulations to both of you, Wilso!
Congrats ... and hoping, all goes well during the next couple of months!
Congratulations, wilso! This is all very good news. I am very happy for both of you.
Hi Wilso, Just found this thread. CONGRATULATIONS!
We're singin' and dancin' with you, Wilso!
That is fantastic news !! Congrats !
Nee was really doing it tough over the last couple of days. She had morning, afternoon and night sickness. She's a lot more settled today. She was of the opinion that the supplement she was taking was causing a lot of it. She's not on the multi-vitamin now, just a folic acid supplement. According to the doctor, so long as her diet is okay (and hers is great), she just needs to folate supplement.
Hopefully the morning, afternoon and night sickness will start to subside soon. Congratulations to you both, if I haven't told you already.
It's amazing how all women are different! I barely had any morning sickness at all and instead of gaining an appetite, I lost it.
Does she have any cravings yet? My craving was peanut butter and banana sandwiches