Out west there's a home on the range...
But nobody's home there, how strange.
They've gone to the stores
With their steers and their boars
To get sugar 'n such in exchange.
I guess I will call it a night-
The day has escaped with it's light.
I guess I will call it a night
The day has escaped with its light
So that's it till morning
I can't hold back yawning
Ten hours would be just about right
It's a terrible thing that I did
It's a terrible thing that I did
You'd think that I was still a kid
It's a terrible thing that I did
You'd think that I was still a kid
for I did munch
on cake for lunch
It's a terrible thing that I did
You'd think that I was still a kid
for I did munch
on cake for lunch
After Peanut Butter Jelly on bread!
Now my worst feat is 6 candy bars
Butterfinger, a Tootsie, four Mars...
Now my worst feat is six candy bars
Butterfinger, a Tootsie, four Mars,
Then cookies, ice cream,
Until I did scream...
Oh, my stomach! (Don't ride in fast cars!)
On a lovely spring day in Paris...
On a lovely spring day in Paris
I fell in love with Harris
On a lovely spring day in Paris
I fell in love with Harris
We smoked some good weed,
Then I stole his best tweed,
On a lovely spring day in Paris
I fell in love with Harris
We smoked some good weed,
Then I stole his best tweed,
And had some kir on the terrace.
Yankee Doodle went to town
Yankee Doodle went to town
Egg drop noodle soup he'd down
Yankee Doodle went to town
Egg drop noodle soup he'd down
After soup he had some booze,
On the train he had a snooze,
Yankee Doodle went to town
Egg drop noodle soup he'd down
After soup he had some booze,
On the train he had a snooze,
After which he did vamooze!
Tender buttercups are yellow
So enchanting to a fellow...
Tender buttercups are yellow
So enchanting to a fellow
But when they get old,
they turn, so I'm told..
Tender buttercups are yellow
So enchanting to a fellow
But when they get old,
they turn, so I'm told..
Go from vibrant to faded and mellow.
In a small castle in France,
after the Saturday dance,
In a small castle in France,
after the Saturday dance,
Where we walked on the beach
With the stars in our reach
We made love like two in a trance.
Oh, I'm in such a state of meloncholy,
Could be here by reason of folly?
Oh, I'm in such a state of melancholy,
Could be here by reason of folly?
We were supposed to meet
down on the beach
but he's down there with my friend Molly.
Jackie went down to the sand
to confront Molly and her young man,
Jackie went down to the sand
to confront Molly and her young man.
Molly quickly ran for cover
To leave Jackie with her lover
To start arguing all over again.
It's Friday, a day to be happy
It's Friday, a day to be happy
Just wearing a skirt that is 'flappy'
No 'ol' Molly will take
Us away from the lake--
Nor make my weekend be crappy!
I picked cherries aplenty to share,
And the tree twigs stuck in my hair.
I picked cherries aplenty to share,
And the tree twigs stuck in my hair
When out of a bush
Flew a turkeycock- Swoosh!
I picked cherries aplenty to share,
And the tree twigs stuck in my hair
When out of a bush
Flew a turkeycock- Swoosh!
And Jackie's skirt fell down to there!
Then her lover retrieved her skirt
Being thoughtful, kind and alert...