The sunshine finally came back again!
It's outside we'll be, instead of in
All healthy and tanned
Ain't life just grand ?
Now for some Morangie from the Glen (hic)
Drinking whisky in the day is not wise
You can see from my bloodshot eyes..
Drinking whiskey in the day is not wise
You can see from my bloodshot eyes
My head is one big ache
I'll have to take a break
Drinking whiskey in the day is not wise
You can see from my bloodshot eyes
My head is one big ache
I'll have to take a break
My liver has doubled in size
Yes, little and often is best
Yes, little and often is best
My elbow could use a good rest,
Come to think of it tho...
Yes, little and often is best
My elbow could use a good rest,
Come to think of it tho
To Glenmorangie Ill go
To try just one more little test.
Oh why, oh why do I never learn?.....
Oh why, oh why do I never learn?.....
That for Jameson's forever I'll yearn
Oh why, oh why do I never learn?.....
That for Jameson's forever I'll yearn
'tisn't the same cutting loose
With a bottle of juice
Oh why, oh why do I never learn?.....
That for Jameson's forever I'll yearn
'tisn't the same cutting loose
With a bottle of juice
Your throat doesn't tickle and burn.
"I love you," I whispered in her ear
"With me you have nothing to fear...
"I love you," I whispered in her ear
"With me you have nothing to fear
the least breath of 'no!'
and Lothario
will oblige you...and pick up more beer."
In a tree, by the lake, where the larks met
In a tree, by the lake, where the larks met
There's a dog, which is stuck, and it barks yet
In a tree, by the lake, where the larks met
There's a dog, which is stuck, and it barks yet
It screams and it howels
It smells quite foul,
I wonder if it would jump into a net?
So now I sit here and ponder
at the dog in the tree over yonder...
So now I sit here and ponder
At the dog in the tree over yonder
He yelps "Ponder not for me,
Just get me out of this bloody tree
And I'll be on my way for to wander.
As I tip-toed through the tulips....
Whistling along on a bright, cool Sunday
trying not to think of Monday...
Whistling along on a bright cool Sunday
trying not to think of Monday
Dreaming of an island cruise
To chase away the nine to five blues
Whistling along on a bright cool Sunday
trying not to think of Monday
Dreaming of an island cruise
To chase away the nine to five blues...
Oh, what I'd give for a fun day!
The best sort of friend is the old one
Not the new, but the silver and gold one...
The best kind of friend is the old one
Not the new, but the silver and gold one
Like the beauty of an old, old rose
Whose scent and flowers remember those
Of long standing love and devotion.
Memories are a personal thing........
Memories are a personal thing
What joy they can bring
A lover's kiss
Ah sheer bliss
There goes my hear string
Love is a four letter word...
Love is a four letter word-
that's how it's seen by a nerd,
Love is a four letter word
That's how it's seen by a nerd,
But someone with pluck
Will say just my luck
The word he saw was never heard.
Vocabulary is a worrisome thing...