The wine is past cold in the freezer
Not nearly enough left to tease her
She chipped at the mass
And shattered the glass
As the old preacher had squeezed her
Seven little spiders knit seven little nets
Seven little sins curled in seven little beds
Seven little spiders knit seven little nets
Seven little sins curled in seven little beds
Ready to attack
The bikini'd Slovak
ehm, easy there, we slovaks get feisty easily! i must pass on this one, i lack impartiality (or whatnot)
uhoh <remember to lock the door before bed>
We'll just have to wait until someone else comes along....
(Do we need a limerick rhythm lesson here - oh, nemmind...)
Seven little spiders knit seven little nets
Seven little sins curled in seven little beds
Ready to attack
The bikini'd Slovak
But they halted, and used wiser heads!
It was nearly the end of the show....
It was nearly the end of the show
ISP said Bunny must go
It was nearly the end of the show
ISP said the Bunny must go
She watched and she waited
With breath half-past bated...
It was nearly the end of the show
ISP said the Bunny must go
She watched and she waited
With breath half-past bated
Labiated, unsated, oh woe!
'Neath the sun of the Sargasso Sea
'Neath the sun of the Sargasso Sea
All the eels of the world came to wee...
Hi Blatham good to see you friend
'Neath the sun of the Sargasso Sea
All the eels of the world came to wee
They forgot they were electric
And turned themselves cadaveric
'Neath the sun of the Sargasso Sea
All the eels of the world came to wee
They forgot they were electric
And turned themselves cadaveric
'Twas a sad eelish catastrophe.
Our limericks are getting quite ragged..
Our limericks are getting quite ragged
Its the fault of Hiama the rugged
Our limericks are getting quite ragged
Its the fault of Hiama the rugged
He simply can't see
These two lines must be wee
So all of our limericks are buggered!
I'm a bitch when I get all pedantic,
(sorry, we slovaks know little of limericks, and less of the rhythn. we just keep things nice and simple, putting stress on the first syllable of every word. the whole world should do so!)
i'm a bitch whe i get all pedantic,
says you, hollering from the attic,
I'm a bitch when I get all pedantic,
says you, hollering from the attic,
I'm supposed to be Leo,
Yet I come over all Virgo,
I'm a bitch when I get all pedantic,
says you, hollering from the attic,
I'm supposed to be Leo,
Yet I come over all Virgo,
(Or all over Virgo -- I'm spastic.)
Tragic, in the Attic, is "tragos"
Tragic, in the Attic, is "tragos"
Comedic, in the Globe, is "humorous"
Tragic, in the Attic, is "tragos"
Comedic, in the Globe, is "humorous
lets get back on track
it's humour we lack
Tragic, in the Attic, is "tragos"
Comedic, in the Globe, is "humorous
lets get back on track
it's humour we lack
reasons to be cheerful are numerous
A long haired lover from liverpool,