Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 12:38 am
Arella Mae wrote:
Like I said, many of the signs can or will be explained away by "science" etc.

Foxfyre, I'm not sure what you mean by "what if"? If I am understanding what you are asking then "if" Doktor S and others are right then all that will happen is our bodies will die and that's it and I would say it wouldn't matter because we just won't know anyway.

But "what if" we are in the end times and the believers are correct? Well, I'd say that's a whole different story because the body dying won't be the end of it.

"What if" can include all of the above I think. If we decide to just 'take our chances' and not concern ourselves with the prophecies etc., we will most likely take a mucn different view of world events than we will if we are staunch believers in the prophecies and signs and keep open all possibilities.

How that might affect the choices we make or even how we live our lives is the answer to go with "what if".
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 01:49 am
Well, "if" Doktor S and others are right then like I said, when we die we end. But how does that affect what we do when we are alive? If there is no God and no judgment then that would pretty much give us license to do whatever we wanted, wouldn't it? The only laws that we would have to adhere to would be the ones that man makes.

I would say that judging from the way the world is going we'll end up destroying ourselves eventually. Sooner or later, someone will launch that one nuclear bomb that will be the start of the end of it all, that is, if they are right. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 08:09 am
Intrepid wrote:
Your first link, from Bakersfield, California is a pay site for unwary believers.

There are all kinds of believers Intrepid. Tell an unwary believer his beliefs are "mistaken" and he will tell you of the hellfire and damnation you will suffer for your insolence.

Intrepid wrote:
Your list of failed prophecies is a hoot since the "prophecies" listed are made by your average Joe. It is no different than if you or I made a prophecy. My prophecy is that morning will come after a period of darkness.

No Intrepid, they are not your "average Joe's". They are religious leaders who have studied the Bible perhaps far more thoroughly than you have. Are you saying Ellen White and Joseph Smith are your average Joe's? How about Pope Innocent III or Charles Wesley? If these are your "average Joe's" then what is not your "average Joe?" "Average Joe's" and religious leaders all have believed in this End of Times silliness.

Here's an "average Joe's" rapture site. By your belief God wrote the Bible, a book that deceives and confuses its readers. God purposely provided information with innumerable interruptions. He chose not to author a book that was succinct and clear in its meaning. The result is mass confusion over the Bible's message. Instead of having one unified Christian religion that has a unified belief we end up with a Christian religion of over 35,000 sects worldwide ranging from extreme conservatism to extreme liberalism. All use the Bible as their guide and proof of their beliefs. Even in the End of Times scenarios believers can't agree on the signs.

We find this same confusion about "God's word" in the Muslim religion. Just as in the Christian religion God is to inept to write a concise and easily understood message. They have their End of Timers also.

Here's a narration by Jack Van Impe on the End of Times. This can be found in his Dictionary of Prophecy Terms.
This is the closing battle of three and one-half years of skirmish in the Middle East. It begins with Russia's invasion of Israel after the peace contract of Daniel 9:27 is broken (Ezekiel 38:15,16). Additional participants include the ten kings under the Antichrist from the West (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 13:1), kings of the East under China (Daniel 11:44), and kings of the south, involving much of Africa (Daniel 11:11).

Miracles performed through satanic power will convince the leaders of the earth, who are subservient to the Antichrist, to move all of their military might to the Middle East to do battle with Christ at His return to the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4; Revelation 16:14).

They will not be disappointed: Christ will come. The Battle of Armageddon climaxes the campaign as the Lord and His armies appear from heaven. The armies of earth will march to their doom, expecting to destroy the Christ they have rejected (Joel 3:9-14; Psalms 2:2,3; Revelation 19:11-21). Christ, the living Word of God returns, riding on a white horse. His eyes are as a flame of fire and his vesture dipped in blood bears the name, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Followed by the armies of heaven, He will smite the nations and cause the Beast and the False Prophet to be cast into the Lake of Fire.

It will be the bloodiest battle in the history of the world. Militarists from the four corners of the earth will battle Almighty God and the hosts of heaven (Psalms 2:2; Isaiah 34:2; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 9:16) will engage in the earth's greatest power struggle. So great will be the destruction resulting that the blood will reach to the horse's bridles for 200 miles and it will require mankind seven months to bury the dead (Revelation 14:20; Ezekiel 39:12).

There is a dishonesty here. Quotes are taken out of context from the Bible. For example;
So great will be the destruction resulting that the blood will reach to the horse's bridles for 200 miles and it will require mankind seven months to bury the dead (Revelation 14:20; Ezekiel 39:12).

Here's what Ezekiel 39:12 says;
"'For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land

Does this refer to the Armageddon that is to take place in the future? According to Van Impe it does. Let's look at this quote in context.

8 It is coming! It will surely take place, declares the Sovereign Lord. This is the day I have spoken of.

9 "'Then those who live in the towns of Israel will go out and use the weapons for fuel and burn them up--the small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war clubs and spears. For seven years they will use them for fuel.

10 They will not need to gather wood from the fields or cut it from the forests, because they will use the weapons for fuel. And they will plunder those who plundered them and loot those who looted them, declares the Sovereign Lord.

11 "'On that day I will give Gog a burial place in Israel, in the valley of those who travel east toward the Sea. It will block the way of travelers, because Gog and all his hordes will be buried there. So it will be called the Valley of Hamon Gog.

12 "'For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land.

13 All the people of the land will bury them, and the day I am glorified will be a memorable day for them, declares the Sovereign Lord.

14 "'Men will be regularly employed to cleanse the land. Some will go throughout the land and, in addition to them, others will bury those that remain on the ground. At the end of the seven months they will begin their search.

15 As they go through the land and one of them sees a human bone, he will set up a marker beside it until the gravediggers have buried it in the Valley of Hamon Gog.

16 (Also a town called Hamonah will be there.) And so they will cleanse the land.'

17 "Son of man, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Call out to every kind of bird and all the wild animals: 'Assemble and come together from all around to the sacrifice I am preparing for you, the great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel. There you will eat flesh and drink blood.

18 You will eat the flesh of mighty men and drink the blood of the princes of the earth as if they were rams and lambs, goats and bulls--all of them fattened animals from Bashan.

19 At the sacrifice I am preparing for you, you will eat fat till you are glutted and drink blood till you are drunk.

20 At my table you will eat your fill of horses and riders, mighty men and soldiers of every kind,' declares the Sovereign Lord.

21 "I will display my glory among the nations, and all the nations will see the punishment I inflict and the hand I lay upon them.

22 From that day forward the house of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God.


Notice verse 9 when it talks about "small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war clubs and spears. For seven years they will use them for fuel." Is this verse about the 21st century or of Ezekiel's times? Are we to be reduced to bows, arrows and shields before the End of Times come? If so then the End of Times is a long way off. Or is Van Impe being dishonest and deliberately taking quotes out of context to deliver a false message to gullible believers.

In verses 17-20 God has us becoming cannibals. I guess cannibalism is good and should not be condemned.

Notice how God brags (verse 21) about all the people he killed to show them his power. That's what we need today, a killer God, one who's not afraid to slaughter everyone. None of this wimpy crap about sparing women and children. That's for girlie Gods.

The End of Times; isn't that what's it all about? Killing everyone except the select obedient few?

For those who ask what needs to happen to show the End of Times is coming my answer is; it all depends who you want to believe.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 08:13 am
My silence should help answer that question

Intrepid wrote:
BDV wrote:
the end will only happpen if some religious nutter gets his hands on the "Bomb" and make its happen.

Are you referring to George Bush, perchance?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 08:46 am
BDV wrote:
My silence should help answer that question

Intrepid wrote:
BDV wrote:
the end will only happpen if some religious nutter gets his hands on the "Bomb" and make its happen.

Are you referring to George Bush, perchance?

No matter who he is, the President's hand is already on the 'bomb' and within his limited authorized powers to order military action, he can use it any time he chooses. So far only one has.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 08:50 am
Arella Mae wrote:
Well, "if" Doktor S and others are right then like I said, when we die we end. But how does that affect what we do when we are alive? If there is no God and no judgment then that would pretty much give us license to do whatever we wanted, wouldn't it? The only laws that we would have to adhere to would be the ones that man makes.

I would say that judging from the way the world is going we'll end up destroying ourselves eventually. Sooner or later, someone will launch that one nuclear bomb that will be the start of the end of it all, that is, if they are right. :wink:

Well lets say there is a heaven and hell and god exist. There was a man on death row for raping little boys kill then eating them....he repented and now he is in heaven. Yet there was a woman who worked for he family day in and day out, gave all her money to charity, and she did by pushing some one out of the way of a moving vehicle, but she was an atheist and now she rots in hell.....

Does that seam fair and just?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:00 am
Arella Mae wrote:
Well, "if" Doktor S and others are right then like I said, when we die we end. But how does that affect what we do when we are alive? If there is no God and no judgment then that would pretty much give us license to do whatever we wanted, wouldn't it? The only laws that we would have to adhere to would be the ones that man makes.

I would say that judging from the way the world is going we'll end up destroying ourselves eventually. Sooner or later, someone will launch that one nuclear bomb that will be the start of the end of it all, that is, if they are right. :wink:

And who knows? Maybe that is what the ancient prophets saw. They were limited to the words and their own experience to describe a vision or a message received. They certainly had no experience or knowledge of modern science. Maybe the fire and total devastation described was in fact a nuclear explosion.

It has long been speculated that the 'wheel within a wheel' described in Ezekial's vision sounds an awful lot like modern description of 'flying saucers'.

These are all things that are interesting to think about.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:17 am
xingu wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
Your first link, from Bakersfield, California is a pay site for unwary believers.

There are all kinds of believers Intrepid. Tell an unwary believer his beliefs are "mistaken" and he will tell you of the hellfire and damnation you will suffer for your insolence.

This is true of a few. But certainly not all.

Intrepid wrote:
Your list of failed prophecies is a hoot since the "prophecies" listed are made by your average Joe. It is no different than if you or I made a prophecy. My prophecy is that morning will come after a period of darkness.

No Intrepid, they are not your "average Joe's". They are religious leaders who have studied the Bible perhaps far more thoroughly than you have. Are you saying Ellen White and Joseph Smith are your average Joe's? How about Pope Innocent III or Charles Wesley? If these are your "average Joe's" then what is not your "average Joe?" "Average Joe's" and religious leaders all have believed in this End of Times silliness.

His followers do attribute prophetic powers to Joseph Smith. I'll give you that one. The others you mention never claimed prophetic powers, however, and to the best of my knowledge, no prophetic powers have been assigned to them. Take care not to confuse interpretations of prophecy with prophecy itself.

Here's an "average Joe's" rapture site. By your belief God wrote the Bible, a book that deceives and confuses its readers. God purposely provided information with innumerable interruptions. He chose not to author a book that was succinct and clear in its meaning. The result is mass confusion over the Bible's message. Instead of having one unified Christian religion that has a unified belief we end up with a Christian religion of over 35,000 sects worldwide ranging from extreme conservatism to extreme liberalism. All use the Bible as their guide and proof of their beliefs. Even in the End of Times scenarios believers can't agree on the signs.

We find this same confusion about "God's word" in the Muslim religion. Just as in the Christian religion God is to inept to write a concise and easily understood message. They have their End of Timers also.

I'll give you this one too. Hal Lindsay made a certain eschatological school popular with his series of books back in the 70's and there have been numerous copy cats who have taken his writings and expanded on them so you have the pre-tribulationists, the mid-tribulationists, the post-tribulationist, the pre-millinialists, the post-millinialists, etc. etc.

Of course all can't be right. But then does every belief or observation by each necessarily have to be wrong? When the collective efforts of humankind have sought answers to deep questions, we generally sooner or later come up with fairly plausible answers.

Here's a narration by Jack Van Impe on the End of Times. This can be found in his Dictionary of Prophecy Terms.
This is the closing battle of three and one-half years of skirmish in the Middle East. It begins with Russia's invasion of Israel after the peace contract of Daniel 9:27 is broken (Ezekiel 38:15,16). Additional participants include the ten kings under the Antichrist from the West (Daniel 7:24; Revelation 13:1), kings of the East under China (Daniel 11:44), and kings of the south, involving much of Africa (Daniel 11:11).

Miracles performed through satanic power will convince the leaders of the earth, who are subservient to the Antichrist, to move all of their military might to the Middle East to do battle with Christ at His return to the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4; Revelation 16:14).

They will not be disappointed: Christ will come. The Battle of Armageddon climaxes the campaign as the Lord and His armies appear from heaven. The armies of earth will march to their doom, expecting to destroy the Christ they have rejected (Joel 3:9-14; Psalms 2:2,3; Revelation 19:11-21). Christ, the living Word of God returns, riding on a white horse. His eyes are as a flame of fire and his vesture dipped in blood bears the name, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Followed by the armies of heaven, He will smite the nations and cause the Beast and the False Prophet to be cast into the Lake of Fire.

It will be the bloodiest battle in the history of the world. Militarists from the four corners of the earth will battle Almighty God and the hosts of heaven (Psalms 2:2; Isaiah 34:2; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 9:16) will engage in the earth's greatest power struggle. So great will be the destruction resulting that the blood will reach to the horse's bridles for 200 miles and it will require mankind seven months to bury the dead (Revelation 14:20; Ezekiel 39:12).

There is a dishonesty here. Quotes are taken out of context from the Bible. For example;
So great will be the destruction resulting that the blood will reach to the horse's bridles for 200 miles and it will require mankind seven months to bury the dead (Revelation 14:20; Ezekiel 39:12).

Here's what Ezekiel 39:12 says;
"'For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land

Does this refer to the Armageddon that is to take place in the future? According to Van Impe it does. Let's look at this quote in context.

8 It is coming! It will surely take place, declares the Sovereign Lord. This is the day I have spoken of.

9 "'Then those who live in the towns of Israel will go out and use the weapons for fuel and burn them up--the small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war clubs and spears. For seven years they will use them for fuel.

10 They will not need to gather wood from the fields or cut it from the forests, because they will use the weapons for fuel. And they will plunder those who plundered them and loot those who looted them, declares the Sovereign Lord.

11 "'On that day I will give Gog a burial place in Israel, in the valley of those who travel east toward the Sea. It will block the way of travelers, because Gog and all his hordes will be buried there. So it will be called the Valley of Hamon Gog.

12 "'For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land.

13 All the people of the land will bury them, and the day I am glorified will be a memorable day for them, declares the Sovereign Lord.

14 "'Men will be regularly employed to cleanse the land. Some will go throughout the land and, in addition to them, others will bury those that remain on the ground. At the end of the seven months they will begin their search.

15 As they go through the land and one of them sees a human bone, he will set up a marker beside it until the gravediggers have buried it in the Valley of Hamon Gog.

16 (Also a town called Hamonah will be there.) And so they will cleanse the land.'

17 "Son of man, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Call out to every kind of bird and all the wild animals: 'Assemble and come together from all around to the sacrifice I am preparing for you, the great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel. There you will eat flesh and drink blood.

18 You will eat the flesh of mighty men and drink the blood of the princes of the earth as if they were rams and lambs, goats and bulls--all of them fattened animals from Bashan.

19 At the sacrifice I am preparing for you, you will eat fat till you are glutted and drink blood till you are drunk.

20 At my table you will eat your fill of horses and riders, mighty men and soldiers of every kind,' declares the Sovereign Lord.

21 "I will display my glory among the nations, and all the nations will see the punishment I inflict and the hand I lay upon them.

22 From that day forward the house of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God.


Notice verse 9 when it talks about "small and large shields, the bows and arrows, the war clubs and spears. For seven years they will use them for fuel." Is this verse about the 21st century or of Ezekiel's times? Are we to be reduced to bows, arrows and shields before the End of Times come? If so then the End of Times is a long way off. Or is Van Impe being dishonest and deliberately taking quotes out of context to deliver a false message to gullible believers.

In verses 17-20 God has us becoming cannibals. I guess cannibalism is good and should not be condemned.

Notice how God brags (verse 21) about all the people he killed to show them his power. That's what we need today, a killer God, one who's not afraid to slaughter everyone. None of this wimpy crap about sparing women and children. That's for girlie Gods.

The End of Times; isn't that what's it all about? Killing everyone except the select obedient few?

For those who ask what needs to happen to show the End of Times is coming my answer is; it all depends who you want to believe.

Dishonest? In truth, I believe some are. I think some opportunistic types will write a bunch of religious sounding stuff and make it colorful and dramatic enough so they can sell a book. The New Testament lists among the gifts of the Spirit, a gift of discernment. Maybe it is the gift and maybe it is just common sense, but the writing of the opportunists generally reads hollow and phony.

Are all those researching and writing on the end times phony? I do not believe they all are. I think some are indeed looking for the leading of the Spirit in the conclusions they reach.

Do any of them get it 100% right? I don't think so, but then I think the ancient prophets often misunderstood their own visions as well. The information was good, but their understanding of it I believe was often imperfect. But then if any of us were perfect we would be God and privy to see it all as He sees it.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:42 am
Arella Mae wrote:
Well, "if" Doktor S and others are right then like I said, when we die we end. But how does that affect what we do when we are alive? If there is no God and no judgment then that would pretty much give us license to do whatever we wanted, wouldn't it?

No, it wouldn't and you know why? Because of the below statement you made.

The only laws that we would have to adhere to would be the ones that man makes.

Did you know that there is nothing in the Bible condemning paedophilia, yet we all agree it's wrong (well most of us, anyway. I'm sure the paedophiles don't agree)? Surely, the laws against paedophilia are in itself an example of how you're wrong concerning free licence if there's no God and no judgement.

I read an article before regarding how the Bible was useless in a discussion on ethics, and how the person that brings the Bible into such discussions is useless as they merely adhere to the Book because it says so. Actually, now that I think about it, the article didn't just limit the statement to the Bible, but to all holy texts.

Perhaps I should create a new topic discussing this...

Furthermore, surely Dok S's viewpoint makes it even more important to be nice to each other, because you don't get a second chance at life. If you're not nice to each other, you're going to get the kind of lawlessness and apocalyptic chaos that most Rapture-believers look forward to. (Okay, maybe looking forward to is too strong a phrase, but they do in a way look forward to the event that happens afterwards).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:49 am
Fofyre, thank you for your reply to xingu on his reply to me. You said it better than I might have and I agree with what you wrote. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:51 am
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Well, "if" Doktor S and others are right then like I said, when we die we end. But how does that affect what we do when we are alive? If there is no God and no judgment then that would pretty much give us license to do whatever we wanted, wouldn't it?

No, it wouldn't and you know why? Because of the below statement you made.

The only laws that we would have to adhere to would be the ones that man makes.

Did you know that there is nothing in the Bible condemning paedophilia, yet we all agree it's wrong (well most of us, anyway. I'm sure the paedophiles don't agree)? Surely, the laws against paedophilia are in itself an example of how you're wrong concerning free licence if there's no God and no judgement.

I read an article before regarding how the Bible was useless in a discussion on ethics, and how the person that brings the Bible into such discussions is useless as they merely adhere to the Book because it says so. Actually, now that I think about it, the article didn't just limit the statement to the Bible, but to all holy texts.

Perhaps I should create a new topic discussing this...

Furthermore, surely Dok S's viewpoint makes it even more important to be nice to each other, because you don't get a second chance at life. If you're not nice to each other, you're going to get the kind of lawlessness and apocalyptic chaos that most Rapture-believers look forward to. (Okay, maybe looking forward to is too strong a phrase, but they do in a way look forward to the event that happens afterwards).

I should point out that if we used God and the Bible as a guide we would accept genocide as a blessing and not an abomination.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:51 am
Paedofilia is wrong...how do we know, common sense. ppl dont need a devine being to say whats right and wrong we have a basic instinct.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:52 am
EpiNirvana wrote:
Paedofilia is wrong...how do we know, common sense. ppl dont need a devine being to say whats right and wrong we have a basic instinct.

I saw that movie. Laughing Rather nasty, really.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:54 am
EpiNirvana wrote:
Paedofilia is wrong...how do we know, common sense. ppl dont need a devine being to say whats right and wrong we have a basic instinct.

Exactly and as such we don't need the Bible to tell us right from wrong. We can use our common sense.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 09:56 am
EpiNirvana wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
Well, "if" Doktor S and others are right then like I said, when we die we end. But how does that affect what we do when we are alive? If there is no God and no judgment then that would pretty much give us license to do whatever we wanted, wouldn't it? The only laws that we would have to adhere to would be the ones that man makes.

I would say that judging from the way the world is going we'll end up destroying ourselves eventually. Sooner or later, someone will launch that one nuclear bomb that will be the start of the end of it all, that is, if they are right. :wink:

Well lets say there is a heaven and hell and god exist. There was a man on death row for raping little boys kill then eating them....he repented and now he is in heaven. Yet there was a woman who worked for he family day in and day out, gave all her money to charity, and she did by pushing some one out of the way of a moving vehicle, but she was an atheist and now she rots in hell.....

Does that seam fair and just?

No it doesn't seem fair and just, and as I believe in a God of justice and order, I don't subscribe to that particular doctrine of good and evil. I think most Christians don't. I also believe in a God of mercy, however, and I think no person is beyond God's redemption who truly repents and would truly undo all the evil he or she has done given a chance to do so.

At any rate, here on Earth we set the criteria for what consequences will be for disturbing the order and decency that we establish as law. I think we are not privy to know what criteria God uses for the consequences He chooses to impose and the judgment of the state of another's soul is His prerogative and never ours. And I am quite grateful not to believe that I can earn my way into heaven.

One of my favorite made up nightmares is standing in line behind Mother Theresa at the gates of heaven and hearing Saint Peter tell her that she didn't do quite enough to get in.

I do hope I've done enough not to have to go through the tribulation however.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 10:00 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I remain curious. What would convince you (the generic you) that the time is now. All of world history is culiminating in a final dramatic climax according to Bible prophecy?


I don't believe in Prophecy that actually works. Oh, it works in retrospective fashion, especially if it's vague beyond belief. People in the future tend to look back and twist the original meanings of old sayings and texts, in order to make them apply to what we know.

I'm sure, Foxfyre, that if you go to one of the Islamic threads here about why the Koran is scientific, you'll find lots of that going on (albeit bits of the Koran were based on Islamic scientific ideas that at the time were very current).

Conflicts happen all the time.

If it's not "my God's better than yours", it's "my country's better than yours", or "I want your this and that" or "my political ideology is better than yours".

Besides, in the day when this was written there was all sorts of Apocalyptic texts flying about. Many were written by disgruntled, persecuted religious zealots, as some kind of political statement of hope.

Many scholars agree that Revelation either refers to Babylon or Rome.

The futurist or dispensationalist view that you hold is a recent (as in 1800 onwards) viewpoint introduced by John Nelson Darby. It is not the original viewpoint concerning the Book of Revelation and to me, smells suspiciously of apologetic revisionism.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 10:03 am
Xingu writes
I should point out that if we used God and the Bible as a guide we would accept genocide as a blessing and not an abomination.

Yes, that was a part of the ancient culture that was thoroughly disputed and not accepted as the norm by New Testament times. But if you really think about it, the people of Israel once were severely punished because they didn't follow orders to kill all the men, women, children, and animals when they won a particular battle. It has been said, had they followed those orders, they wouldn't be having the trouble with their neighbors that they are having now. Smile (just kidding)

No Jewish or Christian group preaches or condones genocide now, however, and except for specific selected occasions, that was not part of the Old Testament code either. And even then it was a notion that you destroy your enemy 100%, not a notion that you destroy them just because they are of another race, religion, or ethnicity.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 11:05 am
I've got a real problem with the 'repent, the end is near' approach to Christianity.

If you weren't living a decent life all along what's the point of changing your behaviour now, or pretending that you think you were wrong all along.

Seems rather un-Christian. Or too Baptist perhaps.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 11:10 am
I agree, ehBeth. Repentance because the end is perhaps near is a bit too much too late. IMO.

Although I think it is never too late to repent, It bothers me that some would wait until the last minute and then ask for help and mercy.

It reminds me of, oh, say somebody who never prayed or recognized God their whole life. They get sick or have something bad happen and suddenly, ask for God's help. "God, why aren't you helping me in my need?"

I am not saying that God shouldn't provide them with Grace or that He wouldn't. It is just that if they now believe in God and His power, why couldn't they before?

Repentance is good for the soul. Regardless of when the end is expected.
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 11:29 am
EpiNirvana wrote:
Paedofilia is wrong...how do we know, common sense. ppl dont need a devine being to say whats right and wrong we have a basic instinct.

I'd like to point out Epi, that you are correct in trying not to use the same spelling of paedohphilia as me (as I use British English and you use American English). However, the US spelling of paedophilia is actually pedophilia.

Back on topic, however, the concept of the Revelation predicting the End Times isn't very solid or even a majority viewpoint. To sum up my lengthy post that came before this, a response to Foxfyre's question, a large majority of people don't believe this conflict in the Middle East is a sign of the End Times, because they don't believe that Revelation predicts the Apocalypse in the first place.
0 Replies

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Evidence of God! - Discussion by Bartikus
One World Order?! - Discussion by Bartikus
God loves us all....!? - Discussion by Bartikus
The Preambles to Our States - Discussion by Charli
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