Foxfyre wrote:Doktor S wrote:Foxfyre wrote:I remain curious. What would convince you (the generic you) that the time is now. All of world history is culiminating in a final dramatic climax according to Bible prophecy?
The same amount of evidence that could make me believe the earth is in fact filled with hydrogen, and as a result stays aloft in the great openness that is space, rather than fall and pop on the horn of a giant intercosmic unicorn.
Absurd? Absurd is relative to perspective.
I love your metaphor. But expand on this please. Is this a colorful way of saying its all a lot of hooey?
And anybody else. Do you agree that it is? Why?
A lot of hooey? From the perspective of someone steeped in religion, raised to believe the bible is more than it appears to be, no. To these people the bible, it's predictions, and it's teachings are certainly not 'hooey'
But even such a person as this would need to take a huge leap to believe their purported end times are
I myself am not such a person, as I have never seen anything convincing to cause me to adopt the belief the bible is anything more than a work of literature. To me, a belief in biblical events or prophesies does in fact constitute a whole load of 'hooey', on par with a childs unshakeable belief that 'hogwarts' is a real place. Both unevidenced, both founded in literature.