Israel's Most Powerful Weapon--The Holocaust

cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 12:39 pm
Repeated from blueflames previous article:

Moshe Dayan, Israeli war hero, described this reality succinctly in a 1969 speech: "Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist; not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. ... There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."[20]

While a wrong of these incalculable dimensions can never be truly rectified, simple considerations of justice require that the Palestinian refugees

Susan Nathan's book also tells about this disappearance of Arab villages from Israel's maps and history books. Since many Jews are new immigrants, they are not aware that the land they are now living on were stolen from the Paleestinians.
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Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 01:02 pm
C.i. said:

This is about the Jews and the Holocaust; and their reliance on the world to excuse them their treatment of Palestinians, because many are not aware of how Jews treat the Palestnians.

Amongst other things.

We will have to agree to disagree on many of the things that you have posted here.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 01:36 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Brandon, You probably do not know, but Palestinians have no legal or property rights in Israel; NONE. When any individual gives up hope of a good life in the future, all hope dies, and their only option to let their voice heard is by suicide bombing.

Try living in Israel as a Palestinian, and you'll begin to understand.

When you write of Palestinians in Israel, what do you specifically mean? Arab citizens of Israel or the Arabs in the Palestinian territories.

It is very difficult to find, on the web, articles that address the topic of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with objectivity. Pardon me, but I'm afraid I do not consider the articles that you and Blueflame post as objective.

I was able to find the following link

Arab Citizens of Israel

You'll note that the article carries with it a warning that it's objectivity has been questioned. I've read the critical commentary attached and it seems to emanate from both sides of the argument which is a pretty fair indication of objectivity.

A reading of the article does indicate that there are discriminatory practices in Israel directed toward Muslim Arabs citizens. This does not seem to be the same case as regards Christian or Druze Arabs.

Per the article:

Israeli Arabs are full citizens of the State of Israel, with equal protection under the law, and full rights of due process. Unlike Jewish citizens, they cannot be drafted into the Israeli army, but they may serve voluntarily. There are currently nine Israeli Arabs sitting as members of the 17th Knesset out of a total of 120 seats, and there is one Arab judge, Justice Salim Jubran, sitting in the Supreme Court of Israel. Ariel Sharon's 2001 cabinet included one Israeli Arab minister, Salah Tarif, and in March 2005, Oscar Abu Razaq was appointed Director General of the Ministry of Interior. Arabic is one of Israel's official languages.

The article provides a detailing of discriminatory practices, which certainly suggests Israel does not have clean hands as respects the institutional and social treatment of Israeli Arabs. However, it is important to note that as a democracy, the Israeli government does not have absolute power, and that the Israeli judiciary has, and continues to be an avenue for justice:

In June, the Supreme Court ruled that omitting Arab towns from specific government social and economic plans is discriminatory. This judgment builds on previous assessments of disadvantages suffered by Arab Israelis

[/QUOTE]In February 2006, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the government education development plan discriminated against Israeli Arabs and mandated that the government should come up with a new plan within a year.[/QUOTE]

The JNF's statutes prohibit the sale or lease of land to non-Jews. In October, civil rights groups petitioned the High Court of Justice claiming that a bid announcement by the Israel Land Administration (ILA) involving JNF land was discriminatory in that it banned Arabs from bidding."

Given that Israel was born in a war with Arabs, has fought two subsequent major wars with Arabs and has been under the continuous attack of Arab terrorists for decades, it is not only understandable why Arabs within Israel may not be seen as having the same interest in the security and prosperity of Israel as Jews, it is a bit remarkable that there is not even more discrimination. Under the circumstances, how many other nations in the world would have acted differently or worse?

At the same time, Israel faces a dilemma unlike any other in the world. Established as a homeland for a race of people who had been homeless for centuries; had been persecuted throughout history and were the victims of a very real and serious attempt to wipe them off the face of the earth, Israel is faced with the reality that if Arabs are permitted truly equal rights and, more importantly, there is an attempt to redress the wrongs of the past through the Right of Return, demographics and democracy will do to a Jewish State what Arab dictatorships could not.

Never-the-less, Israel prides itself for being established on democratic principles and unless the democratic ideal is a sham in that nation the discrimination against Israeli Arabs must be corrected.

As for the Right of Return, it is highly unlikely that any Arab who sincerely wishes for peace and stability in the area is going to remain adamant in insisting that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians be allowed to return to Israel as citizens. Israel cannot concede on this point and there will never be peace if the Palestinians do not.

I doubt I would be well contented as an Arab citizen of Israel and I do not doubt that I would feel a sense of outrage over the injustice I saw and experienced. I also doubt I would express that outrage by strapping bombs to my body and blowing up a cafe and 50 or so innocent civilians.

African-Americans in this country have experienced discrimination every bit as severe, if not more severe, than what the Arabs in Israel experience and they never resorted to the insane tactic of using suicide bombings to achieve equality.

The Palestinians have been extremely ill served by their leaders, and to the extent that the Palestinians in Gaza and The West Bank suffer from poverty and lack of opportunity, their main thanks should go to men like Arafat, not Israel. Billions of dollars in aide has gone to the Palestinian territories over the years. On what has it been spent?

The best hope for the Palestinians is their own Ghandi or King, and yet given the chance to vote, they select Hamas. All of their violent tactics, no matter how much it may slate some perverse hunger for esteem, will not buy them lasting peace and prosperity. It may eventually lead to a two state solution, but with Israel a bitter neighbor and the men of violence at their helm they will exist as in impoverished third world country for decades to come.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:30 pm
Finn, Read Susan Nathan's book. Her claims obout the mistreatment of Arab-Israelis can be confirmed by many articles written and availble on the internet.

You and others can continue to deny what is happening to the Palestinians in Israel; that's your right to be ignorant and an apologist for Jews in Israel.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:38 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Finn, Read Susan Nathan's book. Her claims obout the mistreatment of Arab-Israelis can be confirmed by many articles written and availble on the internet.

You and others can continue to deny what is happening to the Palestinians in Israel; that's your right to be ignorant and an apologist for Jews in Israel.

Yep, its a must read for every 'blind supporter'

About this book
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:48 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Finn, Read Susan Nathan's book. Her claims obout the mistreatment of Arab-Israelis can be confirmed by many articles written and availble on the internet.

You and others can continue to deny what is happening to the Palestinians in Israel; that's your right to be ignorant and an apologist for Jews in Israel.

How you interpreted my post to be denying that Israel discriminates against Palestinians is beyond me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 02:51 pm
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:04 pm
Lash wrote:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:06 pm
Read Susan Nathan's book!!

Jews: bad

Palestinians: good

Read Susan Nathan's book!!

Jews: bad

Palestinians: good

Read Susan Nathan's book!!

Jews: bad

Palestinians: good

Read Susan Nathan's book!!

Jews: bad

Palestinians: good
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:41 pm
Finn wrote:
Never-the-less, Israel prides itself for being established on democratic principles and unless the democratic ideal is a sham in that nation the discrimination against Israeli Arabs must be corrected.

Yes. 1) It's not a democracy, because they have no Constitution.
2) It's a sham, because although they have Arab-Israelis in their government, their votes count for nothing. They are always over-ruled.
3) That's the primary issue: discriminatiion against Israel Arabs must be corrected. That's what most of us would want for any democracy - including the US. 4) Arab-Israelis are not allowed to live in "restricted" Jewish communities. 5) Palestinian families that have lived in Israel for many generations have not legal and property rights. Their lands are slowly being taken away through fraud by laws established by Jews. 6) Many Palestinians have lost jobs, because their movements are restricted. 7) They cannot move freely in Israel. They are confined in Palestinian villages without the right to build more buildings to house the ever increasing population. 8) Walls are being build to restrict the movement of Palestinians. 9) The few Arab-Israelis that live with Jews have the constant fear of losing their property through fraudulent laws of occupation.

10) There are some leftist Jews that are trying to provide the Arab-Israelis with more legal and property rights, but they are few. There are also some Arab-Israelis that teach at Jewish universities, and some also work in Jewish hospitals, but the numbers are few. 11) The educational environment for the Palestinians are dismal, and they get little or no funding from the Jewish state. When they do get funding for their schools, it's usually about 1/10th of what Jewish schools receive. This constraint means that the Palestinian children will have less opportunity for employment.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:46 pm
Lash wrote:
Read Susan Nathan's book!!

Jews: bad

Palestinians: good

Read Susan Nathan's book!!

Jews: bad

Palestinians: good

Read Susan Nathan's book!!

Jews: bad

Palestinians: good

Read Susan Nathan's book!!

Jews: bad

Palestinians: good

Got it Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:46 pm

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:52 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Finn wrote:
Never-the-less, Israel prides itself for being established on democratic principles and unless the democratic ideal is a sham in that nation the discrimination against Israeli Arabs must be corrected.

Yes. 1) It's not a democracy, because they have no Constitution.
2) It's a sham, because although they have Arab-Israelis in their government, their votes count for nothing. They are always over-ruled.
3) That's the primary issue: discriminatiion against Israel Arabs must be corrected. That's what most of us would want for any democracy - including the US. 4) Arab-Israelis are not allowed to live in "restricted" Jewish communities. 5) Palestinian families that have lived in Israel for many generations have not legal and property rights. Their lands are slowly being taken away through fraud by laws established by Jews. 6) Many Palestinians have lost jobs, because their movements are restricted. 7) They cannot move freely in Israel. They are confined in Palestinian villages without the right to build more buildings to house the ever increasing population. 8) Walls are being build to restrict the movement of Palestinians. 9) The few Arab-Israelis that live with Jews have the constant fear of losing their property through fraudulent laws of occupation.

10) There are some leftist Jews that are trying to provide the Arab-Israelis with more legal and property rights, but they are few. There are also some Arab-Israelis that teach at Jewish universities, and some also work in Jewish hospitals, but the numbers are few. 11) The educational environment for the Palestinians are dismal, and they get little or no funding from the Jewish state. When they do get funding for their schools, it's usually about 1/10th of what Jewish schools receive. This constraint means that the Palestinian children will have less opportunity for employment.

Even if everything you claim is true, it does not justify your original outrageous statement that the only way for these people's voices to be heard is by blowing up Israeli civilians.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 03:59 pm
Finn, That may be true for you and me in the comfort of the US, but I can sympathize with the Palestinians based on what I have been reading about how they are treated by the Jews.

If anybody loses all hope for the future, because one sect controls your life in misery, I can't imagine how that must feel.

The picture of a Jewish boy kicking the young Arab mother of two in front of the Israeli military says it all for me. You are free to come to your own conclusions.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 06:25 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Finn wrote:
Never-the-less, Israel prides itself for being established on democratic principles and unless the democratic ideal is a sham in that nation the discrimination against Israeli Arabs must be corrected.

Yes. 1) It's not a democracy, because they have no Constitution.
2) It's a sham, because although they have Arab-Israelis in their government, their votes count for nothing. They are always over-ruled.
3) That's the primary issue: discriminatiion against Israel Arabs must be corrected. That's what most of us would want for any democracy - including the US. 4) Arab-Israelis are not allowed to live in "restricted" Jewish communities. 5) Palestinian families that have lived in Israel for many generations have not legal and property rights. Their lands are slowly being taken away through fraud by laws established by Jews. 6) Many Palestinians have lost jobs, because their movements are restricted. 7) They cannot move freely in Israel. They are confined in Palestinian villages without the right to build more buildings to house the ever increasing population. 8) Walls are being build to restrict the movement of Palestinians. 9) The few Arab-Israelis that live with Jews have the constant fear of losing their property through fraudulent laws of occupation.

10) There are some leftist Jews that are trying to provide the Arab-Israelis with more legal and property rights, but they are few. There are also some Arab-Israelis that teach at Jewish universities, and some also work in Jewish hospitals, but the numbers are few. 11) The educational environment for the Palestinians are dismal, and they get little or no funding from the Jewish state. When they do get funding for their schools, it's usually about 1/10th of what Jewish schools receive. This constraint means that the Palestinian children will have less opportunity for employment.

Finn's statement is correct for the definition of "liberal democracy," but not correct when one is referring to a "democratic state." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy All that is required for a democratic state is that 1) "there be a demos, a group which makes political decisions by some sort of collective procedure. Nonmenbers of the demos need not participate." 2) there be a territory where the decisions apply and where the demos reside." 3) "That there is a decision-making procedure."4) "The procedure is regarded as legitimate by the demos." 5) The procedure is effective in the minimal sense, that it can be used to change the government, assuming there is sufficient support for that change." 6) "In the case of nation-states, the state must be sovereign." Constitution is not necessary for a democracy. Nor is a policy of non-discrimination.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 06:59 pm
That's not a democracy, it's apartheid. You can continue to call it a democracy, because you're probably a member of the apartheid group that discriminates against the "minority." I call them racial bigots.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 06:59 pm
Maybe "sectarian bigots" is a better fit.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 07:05 pm
Haven't read the thread, just the title post. Yack. I'm freaking about the present destruction in Lebanon and have had qualms about Istrael's choices for quite a while now. But you are dead wrong on that title post, freedom4.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 07:57 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
That's not a democracy, it's apartheid. You can continue to call it a democracy, because you're probably a member of the apartheid group that discriminates against the "minority." I call them racial bigots.

Show me your definition. Link it. I linked the definition of "democracy" for you twice now. Once was dictionary.com (in another thread.) Now, through wikipedia. It's not apartheid, it's democracy, just not the liberal democracy type. Btw, I am a member of a minority group, just fyo.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2006 08:41 pm
Israel's apartheid:
0 Replies

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