OCCOM BILL, ha! I had forgotten about that film but it's right on target. Perfect! Heh, spot the idiot. I'll keep that in mind.
Gala wrote:Although the story is somewhat reminiscent of elementary school (there was always that one classmate who smelled like pee, or was a mouth-breather, or had persistent welts), the gist of the matter is she is an adult who crossed the line immediately.
Exactly. The line is but a dot to her, or so it seems.
Linkat wrote:One other solution - you be the weirdo
this will keep others away from you.
As an experiment and also because I am a bit peculiar, a friend of mine and me acted very oddly on the subway once. She sat across from me rather than next to me. We began to act like little rabbits or hamsters. We sat up tall with our hands sort of up and curled like you would see a hamster do. Then we began "grooming" ourselves. We pretended to lick our hands and then rub them quickly over our heads. Funny no one came near us - we did over hear one person remark - drugs, must be drugs. No, sad thing no drugs were involved.
I get to act like a hamster on A2K.
Well, today went fine, it remains to be seen how next week will go (we don't have class tomorrow, a good thing, too, as I'm wiped. My brain has turned into tapioca).
Pudding for Brains
PS RP did indeed blanche and look scared when we discussed a swap. This also begs the question of B___'s husband and his, er, habits.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.