Foxfyre wrote:That's the irony of this. Lieberman's voting record was pretty darn liberal and he was with the Democrats on all but a very very few issues. There was no problem until he sided with the President on the war in Iraq and the War on Terrorism. The Democrats couldn't have that, so he was promptly back stabbed and discarded.
Nonsense. There's a whole list of Democratic Senators and Congressmen who have a more conservative voting record than Lieberman had, and who have voted with the majority on military issues too, yet who have
not been challenged like Lieberman was.
The reasons why are simple enough.
- It wasnt just that Lieberman veered from the party line, it was that he used the most pernicious of the neocon rhetorics to do so - the kind that directly harmed the Democratic Party. His last nonsense that the Lamont victory emboldens the terrorists is merely typical.
- Lieberman is the Senator of
Connecticut. He therefore has a responsibility to represent the interests, opinions and preferences of the people from Connecticut. Whether you say that he should be accountable to the
Democrats from Connecticut or the people from Connecticut overall, makes no difference - the outcome is the same: he's out of step with his own electorate. Connecticut voters, Dem or otherwise, do not share his preference for sabre-rattling in Iraq and feel strongly about that. So, they're voting him out. And?
Salazar, the Democratic Senator from Colorado, Baucus, from Montana, Ben Nelson, from Nebraska, or your typical Dem Senator from the Dakotas (there's three) are more conservative than Lieberman, and have been as conservative as him on war & terror issues as well -- and yet they have not been "promptly back stabbed and discarded".
But represent one of the most liberal states in the Union as a Democrat, and
then take on a high profile right next to Bush on exactly the kind of issue that people from your state would get passionate about - then you get in trouble. Thats a duh thing, and doesnt prove anything about some meme of how "the Dems will backstab and discard you as soon as you stop toeing the line".
(And thats not even to mention that the Dem establishment, rather than "backstabbing and discarding" Lieberman, throughout the primary and the run-up to it have tried to stop Lamont and buttress Lieberman...)