BernardR wrote:I would suggest that Mr. Nimh get another look at the polling on the Leiberman --Lamont Race. I think that Leiberman will be far ahead after the public digests the attempt by the Islamo-fascist murderers to down commercial airliners.
Ah, nothing like capitalizing on America's fears. You wingnuts are brilliant at that. The politiking of terror is the most disgraceful tripe coming out of the GOP warmongering machine right now.
Islamo-fascist "MURDERERS?" Now they're murderers, not terrorists? Is that because right now America feels that Democrats would do a better job at fighting terrorism than Republicans? I remember when Kerry mentioned treating terrorism as a law enforcement issue, Republicans went on a tear. Now their parroting the exact same things we were saying years ago.
Like I've said prior, the timing behind all this coming on the heels of Lamont's win is truly unbelievable. And the propoganda machine is in full force for the White House thanx to the MSM. American corporate fascism has reached a new level in it's infancy.