Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 04:31 pm
The Encyclopedia Britannica, "Palestine" is the source.
(all years are approximate).
7800 BC:First building structures.
7000 BC:First Jerico fortifications.
2000 BC:First Canaanite Culture.

1400 BC:Eqypt conquers Palestine
1300 BC:First Israelite Culture.
1100 BC:First Philistine Culture (Philistra, evolved to the name Palestine).
Jews start ruling part of Palestine
1000 BC:Saul King of Israel (all Palestine except Philistra and Phoenicia).
950 BC:Solomon King of Israel.
721 BC:Israel Destroyed, but Judaea Continued.
516 BC:2nd Temple in Judaea.
333 BC:The Greek, Alexander the Great Conquers Palestine.
Jews stop ruling part of Palestine.
161 BC:Maccabaen Maximum Expansion of Judaea to All Palestine Plus.
Jews start ruling Palestine.
135 BC:Maccabaen Maximum Expansion Ends.
40 BC:The Roman, Herod Conquers Palestine.
73 AD:Fall of Jerusalem and all resistance ceases.
Jews stop ruling part of Palestine.
638 AD:Arabs take Jerusalem.
Arabs start ruling part of Palestine.
1099 AD:Crusaders take Palestine.
Arabs stop ruling part of Palestine.
1187 AD:Saladin Takes Palestine.
1229 AD:Saladin/Crusader Treaty.
1244 AD:Turks Take Palestine.
1516 AD:Ottoman Empire Begins Governing Palestine.
1831 AD:Egypt Conquers Palestine.
1841 AD:Ottoman Empire Again Conquers Palestine.
1915 AD:British Ambassador Promises Palestine to Arabs.
1917 AD:British Foreign Minister Balfour Promises Palestine to Zionists.
1918 AD:Ottoman Empire Ends Control of Palestine.
1918 AD:British Protectorate of Palestine Begins.
1920 AD:5 Jews killed 200 wounded in anti-zionist riots in Palestine.
1921 AD:46 Jews killed 146 wounded in anti-zionist riots in Palestine.
1929 AD:133 Jews killed 339 wounded.
1929 AD:116 Arabs killed 232 wounded.
1936,38,39 AD:329 Jews killed 857 wounded.
------------------3,112 Arabs killed 1,775 wounded.
------------------135 Brits killed 386 wounded.
------------------110 Arabs hanged 5,679 jailed.
1947 AD:UN resolution partitions Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab State.
1948 AD:Civil war breaks out between Jews and Arabs.
1948 AD:State of Israel conquers part of Palestine.
Jews start ruling part of Palestine;
Arabs start ruling part of Palestine.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 04:32 pm
Going the Distance

A longtime CIA official says Hezbollah wins the battle with Israel simply by surviving.
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old europe
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 04:36 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I don't object to WHAT the media reports. I object to HOW they report it. I object to their lack of objectivity when they clearly write their news reports to cast the worst possible light on one side and pretty much give a free pass to the other.

I don't think that we see that happening. As an example, I will point to your post citing the MSM when it actually blamed Hezbollah for the incident that triggered the Israeli operation.

However, when there are more than ten times more civilians killed on the Lebanese side of the border than on the Israeli side, I wonder what kind of "objectivity" you could demand? Should the media rather not report on what is happening in Lebanon, or just report every tenth incident?

Foxfyre wrote:
And correcting a line from my recent previous post
I think reasonable people can discuss opposing views with the personal insults, either covert or overt.

This line should read "I think reasonable people can discuss opposing views WITHOUT the personal insults, either covert or overt."

Absolutely no disagreement there... as you know, Foxy!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 04:39 pm
revel wrote:
Going the Distance

A longtime CIA official says Hezbollah wins the battle with Israel simply by surviving.

Yes that's the problem. And, Israel's action now is increasing support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and beyond, so it's not going away anytime soon.

Nuclear weapons against Syria? Or a new approach to the Palestine question?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 04:41 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 04:47 pm
blatham wrote:
georgeob, from the bridge, yelled down
Still - there are several insanities afoot in the world today of which Islamist zealotry is but one. Some others come cloaked in the best modern dress. Secularist materialism is one,

"But", a scruffy crewman yelled back up, "what of American Exceptionalism, sir? Ought we add it to your list? I understand you might be busy at the moment so if you could just send your reply down to the brig."

"That age-old tautology of exceptionalism - "I rule as I rule, because I am who I am" - faced its only real challenge from the growth of republican ideals, crafted by the Greeks and carried forward, fitfully, to the pointed assertions by eighteenth-century neoclassicists like Jeffereson, who helped forge that era's democratic explosion. Their disruptive thesis - that the people are the sovereign, and leaders serve at the public's pleasure - sought to reverse history's traditional equation of power preserving and justifying itself." (page 262, The One Percent Doctrine, Ron Suskind)

Well, If he was on my ship he wouldn't yell back (and he wouldn't be scruffy). He might find himself in the brig though.

American exceptionalism springs from several sources, one being the application of republican ideals that you noted. Others include our experience of welcoming (after our fashion) immigrants in huge numbers, our competitive economic values, and perhaps our relatively greater affection for various religions. All of these are subject to change, both relatively and absolutely, and the degree of our exceptionalism has moderated a bit over the last century. Overall, from an historical perspective, I believe it has been a very good thing.

Certainly it would be difficult to argue that the saccarine materialist humanism (of sorts) that pervades Europe, even influencing the northern reaches of this continent is, in any way superior.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 04:48 pm
France steps in where US fails to go

(last article only for today :wink: I am having hard time sticking to my grand announcement the other morning. )
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 04:59 pm
old europe wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I don't object to WHAT the media reports. I object to HOW they report it. I object to their lack of objectivity when they clearly write their news reports to cast the worst possible light on one side and pretty much give a free pass to the other.

I don't think that we see that happening. As an example, I will point to your post citing the MSM when it actually blamed Hezbollah for the incident that triggered the Israeli operation.

However, when there are more than ten times more civilians killed on the Lebanese side of the border than on the Israeli side, I wonder what kind of "objectivity" you could demand? Should the media rather not report on what is happening in Lebanon, or just report every tenth incident?

Foxfyre wrote:
And correcting a line from my recent previous post
I think reasonable people can discuss opposing views with the personal insults, either covert or overt.

This line should read "I think reasonable people can discuss opposing views WITHOUT the personal insults, either covert or overt."

Absolutely no disagreement there... as you know, Foxy!

But neither you nor other Israel critics nor the media want to emphasize in the public mind that most of the deaths in Lebanon are because Hezbollah puts their rocket launchers in places where such deaths are certain to occur. THAT is the great obscenity. Israel either has to just take the rocket attacks or attempt to take out the launchers and rockets.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 05:09 pm
But neither you nor other Israel critics nor the media want to emphasize in the public mind that most of the deaths in Lebanon are because Hezbollah puts their rocket launchers in places where such deaths are certain to occur. THAT is the great obscenity. Israel either has to just take the rocket attacks or attempt to take out the launchers and rockets.



Tell me where could Hezbollah have put their rockets to avoid civilian deaths by Israeli bombs?
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 05:13 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
But neither you nor other Israel critics nor the media want to emphasize in the public mind that most of the deaths in Lebanon are because Hezbollah puts their rocket launchers in places where such deaths are certain to occur. THAT is the great obscenity. Israel either has to just take the rocket attacks or attempt to take out the launchers and rockets.

That's a false dilemma. You claim that Israel has no other option than either indiscriminately target civilian neighborhoods all across Lebanon, or be attacked by Hezbollah without defending itself.

What about a third option: only target Hezbollah outposts in South Lebanon that actually fire rockets into Israel rather than indiscriminately striking warehouses, dams, schools, TV and radio stations, churches, mosques, hospitals and ambulances all across the country? What about a fourth option: calling for a ceasefire?

I mean, that black and white view is great and all, but in no way reflects reality.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 05:23 pm
It is worth repeating here what Golda Meir is alleged to have said:
"The Arab Israeli conflict will continue as long as the arabs hate jews more than they love their own children."

I wonder what would happen if the Israelies were to come to hate the arabs more than they love their own children.

Whether you shoot at me or my children from a soldier's trench or from a child's nursery, I will shoot back until either you stop shooting, you kill me and my children, or I kill you.

To stop the carnage in Lebanon, stop Hezbollah from shooting at Israelies, because the Israelies will continue to shoot back at the Hezbollahs whereever they are, until the Hezbollahs stop shooting at the Israelies, or until all the Israelies are dead, or until all of the Hezbollahs are dead.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 05:43 pm
old europe wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
But neither you nor other Israel critics nor the media want to emphasize in the public mind that most of the deaths in Lebanon are because Hezbollah puts their rocket launchers in places where such deaths are certain to occur. THAT is the great obscenity. Israel either has to just take the rocket attacks or attempt to take out the launchers and rockets.

That's a false dilemma. You claim that Israel has no other option than either indiscriminately target civilian neighborhoods all across Lebanon, or be attacked by Hezbollah without defending itself.

What about a third option: only target Hezbollah outposts in South Lebanon that actually fire rockets into Israel rather than indiscriminately striking warehouses, dams, schools, TV and radio stations, churches, mosques, hospitals and ambulances all across the country? What about a fourth option: calling for a ceasefire?

I mean, that black and white view is great and all, but in no way reflects reality.

I believe Israel is sincerely trying to hit where they believe the rocket launchers are. There ARE no Hezbollah 'outposts' as you put it. It is quite clear from all sources, both credible and non credible, that Hezbollah is intentionally placing their launchers in places where any return fire will PROBABLY injure or kill civilians. If you won't acknowledge that, then we're stuck.

I do not believe for a minute believe that Israel is indiscriminately striking warehouses, mosques, hospitals, ambulances, etc. They are taking out infrastructure that they believe is advantageous to Hezbollah.

I will, however, after further research, rescind my opinion that Hezbollah fired rockets into Israel at the same time they kidnapped the soldiers. I found several accounts of that, but none that I would accept as really credible sources and none of my more credible sources included that particular piece of the puzzle.

So I will say at this time, the evidence is out whether the rocket attacks started before Israel retaliated against the kidnapping of the soldiers.

Note the line where Hezbollah admits it is targeting civilians.

Miscellaneous other accounts none of which I can say are corroborated by more usual sources




0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 06:32 pm
revel wrote:

Tell me where could Hezbollah have put their rockets to avoid civilian deaths by Israeli bombs?

At the bottom of the Mediterrenean Sea.

Of course Hezbollah would not be able fire their rockets into Israel from the bottom of the Mediterrenean Sea. But then the Israelies would have no need to defend themselves against Hezbollah rockets sitting on the bottom of the Mediterrenean Sea, and therefore no need to shoot into Lebanon or the Mediterrenean Sea to destroy those rockets.

Eureka! That's it! To end this rocket conflict all we have to do is persuade the French to put all of Hezbollah's remaining rockets on the bottom of the Mediterrenean Sea!

Naaa! That won't work! The French don't know how to do that without attacking Hezbolla in Lebanon and thereby killing Lebanese civilians.

Hmmm Confused
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 06:37 pm
ican711nm wrote:
revel wrote:

Tell me where could Hezbollah have put their rockets to avoid civilian deaths by Israeli bombs?

At the bottom of the Mediterrenean Sea.

Of course Hezbollah would not be able fire their rockets into Israel from the bottom of the Mediterrenean Sea. But then the Israelies would have no need to defend themselves against Hezbollah rockets sitting on the bottom of the Mediterrenean Sea, and therefore no need to shoot into Lebanon or the Mediterrenean Sea to destroy those rockets.

Eureka! That's it! To end this rocket conflict all we have to do is persuade the French to put all of Hezbollah's remaining rockets on the bottom of the Mediterrenean Sea!

Naaa! That won't work! The French don't know how to do that without attacking Hezbolla in Lebanon and thereby killing Lebanese civilians.

Hmmm Confused

Well if they were determined to fire those rockets and the Mediterranean Sea idea didn't work out, they could move the launchers into the mountains or out into the fields or in bunkers on the beach or anywhere away from the civilian populations. By putting the launchers between the houses, they were inviting civilian casualties, and, in my opinion, WANTING civilian casualties so they could better accuse Israel.
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 06:55 pm
Israel controls at least 4 kilometers (deep) of South Lebanon and still advancing, and they have completely wiped all Hezbollah thugs from Ras Maroon and Bint Jbeil.

Hezbollah is a warfare type of militia. Their best chance is to operate in heavily populated areas where they can shoot and then run and hide amongst the civilians....once you take the civilians out of the equation Hezbollah strength is diminished to zero, zilch, nada.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 07:12 pm
->Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers who had crossed the Israel-Lebanon border into Lebanon.
->Israel demanded their return.
->Hezbollah declared it would release its Israeli soldier prisoners, if Israel released its 400+ Hezbollah prisoners.
->Israel said no and launched a limited invasion into Lebanon to rescue the soldiers Hezbollah had captured.
->Hezbollah started firing rockets into Israeli civilian comunities.
->Israel launched a major invasion of Lebanon to stop Hezbollah from firing its rockets from Lebanon's civilian communities into Israeli civilian communities.
->Israel is destroying Hezbollah's rocket sites as fast as it can.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 07:32 pm
Brand X wrote:
Israel controls at least 4 kilometers (deep) of South Lebanon and still advancing, and they have completely wiped all Hezbollah thugs from Ras Maroon and Bint Jbeil.

Hezbollah is a warfare type of militia. Their best chance is to operate in heavily populated areas where they can shoot and then run and hide amongst the civilians....once you take the civilians out of the equation Hezbollah strength is diminished to zero, zilch, nada.

If things continue the way they are going long enough, Lebanese civilians will eventually "be taken out of the equation." So it appears it is not in Hezbollah's interest to continue to shoot from sites in Lebanese communities. But then, it may actually be Hezbollah's objective to diminish its strength in Lebanon to "zero, zilch, nada" by taking the Lebanese civilians "out of the equation." Hezbollah could be that evil, desiring their and everyone else's death more than life.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 09:09 pm
For anybody who has any sort of doubts or questions as to what hezballah and other organizations like it actually amount to:

0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 09:38 pm
I just find if hard to believe that Hezbollah has that much rockets or fighters to account for all the deaths of Lebanese citizens and destruction civilian infrastructure even if it is a fact and not a excuse that Hezbollah uses citizens and civilian communities as shields to turn the world against Israel.

• More than 841 killed and 3243 wounded
• Many bodies still unfound under wreckage
• 1/3 of casualties are children & majority civilians
• More than 913,760 displaced
• Complete blockade of air, sea & land transport
• More than 60 bridges and 70 roads destroyed
• Beirut International airport, all national
airways and major Lebanese ports bombed
• Electrical power plants bombed
and related fuel tanks destroyed
• Complete destruction of all radars
• More than 20 gas and fuel stations destroyed
• Factories (food industries), warehouses, dams,
schools, TV & radio stations, churches, mosques,
hospitals, ambulances & civil defense centre
• Thousands of civilian houses destroyed
• Estimated cost of infrastructure hit exceeds
US$ 2 billion
• Reported Israeli use of Internationally-banned
• More than 10 thousand tons of heavy oil polute
more than 80 km of sea coast

(from the previous link)

About the Qana tragedy; it appears that at least one site of a bombing there was no Hazbollah rockets or fighters at the time.

As the Israel Air Force continues to investigate the air strike, questions have been raised over military accounts of the incident.

It now appears that the military had no information on rockets launched from the site of the building, or the presence of Hezbollah men at the time.

The Israel Defense Forces had said after the deadly air-strike that many rockets had been launched from Qana. However, it changed its version on Monday.

The site was included in an IAF plan to strike at several buildings in proximity to a previous launching site. Similar strikes were carried out in the past. However, there were no rocket launches from Qana on the day of the strike.


I believe that Israel (and others I assume from reading of opinions) believes that killing civilians and destroying civilian communities is a small price to pay to protect themselves.

It really does not matter if Hezballah is using it's citizens as human sacrifices or shields or not. The point is that it is Israeli bombs which are killing innocent Lebanese citizens and destroying Lebanon as a whole. Israeli lives are not more valuable than Lebanese lives no matter whose fault it is that they are in harms way. To keep things in perspective, remember that this all started only because two Israeli soldiers were kidnapped.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Aug, 2006 10:00 pm
Revel finds it hard to believe. Revel finds it hard to believe a lot. I ask Revel to find a video of Israelis cutting the throat of a reporter like the savage fanatics did when they murdered Mr.Pearl, an innocent reporter.

You have got to get this through your head, revel. The Israelis are the descendants of the people, the group, who were gassed and incinerated in the ovens of the death camps during World War II. The fanatic Islamists can moan and groan all they want. The Israelis will never let those fanatics kidnap their troops or bomb their villages without exacting a brutal punishment.

As Olmert said: It will be very very painful. It has been since 10 Lebanese have died for every Israeli.
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