GINGRICH IS READY TO CALL IT WWIII... just to keep republicans in power. Gawd! Just imagine how many would fall for that tripe!
Quote:Gingrich says it's World War III
Posted by David Postman at 12:54 PM
Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so. In an interview in Bellevue this morning Gingrich said Bush should call a joint session of Congress the first week of September and talk about global military conflicts in much starker terms than have been heard from the president.
"We need to have the militancy that says 'We're not going to lose a city,' " Gingrich said. He talks about the need to recognize World War III as important for military strategy and political strategy.
Gingrich said he is "very worried" about Republican's facing fall elections and says the party must have the "nerve" to nationalize the elections and make the 2006 campaigns about a liberal Democratic agenda rather than about President Bush's record.
Gingrich says that as of now Republicans "are sailing into the wind" in congressional campaigns. He said that's in part because of the Iraq war, adding, "Iraq is hard and painful and we do not explain it very well."
But some of it is due to Republicans' congressional agenda. He said House and Senate Republicans "forgot the core principle" of the party and embraced Congressional pork. "Some of the guys," he said, have come down with a case of "incumbentitis."
Gingrich said in the coming days he plans to speak out publicly, and to the Administration, about the need to recognize that America is in World War III.
He lists wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, this week's bomb attacks in India, North Korean nuclear threats, terrorist arrests and investigations in Florida, Canada and Britain, and violence in Israel and Lebanon as evidence of World War III. He said Bush needs to deliver a speech to Congress and "connect all the dots" for Americans.
He said the reluctance to put those pieces together and see one global conflict is hurting America's interests. He said people, including some in the Bush Administration, who urge a restrained response from Israel are wrong "because they haven't crossed the bridge of realizing this is a war."
"This is World War III," Gingrich said. And once that's accepted, he said calls for restraint would fall away:
"Israel wouldn't leave southern Lebanon as long as there was a single missile there. I would go in and clean them all out and I would announce that any Iranian airplane trying to bring missiles to re-supply them would be shot down. This idea that we have this one-sided war where the other team gets to plan how to kill us and we get to talk, is nuts."
There is a public relations value, too. Gingrich said that public opinion can change "the minute you use the language" of World War III. The message then, he said, is "'OK, if we're in the third world war, which side do you think should win?"....
Newt Gingrich is a paid off traitor to this country. His ugly head is deeply embedded up Israel's ass as are most of our degenerate politicians.
I think the question is why what we'd been told was the 'War on Terror' has suddenly changed to 'WWIII'. Perhaps because we don't appear to be winning the former. New label, new game, start over?
I took it as more of a political strategy to boost the religious right vote and scare the begeesus outta the ones foolish enough to fall for the switch and bait.
(Yes, I know it's suppose to be "bait and switch." But in this case it would be the reverse.)
freedom4free wrote:Quote:Okay, here's Israel's side on this. I'm looking for a comparable commentary from the other side. Does anybody have one?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Israel may launch false flag war provocation vs. Americans in Lebanon
By Webster G. Tarpley
Washington DC, July 15 (1 PM EDT) - The escalating Israeli assault on Lebanon clearly represents a conscious bid to provoke a general war in the Middle East. The captured Israeli soldiers are only the pretext for the present massive military operations. Israeli spokesmen are making constant allegations that Hezbollah missiles being fired at Israel have been manufactured or delivered by Iran. At the same time, the Israelis accuse Hezbollah of wanting to transfer the two captured Israeli soldiers to Syria or Iran. These statements are an attempt to build a case for an Israeli sneak attack on Syria and/or Iran. US spokesmen, including the Nietzschean fascist Bolton, constantly repeat the litany that Syria and Iran are the supporters of Hezbollah.
How might the Israelis and their Bush-Cheney allies escalate to a Middle East regional war? A linear scenario is that, after further bombardment of Israel by rockets allegedly made in Iran and allegedly delivered with the connivance of Syria, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) lashes out at Damascus and Teheran. Syrian and Iranian retaliatory measures would then be seized upon by the Bush-Cheney regime as a pretext for US entry into the war. Here the US would be openly dragged into war as the tail of the Israeli dog. But this is a deeply flawed scenario, sure to generate huge waves of resentment against the Israelis and their US partners as the body bags begin to come home.
False flag scenarios would be entirely more effective from the point of view of the war planners. CNN and MSNBC coverage this Saturday morning has been stressing the situation of the 25,000 Americans now stuck in Lebanon. These Americans are being invited to register with the US consulates for possible evacuation. The State Department and the US military have been remarkably slow to begin such an evacuation.
One possible provocation scenario to bring the US into the war is that a helicopter carrying US citizens being evacuated out of Lebanon is hit by a missile and destroyed, killing all on board. The missile might be fired by the Israelis or by their allies among the fascist Lebanese Phalangists. The Israelis would announce that the helicopter had been destroyed by Hezbollah, opening the way for a hysterical campaign by Fox News and the rest of the neocon mass brainwashing apparatus to secure an early US attack on Syria and Iran.
An alternative: a group of Arabic-speaking Israeli Mossad or Shin Beth special forces, or a group of Phalangist militia round up a few dozen Americans and machine-gun them to death. The controlled media then blame the massacre on Hezbolllah, thus stampeding the US population into war.
The 'Christian' Phalangist (or 'Kataeb Party') have long been a willing cat's paw for the US and Israelis in Lebanon. It was the Phalangists, controlled by the Gemayel family, who did most of the actual killing at the infamous Tel-al-Zaatar massacre in August 1976, the midst of the Kissinger-provoked Lebanese civil war. The Phlangists in that case did the dirty work under the supervision of the Israelis. Although the controlled media have been silent about the Phalange, it is clear that they are still available for dirty operations.
In an ominous sign, CNN broadcasts have featured first-person interviews with Caroline Shamoun, supposedly an American stuck in Lebanon. This reference recalls Camille Chamoun, the CIA puppet president of Lebanon who called in US forces in 1958. The goal of the current campaign is manifestly to call US forces to intervene into a Lebanese-centered crisis once again.
All peace-loving governments and all Americans of good will should make it clear that they hold the Israeli Mossad, Shin Beth, and Israeli Defense Forces directly responsible for the safety and welfare of the Americans trapped in Lebanon by the present aggression. Any atrocities against these Americans cannot be attributed to Hezbollah, Syria, or Iran, none of whom has any conceivable interest in provoking the US into an attack. It is Israel and Cheney who have such an interest, as is likely to have been discussed during Olmert's visit to the US in May and Netanyahu's visit here in June.
It is imperative that the US and world population be inoculated against the provocation scenarios now being propagandized by CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the controlled media.
UPDATE: SYNTHETIC TERROR ALERT: State Dept. leaves Americans sitting ducks in Lebanon
Webster Griffin Tarpley is an iconoclastic critic of what he calls "the Anglo-American oligarchical empire". He maintains that 9/11 was a US government conspiracy. His particular contribution to the field of 9/11_Conspiracy is his model of false-flag terror operated by a rogue network of moles, patsies, hitmen, controllers in the privatized military intelligence sector, and controlled corporate media.
Just another run of the mill MOONBAT.
And.... Gingrich? Would he be an iconoclastic MOONBAT? Or is he considered brilliant?
The very LAST thing we need at this point is people like Gingrich bellowing that "WW 3" is a proper description of events. Other than using some descriptor like "crusade", I can't imagine a worse frame of reference for communicating to the Muslim world (and to the folks at home who need simple answers and formulas) that they are the enemy and that we are at 'war' with them.
If you read Gingrich's books, you'll find them filled with such formulaic conceptualizations and presentations..."Five Pillars of American Civilization", "Five Reasons for Studying AMerican History", "Seven Key Aspects", "Nine Vison-Level Principles", "Three Big Concepts", "Five Enemies of Entrepreneurial Free Enterprise", goes on and on like this. This isn't really surprising, as he acknowledges inspiration from exemplars (to him) from the world of self help and get rich quick "Managing At the Speed of Change", "Made in America", "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", "Grinding it Out", etc
Hee hee.
Quote:Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so. In an interview in Bellevue this morning
He said this in Bellevue. How appropriate.
You have to know New York to get this one.
Bellevue Hospital is where the cops bring all the psychiatric cases.
If you ever hear or read the expression "call Bellevue" in a movie or book, that is what it is referring to. It is a very, very common expression in New York.
LOL! That is rather appropriate.
But, I think this was an interview in Bellevue Washington.
Quote:Bellevue Hospital is where the cops bring all the psychiatric cases.
Bolton: Civilian deaths don't count
Lebanon civilian deaths morally not same as terror victims -- Bolton
"I think it would be a mistake to ascribe moral equivalence to civilians who die as the direct result of malicious terrorist acts," he added, while defending as "self-defense" Israel's military action, which has had "the tragic and unfortunate consequence of civilian deaths".
Tell the families of the victims that, John.
If they'll buy it, I will buy it.
Another psychiatric patient...
I am not a Gingrich fan, but he may be right in this case. The militant Islamists have professed a desire to take back all lands that were owned at any time by Arabs, including Israel, the Balkans, Spain, Southern France, etc. They consider the rest of the world to be the Land of War, which is subject to conquest.
Advocate wrote:I am not a Gingrich fan, but he may be right in this case. The militant Islamists have professed a desire to take back all lands that were owned at any time by Arabs, including Israel, the Balkans, Spain, Southern France, etc. They consider the rest of the world to be the Land of War, which is subject to conquest.
Finally a coherent thought on the Gingrich statement.
Pastor Hagge is getting in on the act and will be lobbying in DC this week for America to back Israel.
NPR- All Things Considered
Quote:An Evangelical pastor from San Antonio has set out to form the first Christian political-action committee dedicated entirely to supporting the state of Israel. Pastor John Hagee hopes it will become the most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group in America. This week, Hagee and thousands of leading pro-Israel Evangelicals will come to Washington, D.C., to make their case before Congress.
Tribute to Israel
A single caramel-colored stone wall stands outside the entrance to Cornerstone Church in San Antonio. Along the top runs an inscription that reads: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love you." It's from Psalms 1:22 and one of Hagee's favorites.
"Each of these stones is from Jerusalem, and we left a gap just like there happens to be at the Western Wall, so people can put their prayer requests on paper and push it in there," Hagee says.
Biblical Imperative
"It's a direct commandment that Christians should be supportive of Israel," Hagee says. "It's the only nation that God ever created. It's the only nation that Christians are told to pray for, and therefore, because the Bible is the compass of our faith, we do what it says."
Hagee calls it "biblical advocacy," an idea that has attracted prominent Evangelicals like Gary Bauer and Jerry Falwell to join Hagee. A "biblical advocate" for Israel believes the borders of the country were set by God and should not be altered. It's a view at odds with the majority of Israelis who are prepared to trade land for peace, but, Hagee promises, the group won't intervene in internal Israeli politics.
His commitment to Israel, he says, is a divine mandate, and Hagee's Cornerstone Church takes that belief very seriously....
Brand X wrote:Advocate wrote:I am not a Gingrich fan, but he may be right in this case. The militant Islamists have professed a desire to take back all lands that were owned at any time by Arabs, including Israel, the Balkans, Spain, Southern France, etc. They consider the rest of the world to be the Land of War, which is subject to conquest.
Finally a coherent thought on the Gingrich statement.
No, it isn't. It isn't even close. Such a comparison is just about as truly idiotic as a comparison could be.
Militant Islamists of the sort we need to be concerned with (who have the professed desire as described above) number how many individuals? They have how many rifles? Tanks? Destroyers? Aircraft carriers? Bombers? Jet fighters? ICBMs? Dollars?
They have the personnel and resources and organization and manufacturing capabilities and standing armies/navies/air forces of 1935 Germany? Or Japan? Or Russia?
It looks like Syria IS going to be next:
Ellinas wrote:It looks like Syria IS going to be next

(The Guardian, 18.07.2006, page 25)
Ellinas wrote:It looks like Syria IS going to be next:
Humorous cartoon? Maybe to some. An accurate portrayal of the forces driving present US policies? Only to someone who needs an easy, simple-minded answer and who doesn't put in the effort to understand the issues.
The interests of Kadima, even Likud, are far broader than this cheap cartoon suggests. And the forces driving the policies of the US magnitudes greater.
I'm no fan of Bush policies, nor of Sharon's legacy or Israel's crimes, but this cartoon is racist and demonstrates the stupidity that racism always demonstrates.
blatham wrote:Brand X wrote:Advocate wrote:I am not a Gingrich fan, but he may be right in this case. The militant Islamists have professed a desire to take back all lands that were owned at any time by Arabs, including Israel, the Balkans, Spain, Southern France, etc. They consider the rest of the world to be the Land of War, which is subject to conquest.
Finally a coherent thought on the Gingrich statement.
No, it isn't. It isn't even close. Such a comparison is just about as truly idiotic as a comparison could be.
Militant Islamists of the sort we need to be concerned with (who have the professed desire as described above) number how many individuals? They have how many rifles? Tanks? Destroyers? Aircraft carriers? Bombers? Jet fighters? ICBMs? Dollars?
They have the personnel and resources and organization and manufacturing capabilities and standing armies/navies/air forces of 1935 Germany? Or Japan? Or Russia?
You are so short-sighted, why do you even bother posting...besides helping people who have trouble sleeping?
Blatham, maybe it is a slow-moving WWIII.
You shouldn't underestimate the militant Islamists. They are becoming more powerful by the minute. Remember that the bomb is not really out of their reach. Further, consider the damage they could do to oil supplies. Etc., Etc.
Who is Hezbollah?
Posted on Sat, Jul. 15, 2006
Who is Hezbollah?
By John Walcott
McClatchy Newspapers
Iran began trying to export its brand of Islamic rule to Lebanon soon after its own Islamic Revolution in 1979. Its early efforts failed, however, and Hezbollah, the Party of God, was formed by Shiite Muslim clerics only after Israel invaded the country in 1982 to root out Palestinian terrorists. Although it's now a political party that's represented in the Lebanese cabinet, Hezbollah has ignored demands to defuse its military wing, the Islamic Resistance, which has become the most potent military force in Lebanon.
Its goals include destroying Israel, promoting Islamic law and advancing the cause of Lebanon's traditionally disenfranchised and impoverished Shiites, who are the largest religious community in a country long dominated by a Christian and Sunni elite.
Backed by Syria and Iran, Hezbollah's initial aim was to drive the Israelis out of Lebanon. But after American, British, French and Italian troops were sent to Beirut in 1982 to help restore order after Israel's Christian Lebanese allies massacred hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of Palestinians in two Beirut refugee camps, Hezbollah began attacking them, as well.
In 1983, suicide bombers destroyed the American Embassy in Beirut and the U.S. Marine headquarters at Beirut airport; the latter attack killed 241 Americans. Hezbollah terrorists also hijacked TWA Flight 847 and took Americans hostage. Imad Mugniyah, who masterminded the hijacking and many of the kidnappings, remains one of the FBI's most wanted terrorists.
Some Hezbollah members, though, run social welfare programs while their radical colleagues are mounting terrorist operations and attacks on the Israeli military. Funded largely from Iran, Hezbollah has built schools, medical clinics and other facilities in Lebanon's Shiite south, as well as its own television station, al Manar, which the Israelis bombed this month after the group fired rockets into Israel.
Its social programs and its campaign to force the Israelis to withdraw their troops from Lebanon, which they did in 2000, helped make Hezbollah a political force as well as a military and terrorist one. But some Lebanese think the group may now have overplayed its hand by plunging Lebanon into another war.
I've been listening to CNN all day and notice something really annoying. While I understand and sympathize with those wanting to leave Lebanon as quickly as possible because they are scared, I'm reminded of other refugee problems such as those on the African continent. All of the scared people in Lebanon are complaining about the conditions and not being rescued within a week after the war started might want to remember the plight of refugees in the Third World who have no hope of escape and little help from the rest of the world.
I feel great sorrow for all refugees. Some have it worse than others.