The USA supported Reza Pahlavi who "murdered and tortured his own citizens, says JTT. I am very muc afraid that you do not know the History of Pahlavi, JTT. You see, according to all reports, Pahlavi was a reformer who made great strides in helping the people of his country when he assumed the throne in 1941. It was only in 1975 that he began to issue dictatorial orders. Then he was indeed not good for the people.
With Iran's great oil wealth, Mohammad Reza Shah became the pre-eminent leader of the Middle East, and self-styled "Guardian" of the Persian Gulf. In 1975, he abolished the multi-party system of government so that he could rule through a one-party state under the Rastakhiz (Resurrection) Party in autocratic fashion, which he claimed was a response, among other things, to the Soviet Union's support of Iranian Communist militias and parties, particularly the Tudeh Party. In addition, the Shah had decreed that all Iranian citizens and the few remaining political parties must become part of Rastakhiz.
But, who, who, in the USA could have straightened out Pahlavi, JTT?
Certainly not Jimmy Carter who became president in 1976! Carter was, of course, the bumbling fool who did not work to get our hostages out of Iran.