George- I do not know how many read my posts. Some do since I do have some interactions with posters. Others do not. Some, I do believe, fear to interact with me since I have,at times, made some of them look silly.
But, I must crib from one of my favorite playrights to answer your question fully, George.
"Never to make a line I have not heard in my own heart: yet, with all modesty To say: "My soul, be satisfied with flowers, With fruit, with weeds even; but gather them in the one garden you may call your own"
As for the rest of my time, George, I think you are prying into my personal business. But, since I have enjoyed most of your posts in the past, I will respond in part.
I read; I clip coupons; I contact my business partners: I visit my grandchildren and friends. I spent most of April in Europe.
Cheers- George!