Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 06:45 am
Hey if you can read Prager and be persuaded he has right on his side, you should be open-minded enough to read Monbiot from today's paper

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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 07:07 am
Just a real quick note to express my empathy and affection for the Jewish people (various human-rights crimes committed by Israeli military and government and failure to abide by a number of UN resolutions notwithstanding) and if Mel Gibson comes over for lunch today, I'll tell him too. I have resolve on the matter.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 07:15 am
I'm going to paste the following, without attribution for the moment. This is following Thomas' exercise on another thread of posting various pundits' commentary (with slight changes to mask authorship) and then having folks guess authorship. As he's done, I'll request you don't google until you've read it. You don't have to make a public guess, just attend to the words and arguments. And don't stop part way in, thinking you have the fellow figured because the last half will advance another set of perspectives.

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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 07:28 am
What if John Podhoretz could manage to rethink the most fundamental values of western civilization and come away with rhetorical justification for the practical mass murder of thousands, even millions, of Muslims and Arabs?

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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 07:47 am
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 08:51 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
So the Pope, the Secretary General of the United Nations, governments around the world, and people everywhere have no right to speak out because they constitute "World Opinion" and Prager has defined that as being weak vacillating and of course morally wrong. Smile

Morally wrong to speak out their opinions? I don't think it's morally wrong to speak one's opinions. I think some opinions are based on immoral premises that are not intended by the one expressing the opinion. Are you as enamored of all opinions expressed by the Pope and Secretary General of the United Nations or just on matters regarding Israel?

What other rubbish does he come out with?

Israel's unintentional killing of a few hundred Lebanese civilians
Unintentional? Sick. Israel launches the missiles and the bombs. Let the smart weapons decide. At Beziers the Crusaders were told by the Pope's representative "Kill them all. God will know his own". Now they send weapons of destruction. "Kill them all. The JBU26 will know civilians".

Do you really believe the relatively low number of civilians would have been killed in Lebanon is Israel was targeting civilians? Are you so naive to think Israel's firepower could not have leveled any one of those villages and everybody in them? And where is your moral outrage at the hundred and hundreds of Hezbollah rockets fired indiscriminately at Israeli citizens? I frankly am seeing no moral outrage whatsoever from your side on that. Your part of world opinion frankly seems very anti-Israel and even pro-Hezbollah at first blush. You can see why a country under fire is wise to ignore that kind of world opinion.

"A few hundred". And they were Lebanese anyway. Why thats not really killing at all is it? Just a handful of hundreds of sub humans, thats ok.

See previous statement. It is the fact that Israel has not targeted civilians but has rather targeted rocket launchers the terrorists intentionally place among the civilians that testifies both to Israel's accuracy and compassion for those civilians If Israel didn't care about those civilians there would be thousands dead by now. And there is no compassion for Israeli civilians killed and wounded who were nowhere near a military target? Yep 'world opinion' is sure even handed and impressive there alright.

It is difficult to overstate the damage done to the world by television news.
And difficult to over estimate the mental decreptitude of someone making that statement.

I wonder if you, Revel, and the other anti-Israel folks on the thread would have a different outlook if the media had been angry at Hezbollah and had been printing condemnation of them day after day and had been showing the pictures of the destroyed rocket launchers nested in civilian neighborhoos etc?

Jews don't burn down their critics' offices, issue fatwas or send death threats, let alone act on such threats.
I really wish this were true.

Can you cite any cases where Jews have fire boming offices of their critics, issued fatwas, or sent anybody a death threat? And let's deal with modern times, say the last 25 years or so, rather than dig into ancient history for our examples please. As I posted in a response to George several pages back, we cannot assign present day morality to what people once were. When it comes to right and wrong in national policy, it is the here and now that counts; not what once was.

It is when "world opinion" and its news media start liking you that you should wonder if you've lost your way.
Prager's flaccid propaganda cannot mask the aggression being perpetrated in the name of oil and Israel.

Prager is expressing an opinion just as you are. I happen to agree with most of it. I think any country at risk as much as Israel is would be absolutely insane to listen to the like of a Kofi Annan given his track record of ineffectiveness, impotence, and lack of resolve and his unveiled tolerance for terrorists and terrorist organizations. When you're the one being shot at again and again, I would think it would give you a different perspective on the situation.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 09:02 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I think any country at risk as much as Israel is would be absolutely insane to listen to the like of a Kofi Annan given his track record of ineffectiveness, impotence, and lack of resolve and his unveiled tolerance for terrorists and terrorist organizations. When you're the one being shot at again and again, I would think it would give you a different perspective on the situation.

Since Steve referred to the "world opnion", which inlcudes beside the UN Secreatry General, the Pope and most other governments of the world besides the USA, the UK and Israel - does your judgement about Annan - "record of ineffectiveness, impotence, and lack of resolve and his unveiled tolerance for terrorists and terrorist organizations" - all the others who form a "world opinion" as well?
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 09:18 am
Analysis: Racing the clock to avoid defeat
By ANSHEL PFEFFER http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1153292045761&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 09:18 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I think any country at risk as much as Israel is would be absolutely insane to listen to the like of a Kofi Annan given his track record of ineffectiveness, impotence, and lack of resolve and his unveiled tolerance for terrorists and terrorist organizations. When you're the one being shot at again and again, I would think it would give you a different perspective on the situation.

Since Steve referred to the "world opnion", which inlcudes beside the UN Secreatry General, the Pope and most other governments of the world besides the USA, the UK and Israel - does your judgement about Annan - "record of ineffectiveness, impotence, and lack of resolve and his unveiled tolerance for terrorists and terrorist organizations" - all the others who form a "world opinion" as well?

I cited Kofi Annan because Steve did. My opinion is that if the media, especially television news, had been neutral and/or even handed in their reporting, "world opinion" would be very different from what it is. There are always some bleeding heart types who will not be able to see or accept a situation for what it really is, but the fact is that Hezbollah is getting most of the breaks in 'world opinion' right now.

I'll change my mind on that when I see pundits and reporters and television broadcast angrily denouncing Hezbollah and demanding that they cease and desist. When virtually all the criticism is leveled at Israel, I'm sure as hell not going to put much faith in 'world opinion'. And when those of you who are so down on Israel just sort of keep ignoring that there would be no conflict or deaths at all if Hezbollah hadn't started it and hadn't kept it up, I have to believe you believe the distorted news being put out there. No civilians would be bombed if Hezbollah had not put their rocket launchers in the midst of civilians and started firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

Where are the demands for Hezbollah to cease and desist, turn over its weapons as the UN resolution demanded that it do, and then put the pressure on Israel to stand down? You don't ever see that suggestion do you?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 09:34 am
Wrong-doing doesn't justy wrong-doing.

But - following the news - you can stay calm: it will go for two more weeks, at least.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 09:38 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Wrong-doing doesn't justy wrong-doing.

But - following the news - you can stay calm: it will go for two more weeks, at least.

It would stop this minute if 'world opinon', especially the Arab part of it, condemned Hezbollah for its actions. I am very sure Israel will stand down the minute Hezbollah calls it quits. So how about helping out with world opinion there? I think it is absolutely insane to expect Israel to stand down while its still receving up to a 100 Hezbollah rockets every day.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 09:38 am
dennis prager : "world opinion is worthless" , writes :
"...Because it is almost entirely dependent upon pictures, TV news is only capable of showing human suffering in, or caused by, free countries."

does dennis p say that the news does not show the murders by iraqi insurgents ?
does d p say that the news does not show the havoc done by insurgents in afghanistan ?

i could go on but my time is more valuable than contradicting him .
i wonder if he carefully selects the times he watches TV , so that he can say : "i didn't see anyting !" .
(reminds me of sergeant schulz : "i see nothing , herr kommandant !)

i wonder where he lives ?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 09:51 am
Foxfyre wrote:
It would stop this minute if 'world opinon', especially the Arab part of it, condemned Hezbollah for its actions. I am very sure Israel will stand down the minute Hezbollah calls it quits.

Reading what Israelian politicans and especially military leaders (and ex-militaries) say, I doubt such completely.

What a 82 year-old Jew today said in an interview: it want stop, until the Israelian public rises against the war. And they won't do so until hundreds and hundreds soldiers have died.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 10:01 am
Should the Arab countries in the Middle East put away their weapons, violence would end. Should Israel put away its weapons, that would be the end of Israel.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 10:04 am
from Ha'aretz
Loving thy neighbor

By Adina Saperstein

As Jews who support Israel's existence and right to defend itself, it is time to think beyond debating the tactics employed in the past few weeks of conflict and to turn our attention to the prospects for restoring stability in Lebanon and the region. As vast sums of money are being raised by Jewish communities to help Israelis who have been displaced, injured or lost relatives to attacks by Hezbollah, as Jews, we also need to think both strategically and morally when addressing the humanitarian crisis resulting from the current invasion of Lebanon...
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 10:06 am
I suppose we ought to note as well that while Israel did not fully observe the truce yesterday, Hezbollah sent no rockets into Israel.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 10:10 am
Also from Ha'aretz...
It takes forethought to end a war

By Nehemia Shtrasler

There was one moment during the war when we had the upper hand. It was the moment when Israel had succeeded in striking Hezbollah with strong and surprising force, Haifa was peaceful and the number of casualties was small. That was the right moment to stop the war, declare victory and move on to the diplomatic track.

This opportunity came when the G-8 convened on July 14, two days after the fighting broke out. The G-8 formulated a four-point plan, and nothing could have been better for Israel. According to that plan, the three Israeli soldiers abducted to Gaza and Lebanon would be return unharmed, the Katyusha fire against Israel would stop, Israel would halt its military operations and pull back its forces, and it would also release the Hamas ministers and parliament members...

Apparently even the Israeli press is beset with Israeli haters and Hezbollah sympathizers.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 10:23 am
Another Israeli Myth Exposed: There Were No Hezbollah Rockets In Qana
Meanwhile, northern Israeli residents say they have more chance of winning the lottery than getting hit by a Katyusha missile

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 1 2006

There were no Hezbollah rockets and no Hezbollah militants in the village of Qana that was leveled by the Israelis on Sunday night, according to village residents and Red Cross workers stationed in the area. Another apologist fabrication to justify Israeli atrocities has been exposed as a total fraud.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert claimed Sunday Hezbollah were, "hiding places for rockets inside the village and the village itself is a safe haven for those who launch rockets."

Israeli media mouthpieces and drooling Neo-Cons have repeatedly tried to portray Israel's rampant war crimes as a right to self-defense, even in light of mounting atrocities and the deliberate targeting of aid workers, ambulances, UN observers, and women and children who slept in their beds and never woke up.

"There were no Hezbollah rockets fired from Qana - this was the justification given by the Israelis for bombing the shelter and again carrying out a massive bombardment all that night long and well into the next day of that entire village," Dahr Jamail told the Alex Jones Show.

Jamail is a Christian Lebanese American independent journalist who has worked for the Guardian, the Independent, and the Sunday Herald.

"They claim that it was Hezbollah's fault, that they were forced to murder these innocent people because Hezbollah continues to fire rockets into Israel."

"I spoke with two residents at the scene of the bombing, two people who were nearby, who lived in the village and they said of course there were no Hezbollah rockets fired from this village because when Hezbollah does that all of the villagers clear out immediately because people are well aware that once those rockets are fired Israel is going to retaliate with a massive air strike on the entire area."

"So no rockets were fired according to the residents there."

Jamail also verified this contention by speaking to aid workers in the nearby city of Tyre.

"These claims were backed up not only by residents but when I talked to the Lebanese Red Cross they said the same thing - they said no when we go into these villages usually we can find evidence if there is any - we will find rocket launchers, we will find guns, we will even find some Hezbollah fighters," said Jamail.

"One of them who was actually the training manager of the Red Cross down there, he said there was 100 per cent no evidence - that city was clear - there was no evidence of any rockets fired from there whatsoever."

Jamail said that "without a doubt" Israel was intentionally targeting civilians, with a particular focus on medical workers and rescue workers.

He said that the policy was based on blood thirst and collective punishment with an overarching agenda to pull Iran and Syria into the mire so Israel can justify subsequent attacks on those countries.

For those still choosing to live in cloud cuckoo land and believe the fallacy of the 'right to self-defense' argument - consider the words of one resident of Kiryat Shmona, a town on the northern most border of Israel.

"I'M STAYING. [!!!!!!!] I have more chance of winning the lottery than being hit by a Katyusha [missile].[!!!!!!!] We are suffering too much from Hezbollah. They should get in there, finish the whole thing and get it done once and for all."

More chance of winning the lottery than being hit by a Hezbollah missile. Compare that to the untold horror that has been inflicted on a nation of innocent people whose very day to day existence has been turned into simple question of survival.
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Brand X
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 11:13 am
blatham wrote:
I suppose we ought to note as well that while Israel did not fully observe the truce yesterday, Hezbollah sent no rockets into Israel.

Of course they didn't, they are winning the PR battle and that's the most effective weapon they have ATM. They aren't stupid.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 11:23 am
The Hizzies have plenty of rockets left, but they're running out of launchers. Heh.
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