Brand X
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 11:27 am
SierraSong wrote:
The Hizzies have plenty of rockets left, but they're running out of launchers. Heh.

Maybe, but so far they've been able to launch 130-150 per day if they wanted too.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 11:28 am
blatham wrote:
I suppose we ought to note as well that while Israel did not fully observe the truce yesterday, Hezbollah sent no rockets into Israel.

I heard they sent mortars instead.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 11:33 am
Britain and Germany today rejected a draft EU statement calling for an immediate ceasefire in the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah militants, according to diplomatic sources.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 11:49 am
The Moral Culpability for Qana

by Patrick J. Buchanan
"Everyone in southern Lebanon is a terrorist and is connected to Hezbollah," roared Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon on July 27.

"Every village from which a Katyusha is fired must be destroyed," bellowed an Israeli general in a quote bannered by the nation's largest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth.

The Israeli paper then summarized what the justice minister and general were saying: "In other words, a village from which rockets are fired at Israel will simply be destroyed by fire." That was Thursday.

Sunday, in Qana, 57 of Haim Ramon's "terrorists," 37 of them children, were massacred with precision-guided bombs. Apparently, Katyushas had been fired from Qana, near the destroyed building.

"One who goes to sleep with rockets shouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wake up in the morning," said Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Dan Gillerman.

Today, we hear unctuous statements about how Israel takes pains to avoid civilian casualties, drops leaflets to warn civilians to flee target areas, and conforms to all the rules of civilized warfare.

But Israel's words and deeds contradict her propaganda. As the war began, Ehud Olmert accused Lebanon, which had condemned Hezbollah for the killing and capture of the Israeli soldiers, of an "act of war." Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz publicly threatened "to turn back the clock in Lebanon by 20 years."

Gillerman, at a pro-Israel rally in New York, thundered, "[T]o those countries who claim that we are using disproportionate force, I have only this to say: You're damn right we are."

"His comments drew wild applause," said the Jerusalem Post.

Though Israel is dissembling now, Gillerman spoke the truth then. No sooner had Hezbollah taken the two Israeli soldiers hostage than Israel unleashed an air war - on Lebanon. The Beirut airport was bombed, its fuel storage tanks set ablaze. The coast was blockaded. Power plants, gas stations, lighthouses, bridges, roads, trucks, and buses were all hit with air strikes.

Within 48 hours, it was apparent Israel was exploiting Hezbollah's attack to execute a preconceived military plan to destroy Lebanon - i.e., the collective punishment of a people and nation for the crimes of a renegade militia they could not control. It was the moral equivalent of a municipal police going berserk, shooting, killing, and ravaging an African-American community, because Black Panthers had ambushed and killed cops.

If Israel is not in violation of the principle of proportionality, by which Christians are to judge the conduct of a just war, what can that term mean? There are 600 civilian dead in Lebanon, 19 in Israel, a ratio of 30-1, though Hezbollah is firing unguided rockets, while Israel is using precision-guided munitions.

Thousands of Lebanese civilians are injured. Perhaps 800,000 are homeless.

Yet, whatever one thinks of the morality of what Israel is doing, the stupidity is paralyzing. Instead of maintaining the moral and political high ground it had - when even Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan were condemning Hezbollah, and privately hoping Israel would inflict a humiliating defeat on Nasrallah - Israel launched an air war on an innocent people. Now, 87 percent of Lebanese back Hezbollah, and the entire Arab and Islamic world, Shia and Sunni alike, is rallying behind Nasrallah.

And how does one defend the behavior of the United States?

When Gillerman was exulting in the disproportionality of Israel's attack on Lebanon, U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton was smiling smugly beside him. When the UN Security Council tabled a resolution condemning Hezbollah's igniting of the war and Katyusha attacks, but also the excesses of Israel's reprisals, U.S. Ambassador John Bolton vetoed it. When a few congressmen sought to moderate a pro-Israeli resolution by adding words urging "all sides to protect innocent life and infrastructure," GOP leader John Boehner ordered the words taken down.

Why? Because, says Zbigniew Brzezinski, AIPAC, the Israeli lobby, had prepared the resolution and wanted it passed the way they wrote it. Our Knesset complied. It sailed through the House 410-8.

For two weeks, Bush seemed unable to find a word of criticism for what our friends in Israel were doing to our friends in Lebanon. He publicly sent more bombs to Israel. He and Condi emphasized that America did not want a cease-fire - yet.

And because America provides Israel with the bombs it uses on Lebanon, and we refused to restrain the Israelis, and we opposed every effort for a cease-fire before Sunday, America shares full moral and political responsibility for the massacre at Qana.

Rubbing our noses in our own cravenness, "Bibi" Netanyahu took time out, a week ago, from his daily appearances on American television, denouncing terrorism, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the terror attack on the King David Hotel by Menachem Begin's Irgun, an attack that killed 92 people, among them British nurses.

This was not a terrorist act, Bibi explained, because Irgun telephoned a 15-minute warning to the hotel before the bombs went off. Right. And those children in that basement in Qana should not have ignored the Israeli leaflets warning them to clear out of southern Lebanon.

Our Israeli friends appear to be playing us for fools.
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Brand X
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 12:24 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Britain and Germany today rejected a draft EU statement calling for an immediate ceasefire in the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah militants, according to diplomatic sources.

UPDATE: UK, Germany Reject EU Draft Mideast Statement
Tuesday August 1st, 2006 / 17h37

(Updates an item at 1334 GMT with more details, background)
BRUSSELS (AP)--The U.K., Germany and the Czech Republic Tuesday resisted European Union efforts to call for an immediate cease-fire in the fighting in Lebanon, diplomats said.
The three countries at the emergency foreign ministers' talks in Brussels instead offered an alternative draft calling for an eventual "cessation of hostilities" - with no time frame given, said the diplomats.
The dissenting countries rejected a tough draft drawn up by E.U. president Finland, which included a strong warning to Israel that disregard for precautions to avoid loss of civilian life in Lebanon "constitutes a severe breach of international humanitarian law," the diplomats said.
This was altered in the alternative draft to an appeal to all parties to "do everything possible to protect populations and to refrain from actions in violation of international law."
E.U. officials stressed the need for unity on the issue and Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja said the situation was "critical for the credibility of the E.U.," especially in playing a mediating role with Lebanon. "The E.U. is the only actor in which they still have some trust and confidence."
On the way into the meeting, he warned that Israel's offensive in southern Lebanon would only increase support for Hezbollah militants who wage their campaign against Israel from the south.
Adoption of the original draft would further politically isolate Israel and its main ally, the U.S., who have insisted that a comprehensive peace plan that would disarm Hezbollah and guarantee the security of Israel's northern border must be put in place before a cease-fire takes effect.
The U.K., like the U.S., has withheld support for an immediate cease-fire.
The U.K. couldn't accept the phrase "immediate cease-fire," a U.K. Foreign Office spokesman said in Brussels.
"We want it to stop, but standing up and just saying we must have an immediate cease-fire" won't be effective, he said. "In reality it means asking the Israelis to stop, because are Hezbollah going to accept an immediate cease-fire?"
Germany has been calling for a cease-fire "as quickly as possible," rather than immediately, and has stressed the need for a lasting political solution. German officials have skirted direct criticism of Israel - although they have stressed the need to avoid civilian casualties.
"We're inching closer to finding common language. There must be a compromise acceptable for both camps," said Diana Strofova, Slovak state secretary for foreign affairs. "Europe must speak one language, both here and in the U.N."
She said some countries demanded a 48-hour cease-fire for the start, with a clearly outlined roadmap for further action.
E.U. nations have five of the 15 members on the Security Council, the U.K., and France as permanent members, plus Denmark, Greece and Slovakia.
All E.U. ministers have to agree on the statement before it is issued.
External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said that to influence Israel the bloc must have a united position, and added that any solution should include Syria. "Like it or not, they're an influential player in the region," said Ferrero-Waldner.
The ministers also are discussing the composition of a possible U.N. force to stabilize the region. French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said it must be "very large" and be authorized to open fire, according to an interview published Tuesday in the newspaper Le Monde.

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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 12:26 pm
An Open Letter to Pat Buchanan
Chronwatch ^ | July 31, 2006 | Burt Prelutsky

Pat Buchanan, not satisfied merely looking like a Herblock depiction of a bigot, a man who never allows an opportunity to slam Israel slip through his fingers, has been on a rampage because Israel has finally gone after the murderous thugs and sadists of Hezbollah.

The fact that the terrorists don't wear uniforms means that every time the Israelis kill one of them, Buchanan and his ilk get to insist that Israel is targeting civilians. Buchanan's concern for civilians isn't nearly so evident when it's Jews who are targeted by Hamas, Hezbollah, and the PLO's suicide bombers.

One of the sillier things Israel has done in recent years was to fall for the land for peace con game. They surrendered territory and any number of settlements as a gesture of good will. Good will gestures made to terrorists and tyrants are the height of folly and cowardice, and it doesn't matter whether it's the Arabs or Adolf Hitler. Offer your hand to the tiger and don't expect him to stop nibbling when he gets to your wrist.

Because Israel plays such a prominent role in the news, and because it's managed, against all odds, to survive for 58 years, one can easily over-estimate its actual place in the world. The fact of the matter is that unless you were at the top of your geography class, you'd be hard-pressed to find it on your globe. To give you a clear idea of what Israel is up against, keep in mind that there are 22 countries in the Arab League. The League encompasses 5,200,000 square miles; Israel was 8,000 square miles before giving up the aforementioned turf. What's more, there are 312 million people living in those 22 countries. Israel's population is six million, more than a million of whom are Arabs.

So far as Buchanan and his friends are concerned, it would seem that the only thing that's required to make Israel the jewel of the Middle East is for those five million Jews to disappear.

You have to wonder what it is about those 8,000 square miles that the Arabs covet. It's not as if Israel sits on huge oil deposits. Why aren't five million square miles enough? I mean, if you had five million dollars, would you cry yourself to sleep every night because you didn't have $5,008,000?

Let's face it -- before the Jews built universities, hospitals and concert halls, and planted trees and crops, the place was nothing but a desert.

So many people are happy to trumpet "No blood for oil." How is it that we never hear them, or Mr. Buchanan, telling the Arabs, "No blood for sand"?

About the Writer: Burt Prelutsky is a humorist, movie reviewer, writer for television series and movies, and author of the new book, "Conservatives Are From Mars, Liberals Are From San Francisco." His website is at http://burtprelutsky.com. Burt receives e-mail at [email protected].
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 12:39 pm
hamburger wrote:
dennis prager : "world opinion is worthless" , writes :
"...Because it is almost entirely dependent upon pictures, TV news is only capable of showing human suffering in, or caused by, free countries."

does dennis p say that the news does not show the murders by iraqi insurgents ?
does d p say that the news does not show the havoc done by insurgents in afghanistan ?

i could go on but my time is more valuable than contradicting him .
i wonder if he carefully selects the times he watches TV , so that he can say : "i didn't see anyting !" .
(reminds me of sergeant schulz : "i see nothing , herr kommandant !)

i wonder where he lives ?

Dunno. But we aren't talking about Iraq or Afghanistan. We are talking about 'world opinion' calling for Israel to cease fire while not equally condemning Hezbollah for firing rockets at Israeli civilians.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 12:43 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
It would stop this minute if 'world opinon', especially the Arab part of it, condemned Hezbollah for its actions. I am very sure Israel will stand down the minute Hezbollah calls it quits.

Reading what Israelian politicans and especially military leaders (and ex-militaries) say, I doubt such completely.

What a 82 year-old Jew today said in an interview: it want stop, until the Israelian public rises against the war. And they won't do so until hundreds and hundreds soldiers have died.

And do you think this 82-year-old Jew is typical of the average Israeli? Or how many Israelis do you think the reporter talked to before he found one that would say that and then makes it look like this is the sentiment of the rank and file Israeli?

It would make an opinion about 'world opinion' sucking look all that much more credible wouldn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 12:44 pm

Here you have it for all the world to see, directly from an Israeli newspaper!

If ever there was a completely GUTTER RELIGION, it is Judaism. Their top Rabbis have just issued this statement saying there are no "innocents" in the enemy!

All of you jew supporters ought to stop and think about exactly what this means. As you see all the dead and injured little Lebanese children; as you see all the dead and injured women; as you see all the destroyed apartment buildings with countless dead burried in the rubble - Jewish religion formally declares that ALL of it is "OK."

They have just proved to me, beyond any doubt, that Judaism is an obscenity. I hope this proves it to you as well.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 12:53 pm
freedom4free wrote:

Here you have it for all the world to see, directly from an Israeli newspaper!

If ever there was a completely GUTTER RELIGION, it is Judaism. Their top Rabbis have just issued this statement saying there are no "innocents" in the enemy!

All of you jew supporters ought to stop and think about exactly what this means. As you see all the dead and injured little Lebanese children; as you see all the dead and injured women; as you see all the destroyed apartment buildings with countless dead burried in the rubble - Jewish religion formally declares that ALL of it is "OK."

They have just proved to me, beyond any doubt, that Judaism is an obscenity. I hope this proves it to you as well.

Well at least you nailed down your opinion from your earlier post that Israel has no right to exist. But here is a classic example of the media shaping "world opinion". They depend on people like F4F to look no further than the headline and not see what was actually said and explained. Everyone anti-Israel is quite happy for them to do it and point and say See? And then feel so self righteous.

Keep it up folks. Your making that "world opinion is worthless" opinion look better and better all the time.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 01:03 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
freedom4free wrote:

Here you have it for all the world to see, directly from an Israeli newspaper!

If ever there was a completely GUTTER RELIGION, it is Judaism. Their top Rabbis have just issued this statement saying there are no "innocents" in the enemy!

All of you jew supporters ought to stop and think about exactly what this means. As you see all the dead and injured little Lebanese children; as you see all the dead and injured women; as you see all the destroyed apartment buildings with countless dead burried in the rubble - Jewish religion formally declares that ALL of it is "OK."

They have just proved to me, beyond any doubt, that Judaism is an obscenity. I hope this proves it to you as well.

Well at least you nailed down your opinion from your earlier post that Israel has no right to exist. But here is a classic example of the media shaping "world opinion". They depend on people like F4F to look no further than the headline and not see what was actually said and explained. Everyone anti-Israel is quite happy for them to do it and point and say See? And then feel so self righteous.

Keep it up folks. Your making that "world opinion is worthless" opinion look better and better all the time.

NOTE how the satanic rabbi said the Christian Morality is costing them in blood and demoralizing their blood-thirsty soldiers.

jews have always said that even the little babies are guilty of anti-semitism [Goldhagen] and must die.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 02:05 pm
f4f is obviously a graduate of a madrass. He is a ranting antisemite. Blueflame is now repeating, over and over again, that one has a better chance at the lottery than getting hit with katyusha. If that were true, I wonder why the population of Northern Israel, Jew and Arab, is living in shelters. It is clever how Hez packs the rockets with ballbearings, which makes them better at killing people.

Israel has released videos showing rockets emanating from heavily populated areas. Israel has to, to protect its population, knock the launchers out.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 02:16 pm
Like I say, these guys had their shot at running the world and if their ultimate misunderstood hero (Hitler) had been anything better than an idiot, they'd be running the world now. Like I've noted, there werer a baker's dozen very simple things Hitler could have done differently, any one of which would likely have won the war for him. The simplest of those was simply to have not invaded Russia; it would have fallen apart in five years and he could have picked up the pieces.

Whenever I speak with Russians whose parents or grandparents lived under the tsars, I ask them one question, i.e. "zhizn buila xhozha pod tsaryami, ili pod kommunistami?" (was life worse under the tsars, or under the commies), and the answer always comes back the same way, i.e. that life under the tsars was so bad that nobody imagined it could possibly get worse but, fifteen years after the commie takeover, they were referring to tsarist times as the good old days. They all say it would have fallen apart on its own by around 43 or 44.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 02:19 pm
Adovcate and Gungasnake are obviously NOT goy's. Their heads are stuck right up Israel's a$$.

"Everyone in southern Lebanon is a terrorist and is connected to Hezbollah," roared Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon on July 27.

"Every village from which a Katyusha is fired must be destroyed," bellowed an Israeli general in a quote bannered by the nation's largest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 03:44 pm
Advocate, Pat Buchanan wrote a sensible piece and I posted it. He included the quote about the lottery. The facts are Kytushas against Apachie helicopters, F16s, tanks galore, a strong navy and air force is a gross mismatch. Israel's response far exceeds an eye for an eye. Most of the world condemns their disproprtionate reaction. They've attacked the Lebanese army and people and government way beyond Hezbollah and they've made enemies where they had not had enemies previously. They may have greatly strengthened Hezbollah's political hand in future elections. This war was a grave mistake and in the end Israel is likely to settle for a cease fire, a prisoner exchange, a return of Shebba Farms and a turnover of a map of locations of landmines. All they will have accomplished is the destruction of Lebanon's infratstructure and a lot of dead innocent Lebanese. Mission accomplished unless Bushie is successful in pushing Israel into an invasion into Syria. So far Israel has lost about 19 civilians.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 04:02 pm
freedom4free wrote:
Adovcate and Gungasnake are obviously NOT goy's.

I'll tell you something really funny, nazi boy. I'm not the least bit Jewish; I just basically ****ing hate I-slam and slamites. The idea of a bunch of shiftless, backwards people thinking they can impose an a$$hole religion like that on the whole world by a combination of terrorism, militant breeding, and simply being pushy strikes me as something worth trying to stop and I'd just as soon try to stop it in Lebanon or help anybody else trying to do that as wait until we have to stop it in Michigan.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 04:02 pm
Gunga, it never bothers me when Hitler's name is brought up because it gives me a chance to tell the true history. I'm sure you realized Bushie's strong family ties with Hitler. Both his great grandfather and grandfather had 3 business seized by the US Government for Trading with the Enemy, Hitler. This was over a year into the war. They also were involved with arming and funding Hitler's rise to power along with the likes of Henry Ford and the Rockefellers. Poppy Bush carried on the family enterprise of arming and funding known madmen with Saddam and bin Laden. Seems like blowback is very profitable for them. And of course Cheney, Rummy, Wolfie and many others in and around this administration were there to help arm and fund Saddam and bin Laden. These are the American madmen who have got the world into this mess and they also said a new Pearl Harbor would help their cause no end. They got that and the war in Iraq too, built on lies. Their writings say Iran and Syria are next and they fully expect Israel to shoulder a great deal of the burdon. But they've learned in Iraq that submission aint that easy to achieve and Israel is learning that in Lebanon. It's time to put the architects of the Bush Doctrine behind bars once and for all. Life without parole. And it's time for Israel to negotiate a 2 state solution with Hamas, the democratically elected government of Palestine.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 04:04 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Advocate, Pat Buchanan wrote a sensible piece and I posted it. He included the quote about the lottery. The facts are Kytushas against Apachie helicopters, F16s, tanks galore, a strong navy and air force is a gross mismatch....

That being the case, what the hell did these losers start this **** for? Like I say, how many times can a mouse walk up and kick the cat in the balls and expect the world to feel sorry for him because he's simple minded?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 04:05 pm
On our news tonight, 20000 Israeli troops formed in 5 divisions are moving into Lebanon.

Also, Israeli paratroops now fighting in the Beka'a Valley, north-east of Beirut.
This is near the Syrian border.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2006 04:19 pm
McTag wrote:
On our news tonight, 20000 Israeli troops formed in 5 divisions are moving into Lebanon.

Also, Israeli paratroops now fighting in the Beka'a Valley, north-east of Beirut.
This is near the Syrian border.

That's right. The Syrians are either going to get their asses kicked in along with the hezbullies or be seen by the world as standing there with just their dicks in their hands singing "La la la la la la....." while the bullies all get packed off to slammite hell.
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