cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 09:17 pm
You do not know of what you speak. In the first place, our wars in Vietnam and Iraq were started on false information. After you learn this, study about how our government interfered in other country's governments, but especially about our CIA.
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 11:28 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You are absolutely correct. The right somehow feels that the USA cannot do wrong. Wow, how wrong are they.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 11:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Sure , and the US was wrong when we went to war against the Nazis and Japan. We were also wrong when we stood up against the Soviets in the cold war causing the USSR to implode.

I don't know what the hell you are talking about, Cicerone Imposter--the war in Vietnam was started on false information--Are you saying that President Kennedy and President Johnson were warmongers?

Maybe President Truman was a war monger? He sent troops to Korea to stop the North Koreans and China from engulfing South Korea. The presidential historians do not think that Truman was a warmonger--He was, in thier eyes one of the best presidents of the twentieth century.

It is you-Cicerone Imposter-that does not know History!!!
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 11:40 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Y0u are also completely ignorant on "How the US treated the native Americans of this country. The idiotic charges of genocide against the Indians have been shown to be completely overblown or totally false in some cases.

Do some reading!!
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 11:57 pm
What happened to those Indians before they got to Wounded Knee?

Did they stop for ice cream? Did they go to a movie?

What do you mean--the whole subject? Do you have evidence of some kind about the "whole subject"? What is the whole subject? Are you illiterate like Cicerione Imposter? Give some evidence --documentation--

Here is mine---

"The original confrontation at Wounded Knee Creek occurred after Big Foot's band of 120 warriors and 230 women and children gave up fleeing from the authorities that wanted to restrict them to a reservation. The Indians surrendered to the troops of the Seventh Cavalry, but when the soldiers ordered them to disarm,some of the Miniconjou tried to hide the rifles they considered essential to their survival and dignity.

SIX DAYS AFTER THE BATTLE, PRESIDENT BENJAMIN HARRISON ORDERED A FULL COURT OF INQUIRY INTO THE CONDUCT OF THE TROOPS-an amazingly rapid response in view of the remote location of the incident and the slow communications of the times. The court of inquiry cleared the soldiers,noting Major Whiteside's UNCONTRADICTED sworn testimony that the Indians fired at least FIFTY SHOTS before the troops returned the fire.

The respected Historian Robert Utley, in his book. "The Last Days of the Sioux Nation" reached the same conclusions after painstakingly compiling a moment-by-moment account of the incident and its context"

Source for above=-"The Ten Big Lies About America"--Michael Medved.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 12:03 am
Rabel 22 is watching too many Saturday Morning Cartoons. We did not starve the Indians into oblivian( sic). As a matter of fact, as PJ. O"Rourke commented on the Field Museum's Ancient Americas exhibit--

"The exhibit points out that diesase was the chief cause of suffering after European contact. Therefore, horrors that best the ancient Americans after 1492 would have happened if the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria had been manned by Jimmy Carter, the Dalai Lama and Bono."

How apt!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 12:06 am
@cicerone imposter,
Well, there have been some times in our recent History where we have been cruel to our own Citizens. An outstanding example was the placement of many patriotic Japanese Americans in concentration camps when World War II began. But that is entirely explicable since the major hero of the Democratic Party--the already senile and Socialist leaning, FDR,was in charge!!
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 10:55 am
genoves, Are you trying to educate me on the Japanese-Americans before, during, and after WWII? LOL
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 10:59 am
genoves, Surprise! I did read some books on how many Native Americans were treated. A friend of mine who has a mix of Native American blood loaned me one of his books, because he's part Cherokee. Here's another one with the same theme: http://www.texasindians.com/cherokee.htm
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 11:01 am
genoves wrote:
Sure , and the US was wrong when we went to war against the Nazis and Japan. We were also wrong when we stood up against the Soviets in the cold war causing the USSR to implode.

You just proved you are totally ignorant about the cause and effect of wars.

Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 11:33 am
Yes, the USA is far from perfect. It is infact imperfect and getting worse. But its growing imperfections are so far less distructive than those of the Nazis, the Shintoists, the Communists, and the Terrorist Jihadists. The USA has infact done far more to secure freedom for the human race than has any other country in history.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 11:40 am
Okay, show us how from reputable sources?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 11:41 am

The Republican congressional majority 2001 to 2007, and the Democrat congressional majority 2007 to 2009 were the principal causers of the fall of the USA's economy into a recession. Those Republicans are RINOs (i.e., Republicans In Name Only), and CINOs (i.e., Conservative in Name Only). Those Democrats are CALOPs (i.e., Contemporary American Liberals or Progressives) and MALs (i.e., Modern American Liberals).

The CALOPs and MALs are currently in charge of rescuing the USA from past RINO, CINO, CALOP and MAL mistakes. But the CALOPs and MALs are expanding the mistakes previously made in their alleged attempt to rescue the USA's economy from its recession.

The CALOPs and MALs are advocating expansion of illegal give-aways of tax dollars to private individuals and organizations by the previous Congress and President. The CALOPs and MALs are also advocating that the current illegal non-uniform and discriminatory rates of income taxation be expanded. Repeating and expanding the errors of the past (e.g., FDR's errors) to allegedly correct the current consequences of the same errors is insanity, or stupidity, or ignorance or fraud. The CALOPs and MALs are also advocating further limitation of our ability to become independent of foreign oil, instead of advocating expansion of our own drilling for domestic oil.

MAC (i.e., Modern American Conservatism) is one way to stop repetition of these past errors. MAC will greatly reduce the illegal give-aways of tax dollars to private individuals and organizations. MAC will greatly reduce the current illegal non-uniform and discriminatory rates of income taxation. MACs will greatly expand our ability to become independent of foreign oil by removing current limitations on our own domestic drilling for domestic oil.

The job of MACs now is to convince American voters that CALOPs and MALs will take us to far worse than what we are now experiencing or have ever experienced, and to the eventual replacement of our constitutional republic with a socialist or fascist dictatorship--what's the difference. The additional job of MACs is to help elect MAC members to congress and to the presidency. If MACs do that job, CALOP and MAL will be dramatically curtailed in the USA.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 11:54 am
ican, Please answer my question.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 12:45 pm
The USA has helped other nations defeat Nazi, Shinto, Communist, and Terrorist Jihadist agressors against them.


SEARCH ARGUMENT: USA aid to foreign countries


★ | HIV/AIDS - The U.S. government is the world leader in responding to the global pandemic of AIDS and has made the fight against HIV/AIDS a top priority.
★ | FY 2008 Citizens' Report - The Citizens’ Report provides a summary of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) performance for fiscal year 2008.

★ | Global Food Crisis - USAID is responding to the global food insecurity caused by the rapid spike in food prices
★ | The Global Development Commons seeks innovations that enable people around the world to gather data, share knowledge, forge partnerhips, and make better decisions

★ | Somalia Emergency Aid - USAID is working to address emergency needs of conflict-affected populations especially health and food requirements.
★ | Sudan - The US is the largest donor in Sudan, providing $2.6 billion in humanitarian and reconstruction projects since 2005.


Although the United States consistently ranks first or second in absolute amounts of foreign aid, it falls last among industrial countries when aid is measured as a percentage of GNP.


1320. U.S. Foreign Military Aid by Region and Selected Countries
In thousands of dollars (15,870,231 represents $15,870,231,000) except as indicated. For years ending Sept. 30. Military aid data include Military Assistance Program (MAP) grants, foreign military credit sales, International Military Education and Training, and excess defense articles. N.I.S.=New Independent States

0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 01:42 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No, you know very well that the Democratic HERO, the quasi-Socialist, FDR was the one that did that terrible thing. But the left wing won't admit that their hero was the perpetrator!
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 01:44 pm
What in hell does "quasi-socialist" mean? Did FDR turn our country into communism?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 01:47 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Cause and Effect?

I said nothing about cause and effect.

I said that you would prob ably say that the US was wrong when we went to war against the Nazis and Japan. I will repeat-
Sure , and the US was wrong when we went to war against the Nazis and Japan. We were also wrong when we stood up against the Soviets in the cold war.

Now, if you think we were wrong--BE MY GUEST-roll out your evidence. Other wise, Your comment is completely unfounded,as usual.
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 01:49 pm
I did (on cause and effect); and you're also wrong on why we went to war with Japan.

Also our reason to go to war against Nazi Germany (from Wiki):
German landings in the United States
Fritz Joubert Duquesne, FBI file photo.

[edit] Duquesne Spy Ring

Main article: Duquesne Spy Ring

Even before the war, a large Nazi spy ring was found operating in the United States. The Duquesne Spy Ring is still the largest espionage case in United States history that ended in convictions. The 33 German agents that formed the Duquesne spy ring were placed in key jobs in the United States to get information that could be used in the event of war and to carry out acts of sabotage: one person opened a restaurant and used his position to get information from his customers; another person worked on an airline so that he could report allied ships that were crossing the Atlantic Ocean; others in the ring worked as delivery people so that they could deliver secret messages alongside normal messages. The ring was led by Captain Fritz Joubert Duquesne, a colorful South African Boer who spied for Germany in both World Wars and is best known as "The man who killed Kitchener" after he was awarded the Iron Cross for his key role in the sabotage and sinking of HMS Hampshire in 1916.[7] William G. Sebold, a double agent for the United States, was a major factor in the FBI's successful resolution of this case. For nearly two years, Sebold ran a radio station in New York for the ring, giving the FBI valuable information on what Germany was sending to its spies in the United States while also controlling the information that was being transmitted to Germany. On June 29, 1941, the FBI closed in. All 33 spies were arrested, found guilty, and sentenced to serve a total of over 300 years in prison.

[edit] Operation Pastorius

Main article: Operation Pastorius

When the United States entered World War II, Adolf Hitler ordered the remaining German saboteurs to wreak havoc on the country. The responsibility for carrying this out was given to German Intelligence (Abwehr). In June 1942, eight agents were recruited and divided into two teams: the first, commanded by George John Dasch, with Ernest Burger, Heinrich Heinck and Richard Quirin. The second, under the command of Edward Kerling, with Hermann Neubauer, Werner Thiel and Herbert Haupt.

On June 12, 1942, U-Boat U-202 landed Dasch's team with explosives and plans at East Hampton, Long Island, New York.[8] Their mission was to destroy power plants at Niagara Falls and three Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) factories in Illinois, Tennessee and New York. However, Dasch decided to turn himself in to the FBI, providing them with a complete account of the planned mission, which led to the arrest of the complete team.

Kerling's team landed from U-584 at Ponte Vedra Beach (25 miles [40 km] south-east of Jacksonville, Florida), on June 17. They were tasked with laying mines in four areas: the Pennsylvania Railroad in Newark NJ., canal sluices in both St. Louis and Cincinnati, and New York City's water supply pipes. The team made their way to Cincinnati, Ohio and split up, with two going to Chicago, Illinois and the others to New York. However, the Dasch confession led to the arrest of all of the men by July 10.

All eight were tried, convicted by the Military Commission with six men sentenced to death. President Roosevelt approved the sentences. The constitutionality of the military commissions was upheld by the Supreme Court in Ex parte Quirin and six of the eight men were executed by electrocution on August 8. Dasch and Burger were given thirty-year prison sentences. Both were released in 1948 and deported to Germany.[9] Dasch (aka George Davis), who had been a longtime American resident prior to the war, suffered a difficult life in Germany after his return from U.S. custody due to his cooperation with U.S. authorities. As a condition of his deportation, he was not permitted to return to the United States, even though he spent many years writing letters to prominent American authorities (J. Edgar Hoover, President Eisenhower, etc.) requesting permission to return. He eventually fled to Switzerland and wrote a book, titled Eight Spies Against America.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:07 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Gee thanks, Cicerone Imposter- I did not know that the main reason we went to war with Germany was the presence of a large Nazi spy ring in the United States.

How foolish of me. I thought it was because the Congress of the United States decided on MArch 11, 194 1 to pass the Lend-Lease Act which authorized the President to transferany arms or materials to the governm,ent of any country whose defense the President deemed vital to the DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES.

Those Congressmen must have been paranoic to tjhink that Adolf Hitler would try to isolate and then defeat the USA.

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