Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 10:58 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
What do you do about it? The rockets are being fired from launchers deliberately placed in residential neighborhoods where the terrorists know any retaliation will endanger women and children. What do you do?
You keep asking this question. Simple answer, agree to ceasefire and prisoner exchange.

How many cease fires does Israel need to agree to however? They've agreed to cease fires again and again and its still them being shelled and suffering other terrorist attacks from neighboring territories. Israel agrees to a cease fire and Hezbollah wins. Israel doesn't agree to a cease fire and that's just fine with Hezbollah as they can keep pointing to Israel as part of the great Satan.

If I was Israel there is no way in hell I would agree to a cease fire before Hezbollah surrenders or before I have an iron clad guarantee from the UN that they'll take Hezbollah out if the cease fire is not honored.
Just one. Otherwise the logic that to agree a ceasefire is worthless in case its broken is a recipe for perpetual war. And the rockets on N Israel did not start falling until the Israeli airforce started to systematically destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon. I believe the Israelis and the Americans are working to a plan which involves bringing in syria and or Iran. They are not interested in peace, live and let live. A new Middle East beckons, just like a new Iraq did in 2003. Beam me up Scottie.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:05 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
What do you do about it? The rockets are being fired from launchers deliberately placed in residential neighborhoods where the terrorists know any retaliation will endanger women and children. What do you do?
You keep asking this question. Simple answer, agree to ceasefire and prisoner exchange.

How many cease fires does Israel need to agree to however? They've agreed to cease fires again and again and its still them being shelled and suffering other terrorist attacks from neighboring territories. Israel agrees to a cease fire and Hezbollah wins. Israel doesn't agree to a cease fire and that's just fine with Hezbollah as they can keep pointing to Israel as part of the great Satan.

If I was Israel there is no way in hell I would agree to a cease fire before Hezbollah surrenders or before I have an iron clad guarantee from the UN that they'll take Hezbollah out if the cease fire is not honored.
Just one. Otherwise the logic that to agree a ceasefire is worthless in case its broken is a recipe for perpetual war. And the rockets on N Israel did not start falling until the Israeli airforce started to systematically destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon. I believe the Israelis and the Americans are working to a plan which involves bringing in syria and or Iran. They are not interested in peace, live and let live. A new Middle East beckons, just like a new Iraq did in 2003. Beam me up Scottie.

What crap. Appears you've already been "beamed up".
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:08 am
Like it or not, Hezbollah is fact of life in Middle East - a comment in today's Chicago Tribune (page 11)

(By Julie Flint, an ABC News correspondent in Lebanon from 1983 to 1990. She has lived in Lebanon since 1981.)


Hezbollah is not the Palestine Liberation Organization, which could be crushed and sent packing from a country that was not its own. Hezbollah cannot be defeated without exterminating the entire Shiite community. U.S. policy in the area will fail, with disastrous consequences regionwide but especially in Iraq, as long as Washington accepts Israel's caricature of Hezbollah as a bunch of fanatics who "want their own people as human shields ... [and] civilian casualties on both sides."

Wishful thinking must not inform U.S. policy. Hundreds of thousands of Shiites fleeing the war in south Lebanon have reached Beirut with no interference from Hezbollah. The interference has come from Israeli planes shelling them as they flee and strengthening their determination to resist, with their lives if need be. Many families, even non-Hezbollah families, are leaving at least one man behind in the south to fight against Israel. For the moment at least, Hezbollah's support is growing.
For the last 15 years, Hezbollah's Lebanese face has been becoming increasingly moderate--first under the leadership of Abbas Musawi, who ended hostage-taking, despite internal opposition, before being killed by an Israeli helicopter gunship in 1992; then under Nasrallah, who took Hezbollah into the government, despite internal opposition. Today Hezbollah does not seek the establishment of an Islamic state in Lebanon and does not endeavor to impose Islamic morals, even in the predominately Shiite southern suburbs of Beirut.

The party is a complex, broad-based amalgam of many tendencies and cannot be wished, or blasted, away. If the Israel Defense Forces succeed in killing Nasrallah, Hezbollah will splinter and its most radical wing, closest to the caricature, will come to the fore. Then we'll see the petrochemical complexes of Haifa rocketed; then we may see new attacks on Westerners in Lebanon.

What astonishes me most now - or actually: it doesn't really - is the strong support Hezbollah now gets from the Christians.
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:09 am


Hezbollywood? Evidence mounts that Qana collapse and deaths were staged

By Reuven Koret

July 31, 2006

It was to be a perfect Hollywood ending for Hezbollah. Just as the Israeli bombing of the village of Qana in 1996 brought a premature end to Israel's Operation "Grapes of Wrath," so too a sequel of Qana II could change, once and for all, the direction of Israel's current summer blockbuster, "Change of Direction." Ten years ago, world condemnation of an errant Israeli shell that hit a civilian compound forced then-PM Shimon Peres to curtail the offensive against terror bases.

The setting was also perfect: Kana was again being used as a primary site for launching rockets against Israeli cities. The IDF reported that more than 150 rockets had been launched from Qana and its vicinity at Israeli civilians, wreaking destruction in Kiryat Shmona, Maalot, Nahariya and Haifa. It was only a matter of time before the Israeli Air Force would come for a visit, using pinpoint targeting of the sites used to launch rockets, Hezbollah logistical centers and weapon storage facilities.

On the morning of July 30, according to the IDF, the air force came in three waves. In the first, between midnight and one in the morning, there was a strike at or near the building that eventually collapsed. There was a second strike at other targets far from the collapse building several hours later, and a third strike at around 7:30 in the morning. There too the nearest hit was some 460 meters away, according to the IDF. But first reports of a building collapse came only around 8 am.

Thus there was an unexplained 7 to 8 hour gap between the time of the helicopter strike and the building collapse. Brigadier General Amir Eshel, Head of the Air Force Headquarters, in a press briefing, told journalists that "the attack on the structure in the Qana village took place between midnight and one in the morning. The gap between the timing of the collapse of the building and the time of the strike on it is unclear."

Gen. Eshel appeared genuinely mystified by the gap in time. He "I'm saying this very carefully, because at this time I don't have a clue as to what the explanation could be for this gap," he added.

The army's only explanation was that somehow there was unexploded Hezbollah ordnance in the building that only detonated much later.

"It could be that inside the building, things that could eventually cause an explosion were being housed, things that we could not blow up in the attack, and maybe remained there, Brigadier General Eshel said.

Eshel reported that as recently as two days ago, military intelligence reported the building area had been used by the terrorists for storage or firing of weapons. It was a bad place to cram dozens of women and children.

There are other mysteries. The roof of the building was intact. Journalist Ben Wedeman of CNN noted that there was a larger crater next to the building, but observed that the building appeared not to have collapsed as a result of the Israeli strike.

Why would the civilians who had supposedly taken shelter in the basement of the building not leave after the post-midnight attack? They just went back to sleep and had the bad luck to wait for the building to collapse in the morning?

What we do know is that sometime after dawn a call went hour to journalists and rescue workers to come to the scene. And come they did.

While Hezbollah and its apologists have been claiming that civilians could not freely flee the scene due to Israeli destruction of bridges and roads, the journalists and rescue teams from nearby Tyre had no problem getting there.

Lebanese rescue teams did not start evacuating the building until the morning and only after the camera crews came. The absence of a real rescue effort was explained by saying that equipment was lacking. There were no scenes of live or injured people being extracted.

But Israelis steeled to scenes of carnage from Palestinian suicide bombings and Hezbollah rocket attack could not help but notice that these victims did not look like our victims. Their faces were ashen gray. Their limbs appeared to have stiffened, from rigor mortis. Neither were effects that would have resulted from an Israeli attack hours before. These were bodies that looked like they had been dead for days.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:10 am
Seems, they at first killed those children and then brought them to that building. Right?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:17 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Seems, they at first killed those children and then brought them to that building. Right?

The difference is, with Christians or Jews or budhists or anything else including voodooers and rastafarians, you'd be joking; with slammites, they're actually capable of that kind of crap.
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:18 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Seems, they at first killed those children and then brought them to that building. Right?

I don't know but some of my friends had already noticed watching TV reports over the weekend that some of the bodies looked like they'd been dead several days.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:23 am
Brand X wrote:

I don't know but some of my friends had already noticed watching TV reports over the weekend that some of the bodies looked like they'd been dead several days.

Well, I certainly will believe the tv-monitor-autopsy by your friends.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:26 am
Steve 41oo wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
What do you do about it? The rockets are being fired from launchers deliberately placed in residential neighborhoods where the terrorists know any retaliation will endanger women and children. What do you do?
You keep asking this question. Simple answer, agree to ceasefire and prisoner exchange.

How many cease fires does Israel need to agree to however? They've agreed to cease fires again and again and its still them being shelled and suffering other terrorist attacks from neighboring territories. Israel agrees to a cease fire and Hezbollah wins. Israel doesn't agree to a cease fire and that's just fine with Hezbollah as they can keep pointing to Israel as part of the great Satan.

If I was Israel there is no way in hell I would agree to a cease fire before Hezbollah surrenders or before I have an iron clad guarantee from the UN that they'll take Hezbollah out if the cease fire is not honored.
Just one. Otherwise the logic that to agree a ceasefire is worthless in case its broken is a recipe for perpetual war. And the rockets on N Israel did not start falling until the Israeli airforce started to systematically destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon. I believe the Israelis and the Americans are working to a plan which involves bringing in syria and or Iran. They are not interested in peace, live and let live. A new Middle East beckons, just like a new Iraq did in 2003. Beam me up Scottie.

Okay, from my own notes here's the sequence of events as I understand them.

July 12, 2006 - Hezbollah terrorists crossed the Lebanon/Israli border to enter Israel and attack an Isreli army patrol. Three Israeli soldiers are killed and two soldiers are kidnapped. At the same time, Hezbollah fired several rockets into northern Israel.

In the immediatley following days, Israel carried out massive but selective bombing and artillery shelling of Lebanon taking out weapon stockpiles and hitting Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut. Israel demanded that Hezbollah release its two soldiers and cease hositlities.

Hezbollah responded by firing hundreds more rockets and have continued to fire up to 100 or more rockets indiscriminatley into Israeli populated areas ever since.

Israel continues to attempt to seek out and destroy those rocket launchers, the rockets, and/or those using them.

And so it began. And so it has continued.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:36 am
Foxfyre wrote:

And so it began. And so it has continued.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 11:43 am
Well, if Israel doesn't defend itself, the history looks more like:

They bomb us,

They bomb us,

They bomb us,

They bomb us. . . . .

Is that a better alternative? I think Israel has pretty good reason to think that's the way it would go.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 12:04 pm
SierraSong wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Steve 41oo wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
What do you do about it? The rockets are being fired from launchers deliberately placed in residential neighborhoods where the terrorists know any retaliation will endanger women and children. What do you do?
You keep asking this question. Simple answer, agree to ceasefire and prisoner exchange.

How many cease fires does Israel need to agree to however? They've agreed to cease fires again and again and its still them being shelled and suffering other terrorist attacks from neighboring territories. Israel agrees to a cease fire and Hezbollah wins. Israel doesn't agree to a cease fire and that's just fine with Hezbollah as they can keep pointing to Israel as part of the great Satan.

If I was Israel there is no way in hell I would agree to a cease fire before Hezbollah surrenders or before I have an iron clad guarantee from the UN that they'll take Hezbollah out if the cease fire is not honored.
Just one. Otherwise the logic that to agree a ceasefire is worthless in case its broken is a recipe for perpetual war. And the rockets on N Israel did not start falling until the Israeli airforce started to systematically destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon. I believe the Israelis and the Americans are working to a plan which involves bringing in syria and or Iran. They are not interested in peace, live and let live. A new Middle East beckons, just like a new Iraq did in 2003. Beam me up Scottie.

What crap. Appears you've already been "beamed up".
well i might just beam in on you sierra and make you do a little dancing too.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 12:06 pm
Krugman thinks that the Israel is making the same mistakes the USA is making in Iraq. He thinks tht the shock and awe in Lebanon will not work and will serve as a detriment to Israel.

I think that he misses the point: Israel is saying to Lebanon and others that, if you harbor and support terrorists who attack Israel, you will suffer terrific damage. Time will tell whether this will work. I think it has a good chance.

^7/31/06: Shock and Awe


For Americans who care deeply about Israel, one of the truly nightmarish
things about the war in Lebanon has been watching Israel repeat the same
mistakes the United States made in Iraq. It's as if Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert has been possessed by the deranged spirit of Donald Rumsfeld.

Yes, I know that there are big differences in the origins of the two
wars. There's no question of this war having been sold on false
pretenses; unlike America in Iraq, Israel is clearly acting in

But both Clausewitz and Sherman were right: war is both a continuation
of policy by other means, and all hell. It's a terrible mistake to start
a major military operation, regardless of the moral justification,
unless you have very good reason to believe that the action will improve

The most compelling argument against an invasion of Iraq wasn't the
suspicion many of us had, which turned out to be correct, that the
administration's case for war was fraudulent. It was the fact that the
real reason government officials and many pundits wanted a war -- their
belief that if the United States used its military might to "hit
someone" in the Arab world, never mind exactly who, it would shock and
awe Islamic radicals into giving up terrorism -- was, all too obviously,
a childish fantasy.

And the results of going to war on the basis of that fantasy were
predictably disastrous: the fiasco in Iraq has ended up demonstrating
the limits of U.S. power, strengthening radical Islam -- especially
radical Shiites allied with Iran, a group that includes Hezbollah -- and
losing America the moral high ground.

What I never expected was that Israel -- a nation that has unfortunately
had plenty of experience with both war and insurgency -- would be
susceptible to similar fantasies. Yet that's what seems to have happened.

There is a case for a full-scale Israeli ground offensive against
Hezbollah. It may yet come to that, if Israel can't find any other way
to protect itself. There is also a case for restraint -- limited
counterstrikes combined with diplomacy, an effort to get other players
to rein Hezbollah in, with the option of that full-scale offensive
always in the background.

But the actual course Israel has chosen -- a bombing campaign that
clearly isn't crippling Hezbollah, but is destroying Lebanon's
infrastructure and killing lots of civilians -- achieves the worst of
both worlds. Presumably there were people in the Israeli government who
assured the political leadership that a rain of smart bombs would smash
and/or intimidate Hezbollah into submission. Those people should be fired.

Israel's decision to rely on shock and awe rather than either diplomacy
or boots on the ground, like the U.S. decision to order the U.N.
inspectors out and invade Iraq without sufficient troops or a plan to
stabilize the country, is having the opposite of its intended effect.
Hezbollah has acquired heroic status, while Israel has both damaged its
reputation as a regional superpower and made itself a villain in the
eyes of the world.

Complaining that this is unfair does no good, just as repeating "but
Saddam was evil" does nothing to improve the situation in Iraq. What
Israel needs now is a way out of the quagmire. And since Israel doesn't
appear ready to reoccupy southern Lebanon, that means doing what it
should have done from the beginning: try restraint and diplomacy. And
Israel will negotiate from a far weaker position than seemed possible
just three weeks ago.

And what about the role of the United States, which should be trying to
contain the crisis? Our response has been both hapless and malign.

For the moment, U.S. policy seems to be to stall and divert efforts to
negotiate a cease-fire as long as possible, so as to give Israel a
chance to dig its hole even deeper. Also, we aren't talking to Syria,
which might hold the key to resolving the crisis, because President Bush
doesn't believe in talking to bad people, and anyway that's the kind of
thing Bill Clinton did. Did I mention that these people are childish?

Again, Israel has the right to protect itself. If all-out war with
Hezbollah becomes impossible to avoid, so be it. But bombing Lebanon
isn't making Israel more secure.

As this column was going to press, Israel -- responding to the horror at
Qana, where missiles killed dozens of civilians, many of them children --
announced a 48-hour suspension of aerial bombardment. But why resume
that bombardment when the 48 hours are up? The hard truth is that Israel
needs, for its own sake, to stop a bombing campaign that is making its
enemies stronger, not weaker.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 12:21 pm
It's no secret that I consider Doctor Doom and Gloom (Paul Krugman's) take on a lot of things to be wrong. This one is no exception. This would be over today if the other ME countries would gang up on Hezbollah, tell them to return the soldiers and signal they are permanently terminating hostilities. Then, assuming Hezbollah complies, if Israel continued the bombing, gang up on Israel.

Right now, I think Israel holds the moral authority in this conflict, and if they are the first to capitulate, Hezbollah's terrorist tactics come out the victor. Any way I can look at it, that would be a bad thing and a sure recipe for more bloodshed to come.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 12:38 pm
Krugman, who is always almost wrong, predicted a huge depression would surely hit the US by 2006, said:
What Israel
should have done from the beginning: try restraint and diplomacy. And
Israel will negotiate from a far weaker position than seemed possible
just three weeks ago.
end of quote
What the rabid Bush hating acolyte in the far left wing New York Times fails to remember is Bill Jefferson Clinton making "peace" in a photograph which included the rabid killer, Yasser Arafat, from Palestine. His peace efforts were for naught and the Palestian Islamo-Fascist Maniacs continued to board buses in Israel to blow up innocents. But Bill was obviously in a hurry to get back to Monica so he blew off the necessary follow through.

If Hezbollah is not neutralized by a strong UN peace keeping force, the military action will continue even if there is a temporary cease fire. Everyone knows that. The solution to the crisis would seem to have been simple. Hexbollah needed to return the Israeli soldiers they kidnapped but they would not since that would have appeared as a loss of face to them. So now, when the hide their munitions and armoured vehicles right next to places where women and children are living, they obviously have sacrificed their innocents in trade for a propaganda ploy. If that's the way Hezbollah wishes to play the game, then the Israelis must continue to bomb.

I don't think the number of Lebanese killed as yet matches the number murdered by the bombers who regularly invaded Isreal to blow themselves up in crowded markets.

As Charles Krauthammer wrote in a column today.


What other country, when attacked in an unprovoked aggression across a recognized international frontier, is then put on a countdown clock by the world and given a limited time window in which to fight back, regardless of whether it has restored its own security?

What other country sustains 1,500 indiscriminate rocket attacks into its cities - every one designed to kill, maim and terrorize civilians - and is then vilified by the world when it tries to destroy the enemy's infrastructure and strongholds with precision-guided munitions that sometimes have the unintended but unavoidable consequence of collateral civilian death and suffering?

Hearing the world pass judgment on the Israel-Hezbollah war as it unfolds is to live in an Orwellian moral universe. With a few significant exceptions (the leadership of the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and a very few others), the world - governments, the media, UN bureaucrats - has completely lost its moral bearings.

Does anyone imagine that Israel could not have leveled south Lebanon to say nothing of Beirut? Instead,in the bitter fight against Hezbollah in South Lebanon it has repeatedly dropped leaflets, issued warnings, sent messages by radio and even phone to Lebanese villagers to evacuate so that they would not be harmed.

Israel knows that these leaflets and warnings give the Hexbollah fighters time to escape and regroup. The advance notification as to where the next attack is coming has allowed Hezbollah to set up elaborate ambushes. The result? Unexpected high Israeli infantry casualties. MORAL SCRUPULOUSNESS PAID IN BLOOD, ISRAELI SOLDIERS DIE SO THAT LEBANESE CIVILIANS WILL NOT, AND WHO DOES THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY CONDEMN FOR DISREGARDING CIVILIAN LIFE?

End of Quote
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 12:51 pm
Bernard wrote-

Hexbollah needed to return the Israeli soldiers they kidnapped but they would not since that would have appeared as a loss of face to them

That doesn't make sense B. They can only have kidnapped the soldiers for the precise purpose of not handing them back.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 01:01 pm
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Hezballah enjoys a unique advantage for a group engaged in a war:

If people on the other side die, they win.

If people on their side die, they win.

Arguably, the deaths of Lebanese citizens advance Hezballah's goals far far more than any death of Israeli soldier or citizen. Is there really any reason to believe that this radical group is above engineering the deaths of Lebanese citizens and UN observers? This is not to say that they are pulling firing the guns or dropping the bombs that kill these people. They don't need to. All they need to do is insinuate themselves within and around civilian centers and UN outposts and the Israelis will do their dirty work for them.

If Hezballah cared so much for the Lebanese people, they would not be using them as human shields. I suppose it's to be expected, but it is interesting that the Lebanese people don't seem to be blaming Hezballah for bringing down the wrath of the Israelis on their country and their own innocent heads.

Because they cannot be defeated without the loss of innocent Lebanese lives, Israel is supposed to simply endure the Hezballah attacks, and because the number of Israeli citizens killed during this war does not rise to the level of Lebanese casualties, it is of no consequence.

A cease-fire only postpones further bloodshed for another day. A cease-fire is a clear victory for Hezballah. No matter what happens now Israel has yet another black-eye in the view of a large part of the world. A cease-fire at this point means the black-eye and the deaths of its citizens have been for naught. A cease-fire at this point raises Hezballah's stature on many levels. The so-called Arab Street loves them because they have fought the mighty Infidel to a standstill, and the rest of the world recognizes them as some sort of quasi-state.

The only way a cease-fire makes sense is if it is followed by the serious and determined efforts of the rest of the world to assist the LLebanesegovernment is disarming and disbanding Hezballah as required by prior UN resolution.

What is the chance this will happen, and if it is attempted what is the chance that Hezballah will comply without violent resistance? What then, another cease-fire?

Great analysis.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 01:02 pm
You are correct, Spendius, but next time, if there is a next time, the Hezbollah and Lebanon and Syria and Iran will know that the price for such kidnappings will be unacceptable. As the Isrealis said--We will make this very very painful. As of this time, the Isrealis have not as yet destroyed the billion dollar power grid in Beirut. That would set Lebanon back twenty years. And if would be very very painful.

But the Lebanese government will do nothing about the fanatic murdering Islamo-Fascists among them.

That very well may be one of Israels' next moves. The Lebanese government has chosen to ignore the fact that Hezbollah is a terrorist group. Soon, they may reap the whirlwind. I do not doubt for a moment that the Hezbollah( seeking any kind of a propaganda victory they can grab) would not shrink from placing women and children among the power grid infrastructure.

If the Hezbollah had any sense and were guided by reason instead of the insane vision of the return of the Twelvth Imam which will place Islam as the religion for the whole world, they would have known that Israel would not, and indeed, could not, allow the kidnappings without a response.

And they have responded and Parts of Lebanon are in ruins.

When will they learn? Leave Israel alone!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 01:14 pm
As I have been very critical of the heavily anti-Israeli reporting on this conflict, I like to give credit for any brave enough to show the other side. THere is this piece from the Australian Herald Sun (I think an excerpt of this piece was posted by somebody earlier today too):

Photos that damn Hezbollah
by Chris Link

July 30, 2006 12:00am

THIS is the picture that damns Hezbollah. It is one of several, smuggled from behind Lebanon's battle lines, showing that Hezbollah is waging war amid suburbia.


The images, obtained exclusively by the Sunday Herald Sun, show Hezbollah using high-density residential areas as launch pads for rockets and heavy-calibre weapons.

Dressed in civilian clothing so they can quickly disappear, the militants carrying automatic assault rifles and ride in on trucks mounted with cannon.

The photographs, from the Christian area of Wadi Chahrour in the east of Beirut, were taken by a visiting journalist and smuggled out by a friend.

They emerged as:

US President George Bush called for an international force to be sent to Lebanon.

ISRAEL called up another 30,000 reserve troops.

THE UN's humanitarian chief Jan Egeland called for a three-day truce to evacuate civilians and transport food and water into cut-off areas.

US SECRETARY of State Condoleezza Rice returned to the Middle East to push a UN resolution aimed at ending the 18-day war, and:

A PALESTINIAN militant group said it had kidnapped, killed and burned an Israeli settler in the West Bank.

The images include one of a group of men and youths preparing to fire an anti-aircraft gun metres from an apartment block with sheets hanging out on a balcony to dry.

Others show a militant with AK47 rifle guarding no-go zones after Israeli blitzes.

Another depicts the remnants of a Hezbollah Katyusha rocket in the middle of a residential block blown up in an Israeli air attack.

The Melbourne man who smuggled the shots out of Beirut and did not wish to be named said he was less than 400m from the block when it was obliterated.

"Hezbollah came in to launch their rockets, then within minutes the area was blasted by Israeli jets," he said.

"Until the Hezbollah fighters arrived, it had not been touched by the Israelis. Then it was totally devastated.

"It was carnage. Two innocent people died in that incident, but it was so lucky it was not more."

The release of the images comes as Hezbollah faces criticism for allegedly using innocent civilians as "human shields".

Mr Egeland blasted Hezbollah as "cowards" for operating among civilians.

"When I was in Lebanon, in the Hezbollah heartland, I said Hezbollah must stop this cowardly blending in among women and children," he said
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2006 01:36 pm
Are you kidding, Foxfyre? Are you telling me that the savage Islamo-fascist killers who await the coming of the twelfth Imam so that the entire world can be converted to Islam with the restoration of the Caliphate, would be so callous and murderous as to place their guns and equipment KNOWING THAT INNOCENT WOMEN AND CHILDREN WOULD BE KILLED?

Please tell me that is not so. I have searched the Internet to find anything done by Israel which is so devoid of humanity but can find nothing.
0 Replies

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