innocent civilians" justified
Zionism or barbarism: Israeli strategist says "large number of killed innocent civilians" justified
Wednesday, 21 May 2008 11:11
A leading Israeli academic who served on Israel's commission of inquiry into its defeat by Hezbollah in 2006 argues the need for mass killing of innocent civilians to ensure the survival of the State.
When Survival of the Jewish People Is at Stake, There’s No Place for Morals
From Forward, Thu. May 15, 2008, by Yeh
"Clear external and internal dangers threaten the very existence of Israel as a Jewish state.
* the threat of a disastrous conflict with Islamist actors such as Iran
* assimilation
[T]he State of Israel...is endangered...This...requires measures that would be...immoral in other circumstances.
(...There are, of course, limits; nothing can justify initiating genocide. [but] assuring the existence of ...a Jewish State of Israel, should be valued as a top priority.)
...Jewish leaders and organizations should support Turkey and China...
...the use of weapons of mass destruction by Israel would be justified,...large number of killed innocent civilians notwithstanding.
...violating the rights of others should be accepted.
[Defence of Israel] should be given priority over other concerns...ncluding liberal and humanitarian values, support for human rights and democratization.
Yehezkel Dror, is a professor emeritus of political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A recipient of the Israel Prize.
The above is extracted from his article in the US Jewish Daily, Forward May 21, 2008