Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 04:37 pm
The 'embargo' exists because of the suicide bombers and randomly fired rockets. The suicide bombers and randomly fire rockets are not a result of the embargo.

Any nation has the right to protect its people. Hamas has complete independence and would have normal and friendly relations with Israel if it acknowledged Israel's right to exist and chose to be a good neighbor. It has never done that, nor has any other Palestinian government. On the contrary it is on record as intending the extermination and death of Israel.

Egypt and Jordan both decided to make peace with Israel and Israel presents no problem whatsoever to either of those countries. The Israelis have not committed a single hostile act to those who recognize them and allow them to exist in peace.

Israel is tiny with a tiny population. The Arabs have a huge amount of land with a very large population that is growing like crazy. The Arabs could have long ago helped the Palestinians to become self sustaining and prosperous. They didn't. Why? Because they need the Palestinians as victims to justify their hatred of Israel and solicit sympathy from the mushy headed and gullible. Even Egypt and Jordan deny the Palestinians free access to their countries.

To me there is simply no justification for expecting Israel to provide a living to people committed to destroying Israel.

At such time as the Palestinians cease attempting to destroy Israel and the Jewish Israelis, and Israel does not then become a good neighbor to the Palestinians, then I will have serious issues with Israel. Until then, I cannot see that Israel can be faulted for doing what it must to protect its own citizens and property.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 04:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Cicerone imposter , what do you think this article proves? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/24/world/middleeast/24gaza.html?ref=world
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 04:44 pm

I missed the word "not" out of my previous post, which changes the meaning a bit. But you know my sentiments.

I feel mean arguing with Foxy. Some of her points are mutually agreed, but the general argument that "they are firing at us, so we are entitled to respond with maximum force irrespective of whatever or whoever is in the way" is untenable, I would submit.
Untenable to a civilised society, and that is what Israel believes itself to be.

But don't lose sight of the fact that this is not really about Hamas rockets. It's about land, water, and at the moment, the Israeli elections.
old europe
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 04:51 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Again...for the second time....I did not compare Israel to Nazi Germany.

That post was addressed at c.i., and referring to an earlier post (in another thread) by Zippo. Try to keep up.

Foxfyre wrote:
Here is the analogy:

Engliand was attacked, without legitimate provocation, by Nazi Germany. Germany did not have any good intentions of any kind toward the British. The intention was to take England and all it possessed and make it part of Hitler's empire. The Germans didn't mind at all injuring, maiming, or murdering innocent civilians. And they tried very much to do so.


Foxfyre wrote:
England did fight back and, when able to do so, bombed and invaded Germany at great cost of innocent German civilian lives. England's only alternative was to share the fate of Poland, Belgium, Austria, France and possibly the Jews. And that would have been the case if England had chosen to submit rather than fight and also if others had not come to England's defense. Nobody (except possibly McTag) considers England inappropriate or evil in doing what it had to do to defend itself.

Apart from the bombing of civilian areas that caused the Feuersturm in German cities, I would mostly agree with that.

Foxfyre wrote:
Would England have had less provocation to defend itself against Nazi Germany if Germany had been content to simply send over buzz bombs and V-2 Rockets at intervals over a period of decades?

No, I think that would still be enough provocation. After all, we're not talking about terrorists detonating homemade bombs here, but rather about a souvereign country attacking another souvereign country.

Foxfyre wrote:
Would Germans tolerate such a situation now even from people who thought that the German government was being unfair or discriminatory toward them?

I don't think that Germans would tolerate either a souvereign country attacking Germany or a terrorist organisation detonating bombs in Germany. The response, however, would probably be different according to whether the attacker was a state party or a terrorist organisation. For example, I have a hard time imagining Germany invading Britain even if English terrorists were to detonate bombs in German cities.

Foxfyre wrote:
Would they lower their defenses and open their borders and invite the enemy in?

I don't think so. Is there a point to this question?

Foxfyre wrote:
Israel has been attacked, without legitimate provocation, by Palestinians and Palestinian sympathisers over the past 60+ years. Israeli citizens in southern and northern Israel are in constant threat of having a rocket coming down on their heads or being where a sucide bomber has been coerced into blowing himself up. Israeli parents can't feel they can safely send their kids out to play or that they are safe on necessary trips to the market or to work.

While true, the threat is also proportionally very low. That doesn't really improve the situation, and I can understand Israelis wishing to stop the rocket attacks from Gaza. However, it is certainly not a threat on scale with the threat Nazi Germany posed for Britain.

Foxfyre wrote:
Hamas is not attacking Israel to obtain independence. It wants Israel. It wants the Jews dead or gone.

Oh, sure. Likewise did the Rote Armee Fraktion want capitalism to end, and to bomb Germany into submission to their particular worldview. But the fact that a radical terrorist organisation declares something as its goal does by no means lead to the conclusion that they also have the wherewithal to achieve that goal.

Therefore, it only makes sense to use a different approach depending on whether you're dealing with an enemy that threatens your existence with and has the potential of making good on that threat, or whether you're dealing with an extremist organisation with radical propaganda rethoric, but without any means of actually following through on that rethoric.

Foxfyre wrote:
It willingly targets innocent men, women, and children in hopes of injuring, maiming, or murdering them and making life as miserable as it can for the Israelis. It hides its weapons and ammunition intentionally among civilians to ensure that Israel will kill as many civilians as possible should it retaliate. It has been suspected of creating its own casualties when Israel is less successful. And then it parades those before the press to convince the anti-Israel and gullible of Israel's evil.

Sure. Hamas is, for all practical purposes, a terrorist organisation. There's not much to defend about what they are doing.

Foxfyre wrote:
If the USA and a very few others were not sympathetic to and helped Israel, Hamas would prevail.

I think you're engaging in hyperbole here, but I'm open to be convinced otherwise. How would Hamas destroy Israel?

Foxfyre wrote:
But a lot of you seem to think Israel should just take it or open its borders and allow the Palestinians have Israel.

And a lot of you seem to think that Israel should be allowed to kill as many civilians as it wants to without being held accountable for that.


Good. At least we got this exchange of empty rethoric and partisan bluster out of the way.

Foxfyre wrote:
But some think Israel should just take it and not retaliate in any way.

I thought you were claiming that Israel was just defending itself. Are you now changing your argument to say that Israel is retaliating rather than merely acting in self-defense?

It would be helpful to know what you're actually claiming Israel is doing....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 04:53 pm
I have a hard time believing you feel mean, McTag. Is this not the same McTag who has advised me in no uncertain terms that you do not respect me and that you hold me in contempt? Who refused to take that back when offered an opportunity to do so? Who has regularly taken similar shots at me re my intent, beliefs, motives since? I accepted those as your feelings toward me and I haven't attempted to change your mind. You see it as you see it and I can't be responsible for what you think.

But if I take you at face value, I have to believe that you think if the murderer shoots one bullet at an intended victim, the intended victim only has the right to shoot one bullet back. If Hamas is limited to firing random rockets into civilian neighborhoods, then that is what Israel should do too. It doesn't matter one whit that Hamas doesn't care WHO gets killed--theirs or Israels--or that Israel is too ethical to intentionally target innocents. Also you seem to be willing to believe the worst of which Hamas accuses Israel and yet you seem to inadvertently or intentionally communicate that Hamas are the innocents in all of this.

My feeling is that when one party intends to commit cold blooded murder, there is no limit on the force that can be used to take out the murderer or murderers. And that is far more humane than random and intermittant hostility and killings that go on for decade after decade.

If that makes me evil so be it.

Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 05:02 pm
OE I read your response and accept that as your point of view. I do not believe you when you seem to imply that you would not do everything in your power to protect you and your loved ones against anybody who presumed to injure, maim, or murder, and I don't think you would be too particular how you might do that. It is in that fundamental point that we are in the most disagreement at this time.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 05:07 pm
People injure, maim and murder when they have no hope for freedom, and while their innocent family members and friends are killed. That you assume you can live under those same conditions says more about you; total ignorance.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 05:09 pm
Your memory is better than mine. I can't believe this is about me
Is this not the same McTag who has advised me in no uncertain terms that you do not respect me and that you hold me in contempt? Who refused to take that back when offered an opportunity to do so

I can't believe I ever wrote that. It must have been about Bushco and their polices, if it's true. Sorry I was so intemperate. Rude, even.

No, we've never bombed Dublin even when the IRA bombing campaign was at its height.
Somebody wrote somewhere recently that no terrorist or guerilla war was ever solved by military means. Whether that's strictly true or not, I still think Israel's recent actions are stupid, and counterproductive.
They are bound to have radicalised the arab "street" for decades. They make it easy for evil-doers in Teheran or Damascus, or anywhere.
old europe
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 05:13 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
The 'embargo' exists because of the suicide bombers and randomly fired rockets. The suicide bombers and randomly fire rockets are not a result of the embargo.

In this particular case, the rockets seem to be a reaction to Israel's attack on November 4th:


The Israel Security Agency reports a sharp increase in the number of high trajectory weapon attacks, including towards Ashkelon. According to the Israel Security Agency, "this was preceded by an ISA-IDF operation on the evening between November 4th and 5th". Between October 29th and November 6th 48 rockets and 21 mortars were fired from Gaza into Israel.[79] The first of these were fired after the Israeli operation on the Gaza side of the border on the 4th of November to prevent an abduction for which Hamas had dug a tunnel, according to Israeli sources. During this operation, 7 Hamas militia were killed inside Gaza


Foxfyre wrote:
Any nation has the right to protect its people.


Foxfyre wrote:
Hamas has complete independence and would have normal and friendly relations with Israel if it acknowledged Israel's right to exist and chose to be a good neighbor.

That's an ex cathedra statement. I don't see any basis for that.

Foxfyre wrote:
It has never done that, nor has any other Palestinian government. On the contrary it is on record as intending the extermination and death of Israel.

So you are saying that intentions rather than actions should be the basis for "retaliation", as you put it earlier?

Foxfyre wrote:
Egypt and Jordan both decided to make peace with Israel and Israel presents no problem whatsoever to either of those countries. The Israelis have not committed a single hostile act to those who recognize them and allow them to exist in peace.

So has Lebanon. As far as I know, Lebanon has recognized Israel, but that didn't prevent Israel from staging a large-scale military incursion into Lebanon and killing hundreds of Lebanese civilians in the course of that. Israel's record doesn't seem to be quite as pure as the driven snow, I'd say.

Foxfyre wrote:
Israel is tiny with a tiny population. The Arabs have a huge amount of land with a very large population that is growing like crazy. The Arabs could have long ago helped the Palestinians to become self sustaining and prosperous. They didn't. Why? Because they need the Palestinians as victims to justify their hatred of Israel and solicit sympathy from the mushy headed and gullible. Even Egypt and Jordan deny the Palestinians free access to their countries.

That's right. Most Palestinians have ended up being the victims of more powerful states and their political agendas, whether that Egypt or Jordan or Israel. It's a shame.

Foxfyre wrote:
To me there is simply no justification for expecting Israel to provide a living to people committed to destroying Israel.

I agree with that. However, I think we can also agree that

- not all Palestinians are "committed to destroying Israel"
- nobody seems to be asking Israel to "provide a living" for the Palestinians.

Foxfyre wrote:
At such time as the Palestinians cease attempting to destroy Israel and the Jewish Israelis, and Israel does not then become a good neighbor to the Palestinians, then I will have serious issues with Israel.

You seem to change your argument again. You appeared to be arguing that Hamas was determined to destroy Israel. Now you seem to be saying that all Palestinians are attempting to destroy Israel.

I would agree with the earlier, but would disagree with the latter statement.

Foxfyre wrote:
Until then, I cannot see that Israel can be faulted for doing what it must to protect its own citizens and property.

Well, okay. If that is your argument, then you should probably try to make the case why Israel has no other option but has to engage in large-scale military interventions in Gaza that, even when trying to specifically target only Hamas militants, seem to inevitably result in hundreds of civilian victims.

Why do you think Israel has no other option available?
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 05:19 pm
Apology accepted...gratefully even because I actually like you and would like not to have to avoid you.

I will disagree that there is much comparison between the IRA and Hamas. A closer analogy to the IRA and the U.K. would be our own war between the states--whether some would be able to secede and be independent or whether they would be required to remain with the whole. The outcome of our war was quite a bit different than the outcome of yours in that regard--perhaps because all the force that either side could muster was thrown at the other. The North was the better funded and equipped and it prevailed. Had it not then there would be separate nations here instead of one.

Hamas is not part of Israel and has never been. Its purpose is not to be included and accepted by Israel but rather to destroy Israel. It has signaled no desire or intention to permanently live in peace with Israel.

So we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I would like for there to be peace and for nobody be injured, maimed, or killed. I do not believe that will ever be the case as long as one side is committed to the destruction of the other and in such cases, peace is usually achieved by total defeat of the offending party. Overwhelming force is often the quickest and by far the more merciful means of achieving that.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 05:29 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
OE I read your response and accept that as your point of view.

Well, that's something.

Foxfyre wrote:
I do not believe you when you seem to imply that you would not do everything in your power to protect you and your loved ones against anybody who presumed to injure, maim, or murder, and I don't think you would be too particular how you might do that.

I did not imply that. I was not arguing about what I would do, but rather what I would want my government to do if a terrorist organisation threatened me and the citizens of my country.

I think I would want my government to do anything it could do to stop the terrorists, without causing (hundreds of) innocent victims in the course of that.

I'm not saying that constant threat of rocket attacks to the people living in the immediate vicinity of the Gaza Strip doesn't demand a toll - even if the actual number of victims is relatively low. The psychological effects are certainly wearing people down, which is obviously the reason why Hamas uses those Kassam rockets - in spite of the fact that they would never ever be able to reach their goal of destroying Israel merely by randomly firing homemade short-range rockets into Israeli territory.

However, the same is or used to be true for other terrorist groups like ETA, the IRA or the RAF. And yet, government seem to be able to deal with those threats without resorting to large-scale military attacks that cause hundreds of civilian victims.

Foxfyre wrote:
It is in that fundamental point that we are in the most disagreement at this time.

I guess so.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 05:31 pm
McTag wrote:
No, we've never bombed Dublin even when the IRA bombing campaign was at its height.
Somebody wrote somewhere recently that no terrorist or guerilla war was ever solved by military means. Whether that's strictly true or not, I still think Israel's recent actions are stupid, and counterproductive.
They are bound to have radicalised the arab "street" for decades. They make it easy for evil-doers in Teheran or Damascus, or anywhere.

Darn. That's pretty concise, in just one paragraph...
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 05:39 pm
@old europe,
Say again what other practical and workable options, other than counter attacks, do you think Israel has for defending itself from those seeking its destruction?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 07:06 pm
@old europe,
Pretty damn straight forward - only for those who can see it.

You don't get allies by killing innocent people; and you sure in hell don't ever get peace. Some people think "self defense" is an excuse to kill innocent people; that's never true except for extremists.
Reply Wed 21 Jan, 2009 11:32 am
@cicerone imposter,
In WWII, innocent people were killed intentionally by both the "axis" and the "allies." Because the allies in defense of their own innocent people did that, the allies won WWII, and afterward civilized the "axis" nations: Germany and Japan.

Palestinian Arabs have been and are intentionally killing innocent people. Israel in defense of their own innocent people is killing innocent Palestinian Arabs. If they were to continue doing that until they conquer Palestine, they will afterward civilize the Palestinian Arabs.

One cannot avoid killing innocent people when defending one's own innocent people by trying to conquer guilty people. Many of those so-called innocent people killed by the defending people were not actually innocent because they supported the guilty people.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 21 Jan, 2009 11:34 am
Where have you been living the past half century? Isolated in your own world, me thinks. CLUE: The rules covering the world of wars have changed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jan, 2009 11:46 am
@cicerone imposter,
I really don't see that there is any problem. President Obama has said that he will open a dialogue with the Muslim World--'TO THE MUSLIM WORLD, WE SEEK A NEW WAY FORWARD, BASED ON MUTUAL INTEREST AND MUTUAL RESPECT"

He has also said--"...for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now...we will defeat you."

In Damascus, the radical murdering Muslims breathed a sigh of relief knowing that President Barack Hussein Obama would lean hard on those who slaughter innocents(like the Israelis)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Jan, 2009 11:56 am
Not that I am correct, but the only logic, in my mind, to firing those rockets, on an ongoing basis, was to goad Israel to respond, kill civilians, and then the world would finally be willing to let Jews come to their country as a way to resolve the ongoing conflict. In effect, there would have been no Holocaust during WWII, if countries would have accepted the Jews that Germany did not want. To me the message again is, take the Jews or eventually there could be another Holocaust.

It appears to me the Arab world is trying to manipulate the western nations to overcome their historical distaste for a larger Jewish population.

That being said, I also believe that if Israel had gone into Gaza just with soldiers, took a fair amount of casualties, that equaled the Palestinean casualties in Gaza, fewer people would be complaining about Israel's actions, since I believe there is nothing more humiliating to the world at large than to see Israel act like larger nations. Let us be honest - the Diaspora prevented Jews from being "contenders" on the world stage in the Common Era. I believe Israel's actions is changing the songbook, of what was supposed to occur, after the Roman's destroyed the Second Temple. Some people may not like that cognitive dissonance.

Not being alive in WWII, I wonder how the civilized world reacted to the extremely overt atrocities that the Germans committed on Jews, Gypsies, Poles and others at that time in history? Or, was less said, because Germans were dying at the Russian Front in large numbers, so many of our brains sort of felt content with a tit-for-tat mentality?
Reply Wed 21 Jan, 2009 12:19 pm
"trying to manipulate the western nations to overcome their HISTORICAL DISTASTE???for a larger Jewish Population'????


Anti-Semitism lives!!!!'

The world knows that if Adolh Hitler had not swallowed whole the racist idiocies of Alfred Rosenberg, Germany would have been invulnerable in World War II because they would not have caused many of their brilliant German-Jewish scientists to leave.

Foofie had better check to see just how many world leaders are of the Jewish faith--HISTORIAL DISTASTE indeed!!! Perhaps during the Inquisition, five hundred years ago but certainly not now!!!
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 21 Jan, 2009 04:23 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Roughly one-fifth of Israel's 7 million citizens are Arabs. Israeli Arabs enjoy officially full citizenship rights - however, today the Central Election Committee banned Arab political parties from running in next month's parliamentary election.
(This decision does not affect Arab lawmakers in predominantly Jewish parties or in the country's communist party, which has a mixed list of Arab and Jewish candidates. Besides that, Arab lawmaker will challenge the decision in the country's Supreme Court.)

Today, the Israelian Supreme Court revoke the ban of Arabian parties in the election (Haaretz)

Israel's Supreme court overruled on Wednesday a parliamentary panel which had decided to bar Israeli Arab parties from running in next month's parliamentary election.

The court issued its decision in response to an appeal filed by Arab politicians against the ban. A spokesman for the Courts Administration said judges overturned the ban in an unanimous vote Wednesday.

In response to the court decision, Israeli Arab MK Ahmed Tibi said: "We have defeated fascism, but this battle is not quite complete, discrimination has become centralized. We will finish this operation in Israel on the day of elections."
The Central Elections Committee (CEC) last week banned the Arab parties United Arab List-Ta'al and Balad from running in February's parliamentary elections amid accusations of racism from Arab MKs.
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